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The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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October IS, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 153 • •::5* • -J^i • Why the Scotford Tonearm is Different The straig,ht tube of the flute, the oboe or the clarionet ^ives a sweeter, purer tone than the blaring notes of the curving cornet, the trumpet or the trombone. In the straight Scotford Tonearm the sound waves travel in the strai^htest, most direct line possible in a tonearm. The square turn of the Scotford Tonearm offers less resistance to the passing, of the sound waves than is met with around the curving turns of the traditional tonearm design, which imitates the shape of the larger wind instruments, i^norin^ the fact that in a phonograph tonearm there is no air pressure to force the sound around the curves. Upsetting pet theories to the contrary, the straight tube and the square turn of the Scotford Tonearm ^ive tone results of superior quality. The proof is in the playing. None of the overtones are lost in the passage, but the tones are delivered outward in full power and clarity. None of the usual phonographic sharpness and thinness of tones — but rich, warm tones of genuine musical quality. Plays All Makes of Records and in turning the Reproducer from one positon to the other, the needle remains on exactly the same point, at the same and only correct an^le. Get a sample and test the Scotford in comparison with others. Decide for yourself, if you know music — but if you are not sure of your own judgment — call in someone on whose authoritative opinion you may safely rely. The averag,e phonograph man has heard the other kind — the thin metallic tone — so much that nothing else may sound quite rig,ht to him. Remember "The familiar tone is the best-liked tone." He may like his old familiar out-of-tune piano, but in the lan^ua^e of Goldberg this "Doesn't mean anything,." The trained ear would condemn it, and the unprejudiced public will not choose the phonograph of the sharp metallic tone when a comparison is made on the dealer's floor. You May Safely Use the Scotford Tonearm Your cabinets will sell readily and brin^ repeat orders galore if you will build the amplifying chamber to harmonize with the distinctive shape of the tonearm. We are prepared to furnish specifications for building, an inexpensive amplifier which exhaustive tests have shown to ^ive ideal results. We can help you to make yours a phonograph which will ^et the decision in any contest. It Need Not Cost You Anything to Test the Scotford Inventions Samples of the Tonearm and Reproducer will be submitted on the following conditions: If you are not rated, send remittance with order to cover the sample prices stated below, which include postage. We refund the full price if the samples are returned within a reasonable time. If you keep the samples and order a quantity, the sample price will then be readjusted at the rate of your quantity order. Quantity prices will be named to quantity users. We su^^est that orders for samples specify one Tonearm and Reproducer with Mica and one extra Reproducer with Micompo, so as to compare the two diaphragms. State whether Reproducers should have the refeidar "Superior" nameplate or plain feilt face. With MICA Diaphra^ Sample Nickel Scotford Tonearm and Superior Reproducer . $9.25 Sample Nickel Extra Superior Reproducer 5.75 With MICOMPO Diaphragm $8.50— Gold $2.00 Extra 5.00— Gold 1.00 Extra Exclusive Designs for Lar^e Users We have Design Patents pending on several variations of the Scotford Tonearm standard model illustrated above. These new designs are distinctive and artistic in appearance, and afibrd attractive ornamental effects pleasingly in harmony with the best cabinet styles. All embody the patented mechanical and acoustic principles of the regular Scotford Tonearm. Our Die Casting department is prepared to produce the necessary special dies, and we can arrange to manufacture as finished products for the licensed exclusive use of large concerns. Particulars may be had on request Barnhart Brothers & Spindler """""cAGaiL"^^ Makers of Superior Specialties for Phonographs