The talking machine world (July-Dec 1920)

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November 15, 1920 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 133 STIMULATING INTEREST IN MUSIC IN SAN FRANCISCO Musical Season Brings With It Demand for High-Class Records— Columbia Co. Arranges for Appearance of Singers — New Stores Being Opened — Many Stocks Still Low San Francisco, Cal., October 30.— The general business aspect of San Francisco and vicinity is very lively, yet the music dealers report that demand for musical instruments is not up to expectations. The public is buying most conservatively in the expectation of lower prices. It is the hope of many to see a general reduction in all lines following the November elections. On the average there is a good volume of business with the leading phonograph departments, however, so apparently there is no danger of a slump. Stocks are too low as a rule to cause the dealers much apprehension for the future. The demand for high-class records has materially increased in San Francisco as the result of the recent engagement of tl;e Scotti Grand Opera Company. The several record manufacturers have been featuring records by the principal singers of the company, and as most of these singers were unfamiliar to the Pacific Coast music lovers there was naturally a desire to have the records. The demand for popular song records and jazz pieces is still brisk, and the sale of high-class machines is holding up. Instead of being cut, the price of some machines has been raised — the Brunswick, for example. Columbia Co. Will Supply Singers The Columbia Graphophone Co. is carrying on a splendid educational campaign on the Coast in co-operation with Columbia dealers. The company supplies singers to dealers who wish to give tone tests at phonograph concerts and also stage settings and attractive advertising matter. The concert programs are usually arranged by J. Longfeather, who has charge of the recital work of the Columbia company in this territory. Mr. Longfeather is at present traveling about the State in the interest of the Columbia concert bureau. I Andrew C. Love Married The trade is interested to learn this month of the marriage of Andrew C. Love, formerly located with the San Francisco branch of the Columbia Co., and Aliss Hazel Leighton, who was recently connected with the talking machine department of the Fresno store of the Wiley B. Allen Co. Mr. Love is now covering territory in the San Joaquin Valley for the Columbia. "Whispering" Wins Great Favor Here "Whispering," one of the recent song hits published by the sheet music department of Sherman, Clay & Co., has just come out as a Victor record and is having a lively sale in California. The talking machine department of, Sherman, Clay & Co. is normally busy, and the wholesale Victrola department is handling the Coast business j with more facility than for some time. Dealers may hope for normal conditions in regard to Victor merchandise in the near future. I Sees No Reduction in Price The Wiley B. Allen Co. does not expect any price reductions on talking machines this Fall. I'rices have been raised somewhat on Brunswick riiachines and there are rumors that other goods will be advanced a little before the holidays. Alice Verlet to Give Tone Test Recital San Francisco music lovers will have the opportunity early next month to hear sortie fine Fdison tone-test recitals by Mile. Alice Verlet, the well-known soprano from Belgium, whose selections in the Edison records are growing so popular out this way. The first recitals will be under the direction of G. A. Einselen, one of the leading phonograph dealers in the San Francisco Mission district. A Visitor From Honolulu William D. Adams, of the Bergstrom Music Co., Honolulu, is visiting the mainland buying supplies for the company's talking machine department. The concern has a large market for machines among the employes of the sugar plantations. Fred L. Christianer has just been in San Francisco again, this time to arrange for placing Ijis line of "Blue Bird" phonographs in the hew talking machine department of Heine Piano Co. W. F. Anthony, of the Seattle office of the Columbia Graphophone Co., and W. W. Stadin, manager of the Los Angeles branch, visited the Coast headquarters in San Francisco this month. Cremona to Enlarge Plant L. E. Gilham, manager of Cremona Phonograph Co., of Albany, Ore., has made announcement of plans for enlarging the manufacturing plant next year. It is expected that the capacity of the factory will be doubled. . The present output is seventy phonographs daily. The Cremona line is very attractive and the demand for the machines is growing fast. H. C. Russell Opens in Fillmore H. C. Russell, a well-known music dealer of California, has just opened a new establishment at Fillmore. He is featuring the Brunswick phonograph. Before coming to Fillmore Mr. Russell was in the music business at Santa Paula for four years. Promise Twelve-inch Okeh Records The General Phonograph Corp. is to put on the market a complete line of twelve-inch records shortly, says J. M. Abrams, manager of the wholesale and retail talking machine departments of Kohler & Chase. The new records will be used principally for the longer classical selections. The Okeh records enjoy a steady and growing demand on the Coast. The Kohler & Chase Co. have on the floor some new period models of Burnham phonographs. The instrument is in the form of a William-and-Mary table of exquisite design. Various Items of Interest Gus. A. Einselen, Jr., recently celebrated the opening of his new store at Mission and Twenty-second streets. He has added two more salespeople to his force and also has purchased another delivery truck. The store at Mission Well Rated Deal ers Can Discount Their PHONOGRAPH INSTAUMENT CONTRACTS WITH US Thereby Turning Their Accounts INTO WORKING CAPITAL ^|ercat»; COLUTERAL LOANS^ DAVrD REWES DLDG. SAN FRANCISCO and Twenty-ninth streets, where he began business eleven years ago, is being remodeled. With both stores in first-class shape Mr. Einselen expects to be in a position to adequately care for his growing trade in the Victor and Columbia lines. Popularity of the Magnavox Byron Mauzy is making good use of his Magnavox agency. When lending phonographs for public or charitable functions he has found that by supplying also a Magnavox the results are wonderfully satisfactory. Makes Successful Tour of the Trade Horace Hull, who has charge of the Aeolian Vocalion destinies on the Coast, has just beenmaking a tour of his territory in the Northwest for the purpose of placing his line with high-class dealers. N. F. Milner, who was San Francisco manager for the Columbia Co. just before N. J. Wilcox, has returned to this city from a trip to Honolulu. He has not yet actually started on his proposed tour of the world. MODERNOLA The instrument unique MODERNOLA A home delight to Ear and Eye M O D E R N O L A Beauty — Tone — Utility MODERNOLA Satisfaction for dealer and customer Send your orders now for holiday trade. Apply imnmediately for agency. Exclusive Eastern Distributors EASTERN PhONO^jI^APH (bi^poi^ArioN GEO. SEIFFERTF PRESIDENT Office and Showrooms : 101 West 20th Street \ ^ c u a xt v. , 100 West 21st Street j ^'^^^ Avenue, New York Telephone Chelsea 2044