The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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154 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD October 15, 1920 Inviolable Facts Boiled Down— for the Consumption and Analyzation of the Trade FIRST — That the Repeater-Stop is the only device made which can be set to replay a record a predetermined number of times in combination with a positive automatic stop— it can also be set to replay a record continuously, but this is its insignificant feature. SECOND — The Repeater-Stop was invented in 1913 before anything similar was dreamed of — placed on the market in 1914, but on account of the World War was withheld until last January — during the interim it was being tested, perfected, and improved. It was not offered to the public until pronounced absolutely perfect, in January, 1919. THIRD — That our seven patents are basic and cover all claims of a reversely threaded screw and a track bar adapted to be first raised and then lowered in combination with a stop that is actuated by its downward movement. FOURTH — That every Victor distributor and dealer knows how far his Parent Company would go in protecting their basic patents — that we are ready to furnish anyone identified in the industry an indemnification bond of any size at any time and any place. FIFTH — That these patents are absolutely genuine and that to protect them we have instituted suit against all infringers, in strict accordance with law. Everybody Can Have 'em Price $7.SO Retail On account of our increased facilities and production our price has been reduced — Yes, and during the Holidays they're going to sell like hot-cakes, because they're the only remaining refinement most phonograph owners haven't got and all phonograph owners want. Mr. Dealer, you can cash in this Fall on the big demand for these remarkable little instruments if you handle the REPFATER-STOP — the repeating device that stays sold and brings more customers with every sale. The only device that repeats and stops ! We take this opportunity of urging upon dealers the necessity for placing orders early, as present stocks will be exhausted long before the holiday season. Repeater-Stop 115 S. Dearborn Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS