The talking machine world (Apr-June 1921)

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May 15, 1921 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 139 FROM OUR CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS— (Continued from page 138) liiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH EXCELSIOR PADS The most satisfactory packing material for packing phonographs for shipment. Used to advantage by the largest manufacturers. Send for prices and samples. H. W. SELLE & COMPANY Manufacturers 1000-1016 N. Halsted St, Chicago, 111. BRUNSWICK WINS ON MOTHERS' DAY Great Campaign Conducted in Honor of Mothers' Day, Which Brought Splendid Results to Dealers Who Helped to "Say It With Music" — Some Publicity That Helped Chicago, III., May 11. — Brunswick dealers in Chicago and, in fact, all over the country, are holding an impromptu celebration this morning over the remarkable success of the Mothers' Day campaign which came to such a resultful culmination Sunday. The idea, which originated in the advertising and sales department of the Brunswick Co., was designed to be one of the "concentrated selling plans" which is so essential these days. It was believed that with the growing observance of Mothers' Day and with the remarkable Sunq bij ^onelli Qteverse Smilin' iRrough $1^5 Ad Featuring "Mother o' Mine" appeal that the talking machine possesses for those who desire a gift that can be both practical and expressive of the finest sentiments, an opportunity was presented not only to make an unusual number of sales, but to do it at a time of the year when the market was otherwise very quiet. The love which everyone of us bears for his or her mother is one of those attributes of the human heart that lies closest to divinity. Thus, its appeal from the standpoint of human interest is exceedingly strong. Coupled with this intense appeal is the permanent nature of the phonograph as a gift, which makes it far superior to the customary gift of flowers. Some dealers, however, pursued the thought was not necessary to dispossess the Join This Conspiracy Mothers' Day Club Surprise Your Mother on May 8th-Mothers' Day with a Brunswick Wc have a secret we want to share with you — but we can't publish the details here. We have a wonderful plan for you to use in honouring your Mother on the day that's named for her. We call it our Mothers' Day Club. All the details we explain personally, but not in print. But it's a splendid idea, conceived by Brunswick, and one which you'll appreciate. This part we can tell — on Mothers' Day your Mother will be given a tremendous surprise We. deliver to her a Brunswick Phonograph (Model 112) and a special collection of Brunswick Records, and — but the rest is part of the secret. The Mothers' Day Club makes it easy for you to honor her in this delightful manner. It affords her a permanent reminder, a constant pleasure. Come in at once. and let us tell you the plans personally Never has such an ofifer been made before. The time is short — so come in at once. Your name and address Copy No. 2457 120 hnesx2coIs. News 16179-J One of the Mothers* Day Club Ads place that flowers have in Mothers' Day and believing there is room for both gave a bouquet with every machine sale. In this connection one dealer reported that a bouquet of flowers sent with the machine added the flnal touch and created an entente cordiale between the purchaser and the dealer that would be reflected in the months to come. The Brunswick Co. advised the formation of Mothers' Clubs and suggested that the Brunswick Model 112 he selected as the favorite instrument. This decision was made because Model 112 is said to strike a very happy mean in price and is the most inexpensive of the {Continued on page 140) IN I Period Designs | I like highest grade | I Furniture | I Produced by | New! New! APEX Fibre Needle Cutter Cuts with the grain to the point. Makes the use of fibre needles as cheap as steel. No variation in angle or size of cut. Does nof crush the shell. Small Size — Simple Construction For sale through jobbers and dealers. Retail Price $1.50 Manufactured by W. H. WADE^'*^*^cii?A?o^''®""^ New! New! PatontMl Nov. 2, 1920 ^ thAt 30 chips F can be made ^ a n d 36 records • I played with one J fibre needle.