The talking machine world (Apr-June 1921)

Record Details:

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178 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD May 15, 1921 RECORD BULLETINS/gJ June, 1921 VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. POPULAR SONGS 18746 Somebody's Mother Peerless Quartet I Found a Rose in the Devil's Garden, Sterling Trio 18747 My Mother's Evening Prayer Henry Burr Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, Charles Hart-Elliott Shaw 18748 Rebecca Monroe Silver My Old New Jersey Home Billy Murray 18751 Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms .. American Quartet I'm Missin' Mammy's Kissin'. .Peerless Quartet DANCE RECORDS 18745 I Lost My Heart to You — Medley Fox-trot, Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra Broken Moon — Without You — Medley Fox-trot, Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra 18750 Teach Me — Fox-trot, All Star Trio and Their Orchestra Round the Town — Fox-trot ........ All Star Trio 35708 All for You — Happiness — Medley Fox-trot, Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Moonbeams — Pining — Medley Fox-trot, All Star Trio and Their Orchestra VOC-A.L .\ND INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS 45245 Darling Lambert Murphy Love in Lilac Time Lambert Murphy 18752 On the Campus — March Sousa's Band Bullets and Bayonets — March Sousa's Band 18749 El Relicario (The Charm), Blue and White Marimba Band One-Two-Three-Four — Medley Waltz, Ferera and Franchini RED SEAL RECORDS LucEEZiA BoKi, Soprano — In Italian 88633 Nozze di Figaro — Deh vieni, non tardar? (Marriage of Figaro — Ah, Why Delay So Long. J, Mozart Sophie Braslau, Cotttralto 74681 Same Old, Dear Old Place Bowles-Wilson Enrico Cakuso, Tenor — In Latin 88629 Messe Solennelle^Domine Deus (Praise tor ever to God, the Father) Rossmi Alfred Cortot, Pianist 64956 (a) La Fille aux cheveux de Im (The Girl With Flaxen Hair) • nu'^^fj (b) Menestrels (Minstrels) ^. ■ ■ ;;_-,P_ebu'^y Verdi 10 Giuseppe de Luca, Bantone—In Italian 64957 Don Carlos— O Carlo, ascolta (O, Carlos; Lis ten to My Plea) ;;. Mischa Elman, Viohnist Piano Accompaniment, Arthur Loesser 64958 Last Rose of Summer I, Hans Kindler, Violoncello 74682 Song Without Words (Romance sans Paroles), / -Tw^j ^ a _ V an Goens 1^ Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor—In Italian 74683 Zaza— O mio piccolo tavolo mgombrato (My Desk, Like My Heart, rs Encumbered W.^h^Ca-) (First Victor Records by Erika ilorini Erika Morini, Violinist (Piano Accompaniment, Alice Monni) 74686 Canriccio Valse (Waltz Caprice) ... .Wieniawski 12 'pt^l^E^LPHIA ORcLsXR-A-LeOpold StO 74684 Walkiirs^The Ride of the Valkyries ... Wagner TiTTA RUFFO, Baritone— In^ 87325 Andrea Chenier-Son sessant anni CSixty \ear= Hast Thou Served Them) ...Uiordano Ernestine Schumann-Heink, Contralto 87326 Sometime We'll Understan^d,^^^j.^^_^^^^^^^^^^ COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO. 79518 A3380 79457 79155 A6182 A3392 A3394 A3390 A3391 A3393 A6183 E7072 A3389 A3386 A3385 SYMPHONY RECORDS Love Sends a Little Gift of Ro-^^enPale Moon (An Indian Love Song^-Tenor^solo. My Little Home on the HiU-Ten^or^solo,^^^^^^ Canto Amorosc^Violin solo..Duci de Kerekjarto ^^J^C^o ^.^^-."^P^o ^CS Hearts and Flowers— Key of G > ,t,„-t„ Cincinnati Symphony Orche:>tra Under the Direction of Eugen "isaye Love in Idleness (Serenade)— Key of ";. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Under the Direction of Eugen Ysaye POPULAR HITS Make Believe Nora Bayes, Comedienne Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, j „„„ ' Nora Bayes, Comedienne Mary and John— Tenor solo Edwin Smalle Nobody's Rose— Tenor solo Edwin Smalle I'm Gonna Jazz My Way Right Straight Thru Paradise... Mary Stafford and Her Jazz Band Down Where They Play the Blues, Mary Stafford and Her Jazz Band DANCE RECORDS Nestle in Your Daddy's Arms---Fox-trot, Art Hickman s Orchestra I Spoiled You— Fox-trot, , ^ . , Art Hickman s Orchestra Mazie— Intro. : "You Can't Go Away"— Medley Fox-trot Yerkes' Jazarimba Orchestra Two Sweet Lips — Intro.: "April Showers Bring May Flowers" — Medley Fox-trot, Yerkes' Jazarimba Orchestra Over the Hill — Intro.: "'Sweethearts" — Song Waltz The Metropolitan Dance Players Dreamy Hawaii — Intro.: "A Thorn in My Heart"— Medley Waltz, The Metropolitan Dance Players NOVELTY RECORD Tropical Dance No. 4 Haytian Orchestra Conducted by Justin Elie Voodoo Scenes (Priestess Dance), Haytian Orchestra Conducted by Justin Elie Bright Eyes — Xylophone solo Jess Libonati Underneath Hawaiian Skies — Xylophone solo, Jess Libonati NEGRO SPIRITUALS Put on De Goldc-n Sword, Harry C. Browne and Male Quartet Get Yo' Ticket — Baritone solo. Harry C. Browne FAMILIAR HYMNS Rescue the Perishing — Tenor solo... Henry Burr Sweet Hour of Prayer — Tenor solo.. Henry Burr 12 THE MID-MONTH LIST SYMPHONY RECORD A3381 Turkey in the Straw — Piano solo. Percy Grainger The (jum-Suckers' March — ^Piano solo, Percy Grainger DANCE RECORDS A3387 Siren of a Southern Sea — Fox-trot, Art Hickman's Orchestra Day Dreams — Fox-trot, Art Hickman's Orchestra A3383 Toddle — Fox-trot Paul Biese Trio Beela Boola — Song One-step. .. .Paul Biese Trio A3384 I Lost You — Fox-trot The Happy Six Yokohama Lullaby — Intro.: "Kentucky" — Medley Fox -trot The Happy Six A3382 Scandinavia (Sing Dose Song and Make Dose Music) Al Jolson, (ijmedian Funeral Blues (Eat Custard and You'll Never Break a Tooth) . . . Blossom Seeley, Comedienne A3388 I Used to Love You, But It's All Over Now, Frank Crumit, Comedian No Wonder I'm Blue.. Frank Crumit, <I)omedian A3357 Just We Two — Tenor solo Howard Marsh Rose of Athlone — Tenor solo. .. .Howard Marsh 52008 52009 30124 30123 52010 30125 24015 14172 I 14174 I 14179 14180 14169 AEOLIAN CO. OPERATIC SELECTIONS Carmen (Bizet) (Toreador Song) — Baritone, in Italian; Vocalion Orch. accomp., Giacomo Rimini Faust — Air des Bijoux (CJounod) (Jewel Song) — Soprano, in French; Vocalion Orch. accomp., Evelyn Scotney Carmen — Sequidilla (Near the walls of Seville) (Bizet) — Contralto, in French; Vocalion Orch. accomp Mme. Marguerite D'Alvarez -STANDARD SELECTIONS Santa Lucia Lontana (Neopolitan Folk Song) — Tenor, in Italian; Vocalion Orch. accomp., Giulio Crimi Danny Deever (Kipling-Damrosch) — Baritone, Vocalion Orch. accomp., John Charles Thomas INSTRUMENTAL SELECTIONS Serenade (Drigo) — Violin, Piano accomp., Sasha Culbertson Star of Eve (Wagner) — 'Cello, Piano accomp., Maurice Dambois Minuet (Boccherini) — 'Cello, Piano accomp., Maurice Dambois H-A.WAIIAN SELECTIONS Hawaiian Blues (Motzan-Jerome), Ferera-Franchini-Green Naughty Hawaii (Breau-Alma-Sanders) , Ferera-Franchini-Green SACRED SELECTIONS I Need Thee Every Hour (Hawkes-Lowry) — Orch. accomp Reed Miller-Charles Hart Hymn Medley: "Come Thou Almighty King," "Abide With Me," "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" (Arr. by R. H. Bowers) — Orch. accomp Shannon Four POPULAR SELECTIONS Was Born in Michigan (Gerber-Franklin) — Orch. accomp Aileen Stanley I'm Nobody's Baby (Davis-Ager-Santly) — Orch. accomp Aileen Stanley When the Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall (Fleeson-Von Tilzer) — Orch. accomp.. New Stellar Quartet The Last Little Mile Is the Longest (YoimgLewis-Donaldson) — Orch. accomp. . Elliot Shaw Lost My Heart to the Meanest Girl in Town (MacBoyle-Kortlander) — Orch, accomp., Harmonizer's Quartet I Like to Do It (Berlin) — Orch. accomp., Ernest Hare-Billy Jones Held Fast in Baby's Hands (Ray Perkins) — Orch. accomp Charles Harrison Somebodj-'s Mother (Sterling-Von Tilzer) — Orch. accomp Crescent Trio I Ain't Afraid (Al Bernard) — Orch. accomp., Ernest Hare Down Yonder (Wolfe-Gilbert) — Orch. accomp., Ernest Hare DANCE SELECTIONS Snuggle (Close to My Heart) (Spencer) — Foxtrot Van Eps Quartet Moonbeams (PriceStept) — Fox-trot, Van Eps Quartet I Call You Sunshine (Silvers-Gershwin) — Intro.: "Yan-kee" — One-step Merry Melody Men In the Devil's Garden (Fred Fischer) — Fox-trot, Merry Melody Men Tea Leaves (Whiting) — Toddle Fox-trot, Selvin's Dance Orchestra I'll Keep on Loving You (Coburn-Rose) — Foxtrot Al Jockers' Dance Orchestra Daisy Days (Kahn-Blaufuss-Cooke) — Fox-trot, Selvin's Dance Orchestra Paper Doll (Lee David) — Fox-trot, Selvin's Dance Orchestra Crooning (Caeser-Perkins) — Intro.: "Love Me," from "It's Up to You" — Fox-trot, The Swanee Melodists Pucker Up and Whistle (VincentFranklyn) — Intro, r "'Till the Clouds Roll By" — Fox-trot, The Swanee Melodists Make Believe (Shilkert) — Fox-trot, Selvin's Dance Orchestra Wild Rose, from "Sally" (Kern) — Intro.: "Buggy Riding," from "Hitchy-Koo" — Fox-trot, Selvin's Dance Orchestra 12 10 10 10 82215 82216 82217 EDISON RE=CREATIONS Roses of Picardy (Wood) — Violin. . .Albert Spalding Old Folks at Home (Foster-Zimbalist) — Violin, Albert Spalding Mia piccirella (My Little Girl) — Salvator Rosa (Gomez) — Soprano, in Italian Claudia Muzio In mezzo al mare (On the Sea) (De Luca) — Baritone, in Italian Mario Laurenti L' amero, saro cosante (I Love Him and Will Be Faithful)— II Re Pastore (Mozart)— Soprano, in Italian, with violin obbligato. Alice Verlet-Mary Zentay Hear Me! Ye Winds and Waves! — Scipio; Recitative from "Julius Caesar" (Handel, Arr. by A. L.) Arthur Middleton Der Freischiitz Overture — Part I (Von Weber), American Symphony Orchestra Der Freischiitz Overture — Part II (Von Weber), American Symphony Ordiestra 80611 Old Fireside (Towner)— Baritone, Thomas Chalmers and Mixed Chorus Jesus Is Mine (Perkins) — Mixed voices. Metropolitan Quartet 80612 Will You Love Me When I'm Old? (Ford) — "Soprano Elizabeth Spencer and Mixed Chorus Song That Reached My Heart, "Home, Sweet Home" (Jordan) — Tenor Lewis James 80614 La Cinquantaine (Gabriel-Marie) — Violoncello, Maurice Marechal Chants Russes — Lento — Concerto Op. 29 (Lalo) — ■ Violoncello Maurice Marechal 80615 Hindoo Chant — Sadko (Rimsky-Korsakow-Kreis ler) — Violin Marta de la Torre Bygone Days (Ach neni tu neni) (Friml) — Violin Marta de la Torre 80616 In Sunny Switzerland (Yodel Song) — Tenor and soprano. .. .Fritz Zimmermann-Marcelle Grandville Tyrolese Love Song (Muellocker-Berger) — Harpzither ; •. Kitty Berger ^0718 June 14th March (Sehzer) Conway's Band Biddy (Zamecnik) New York Military Band 50719 Uncle Josh and the Soldier (Stewart)— Rural story Cal Stewart Dinnie Donohue on Prohibition — Irish monologue, William Cahill EDISON RE-CREATIONS— "BITS OF BROADWAY" 50771 I31ue Jeans (Traveller) — Male voices. Premier Quartet Hey, Paw: (Shrigley) — Male voices. Premier Quartet 50772 Just Wanting You (Zamecnik) — Fox-trot, for dancing Orlando's Orchestra Kiss a Miss (De VoU-Yellen-Baron-Olman) — Intro. : "Moonlight in Mandalay" — Medley Waltz, for dancing. .Green Brothers' Novelty Band 50773 Wandering Home (Case-Stevens) — Soprano and contralto Homestead Trio Somebody's Mother (H. Von Tilzer) — Male voices. Crescent Trio 50774 Tea Leaves (EgarL;Whiting) — Fox-trot, for danc ing Max Fells' Delia Robbia Orchestra Would You? (Sterling-McConnell) — Fox-trot, for dancing Orlando's Orchestra 50775 Nobody's Rose (Fried-White)— Tenor, George Wilton Ballard and Female Chorus I'm Missin' Mammy's Kissin' (Pollack) — Tenor, Vernon Dalhart 50776 Someone Else (J. & H. Rosey-Donaldson) — In tro.: "Oh! My Sweet Hortense" — Medley Foxtrot, for dancing, Max Fells' Delia Robbia Orchestra Moonbeams (Price-Stept) — Fox-trot, for dancing, Green Brothers' Novelty Band EDISON "TIMELY" RE-CREATIONS 50729 No Wonder I'm Blue (Ahlert) Ernest Hare She Walks in Her Husband's Sleep (H. Von Tilzer) Aileen Stanley 50733 Why Don't You? — Afgar (Tierney) — Fox-trot, for dancing Lenzberg's Riverside Orchestra Good as Gold (Kendis-Brockman-Hoff man-Sherman)— Waltz, for dancing, Max Fells' Delia Robbia Orchestra 50734 Good-Bye — Lady Billy (Levey) — Soprano and tenor Elizabeth Spencer-Lewis James There's a Vacant Chair at Home, Sweet Home (When the World Goes Back on You) (Hanley) — Soprano Margaret A. Freer 50735 Satisfied (Briers) Al Bernard-Ernest Hare Read 'Em and Weep (Haenschen) Al Bernard 50736 Where-Is-My-Daddy-Now Blues (Motzan-Olman), Aileen Stanley Play Me a Dixie Melody (Rose) Al Bernard EDISON AMBEROL RECORDS SPECIALS 4242 Bright Eyes (Motzan-Jerome)— Fox-trot, for dancing Orlando's Orchestra 4243 Mazie (Gold-Dawson-Caine) — Fox-trot, for danc ing Orlando's Orchestra 5244 Sally (Kern) — Medley Fox-trot, for danCing, Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra 4245 Humming (Breau -Henderson) — Fox-trot, for dancing Orlando's Orchsetra 4246 Do You Ever Think of Me? (Burtnett) — Fox trof, for dancing. Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra ROYAL PURPLE RECORDS 29076 By the Waters of Minnetonka (Lieurance) ; and Lullaby (Lieurance) — Soprano, piano accomp. by Coenraad V. Bos Frieda Hempel 29077 Nina (Pefgolesi) — Baritone, in Italian; Orch. accomp Mario Laurenti REGULAR LIST 4247 Na-Jo (Wiedoeft-Holliday) — Fox-trot, for danc ing Max Fells' Delia Robbia Orchestra 4248 Strut, Miss Lizzie (Creamer-Layton) — Orch. accomp Al Bernard 4249 Little (Crumbs of Happiness (Ball) — Tenor, Orch. accomp Lewis James 4250 The Debutante — Caprice Brillante (Clarke) — Trurhpet, Orch. accomp Edna White 4251 Rebecca (Came Back From Mecca) (Kalraar Ruby) — Tenor, Orch. accomp Jim Doherty 4252 I Never Knew — Medley Fox-trot, for dancing. Max Fells' Delia Robbia Orchestra 4253 Will You Love Me When I'm Old? (Ford) — Soprano, Orch. accomp., Elizabeth Spencer and Mixed Chorus 4254 Dew Drop (Bernard-Briers) — Orch. accomp., Al Bernard-Frank M. Kamplain 4255 Arabia (G. H. Green)— One-step, for dancing, Green Brothers' Novelty Band 4256 There's a Little Bit of Irish in Us All (Hand man) — Orch. accomp Aileen Stanley 4257 Mother of Pearl (Ball) — Tenor, Orch. accomp., George Wilton Ballard 4258 Honey (Ager) — Orch. accomp Olive Briscoe 4259 Danse Arlequin (Morley) — Banjo. . Shirley Spaulding 4260 Way Down Barcelona Way (Diddle-de-um-te dum) (Jentas) — Orch. accomp. .. .Fred Hillebrand 4261 Honey Babe (De Leath) — Male voices. Criterion Quartet 4262 Light of the World Is Jesus (Bliss) — Mixed voices, Orch. accomp Metropolitan Quartet 4263 Tune 14th March (Seltzer) Conway's Band FRENCH RECORDS 27202 Ainions-nous (Let Us Love) (Saint-Saens) — Baritone, Orch. accomp Torcom Bezazian 27203 Si Vous L'Aviez Compris! (Had You But Known) (Denza) — Baritone, Orch. accomp., Torcom Bezazian