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April 15, 1921
7,300 pes. Mahogany, one side, SOxllV^xVi, S-ply 3,600 pes. Maliogany, one side, 30xl0%x%, 3-ply 3,600 pes. Maliogany, two sides, 13M>xl4i4x%, 5-pIy 3,600 pes. Mahogany, two sides, 19xl6%x%, B-pIy
4,000 pes. Gum 18xl~J/2X%, 3-ply
4,000 pes. Gum ISxliV-xVi, 3-ply
4,000 pes. Gum 9xl6xVj, 5-ply
4,000 PCS. Gum 18xl9J4x%, 5-ply
800 pes. Walnut, one side 30x171^x14, 5-ply
400 pes. Walnut, one side 30xl6%xi4, 3-ply
400 pes. Walnut, two sides 13i4xl4i^x%, 5-ply
400 pes. Walnut, two sides 19xl6i4x%, 5-ply
400 pes. Mahogany, one side. .. .15x15x14, 5-pIy 145 pes. Butt Wal., one side, 12x12x13/16, 5-ply 300 pes. Mahogany, one side, 32xl8i4xi/i, 3-ply
150 pes. Maple, one side 19xl6i4xi4, 3-pIy
500 pes. Jlahogany, one side, 29x16x14, 5-ply 1,000 pes. Mahogany, two sides, 20%xl8x5/16, 5-ply 500 pes. Mahogany, one side, 15V&xl5Vlsxi/4, 5-pIy
1,000 pes. Gum 74x22x%, 3-ply
400 pes. Gum 74xl8xVs, 3-ply
Any or all of the above stock ean be i>urehased at very attractive prices.
Jamestown Panel Company, Inc.
Jamestown, N. Y.
Audience of 2,800 Enjoys Recital Held Under Auspices of Hyatt Co. — Remick Song Shop Expansion — Wax Co. Increases Capital — Some Recent Visitors of Note — Other Items
Portland, Ore., April 9. — The big event of the month among the dealers of Portland was the Edison tone-test recital, which was put on by the Hyatt Talking Machine Co., at the Municipal Auditorium, when Arthur Collins and Byron Harlow appeared before an audience of 3,800 people. The recital proved to be the most successful affair of its kind ever put on in the Pacific Northwest and Mr. Hyatt was congratulated by Mr. Harlow on the big turnout at the recital.
The test was not only a great thing for the Edison phonograph, but it also brought to the notice of many Portland people the existence of the Hyatt Talking Machine Co., which is one of the oldest and largest exclusive phonograph stores in the State. Sales of the Edison ma
With or without your stock
Brooklyn, N. Y. Plant now prepared to accept additional contracts, large or small. Densite Products Mfg. Co., 311-313-315 Ellery St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Cash bargains: 15,000 twelve-inch record albums, 23 cents; 7,500 ten-inch, 19 cents. Immediate delivery. Address Herman Schlacht, 112 East 23rd St., New York City. Phone Gramercy 5699.
WANTED — Salesmen to sell a line of metal nameplates to talking machine dealers and manufacturers. Big profits. No bulky samples. Commission paid on receipt of orders. Can be handled in connection with any line. Write for our proposition to-day. Fogarty Manufacturing Co., Dayton, O.
Beautiful new design in maliogany, oak and walnut. Send for circular. Everett Hunter Mfg. Co., McHenry, 111.
chine have been stimulated since the recital, for with every sale of the official laboratory model the Hyatt Co. has been giving an engraved certificate of authenticity signed by Messrs. Collins and Harlow.
The Remick Song Shop has just completed the installation of three beautiful demonstrating rooms for Columbia Grafonolas, which it handles exclusively. The rooms are 12 by 12 and are well ventilated and Taylor C. White, manager, had an acoustic chamber built in each room, which is an entirely new idea of his own. The color scheme is in soft grays and gold, with white enamel woodwork, making the mahogany Grafonolas stand out to the best advantage. Comfortable upholstered wicker settees and chairs are in each room and small rugs are over a heavy cork flooring. The five rooms which the Remick Shop have had are to be retained for the selling of records.
D. C. Peyton, manager of the Meier & Frank department, reports improved business. Andrew Sherbert, his valuable floor salesman, is going into business for himself and will handle phonograph accessories and Okeh, Gennett and r'.iTierson records.
The Remick Song Shop, on Washington street, was the first to introduce "Siarn^ Soo" to the Portland public. As a consequence traffic in front of the shop was blocked. The Wiley B. Allen Co. and Bush & Lane also presented "Soo" to their customers.
Portland was visited last month by I. C. Ackley, manager of the Coluntbia Co., with headquarters at Seattle, Wash. Other visitors were: W. H. Alfring, vice-president and general manager of the Aeolian Co., New York, and
H. M., Hull, general manager of the San Francisco branch of the company.
One of the prettiest windows in Portland during the Easter season was the main window of Sherman, Clay & Co. The background was a huge white Easter egg, with a Victrola bursting forth and lilies and rabbits artistically attached to it by purple ribbons completed the picture. The window was designed by F. D. Addis, who coined the quotation, "The kind of an egg that will hatch a Victrola."
The M. J. W'ax Co., Inc., has increased its capitalization from $20,000 to $50,000 and has recently opened up a chain of retail stores covering the entire Pacific Coast. It is exporting, jobbing and importing "talkers" and supplies.
Miss Jessie Meighen, well known in the talking machine trade, having been connected with the Hyatt, Columbia and Reed-French stores, was married last month to W. K. Royce, prominent business man of Clackamas, Ore.
Kathleen Kla-wah-na, harpist, appeared as guest artist at the monthly Victrola concert given in the concert hall of Sherman, Clay & Co. She is a native Oregon Indian, and received her musical education in Paris and Eondon. These monthly concerts are under the management of Evelyn McFarland McClusky, head of the educational department.
Soule Bros., who handle the Pathe records, are having a big sale of the new needle-cut Actuelle records.
H. G. Reed, president of the Reed-French Piano Co., is on a business trip to the East.
Two of Portland's music houses are under the necessity of finding new locations. The Wiley B. Allen's store has been leased to others at an annual rental of $26,666, covering a fifteen-year lease. The company has until March 1, 1922, to lind a new location. The other firm is the Hyatt Talking Machine Co., which has until August
I, 1923, when its lease expires.
A very effective folder, in which Victor records are heralded as "Buried Treasures," was recently issued by the Block & Kuhl Co., Peoria, 111., whose Victrola shop is under the capable direction of John D. O'Malley. This little volume contains a list of records which make a wide appeal, and which can be checked and returned to the dealer by the customer. As a means of getting business by mail it is excellent.
Models in All Sizes at a
Big Cut in Prices
.A-l Cabinet Work in Construction and Finish
Large Double Spring Motors and Universal
Tone Arms VKn'/c for Special Prices on Large and Small Quantities
SAMPLES SHOWN New York Furniture ExchanKe APRIL 18lh to 30th Corner Thirty-sixth Street and Seventh Avenue In West Michigan Furniture Co.'s Space
Player-Tone Talking Machine Co.