The talking machine world (Apr-June 1921)

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June IS, 1921 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 119 eaier:)ervice Model Grafonola Shop in Kansas City Branch $250,000 More Spent for Columbia Dealers A quarter of a million dollars has already been invested by Columbia in building and installing thirteen complete and full-sized Model Grafonola Shops in Columbia's branches in thirteen different cities. Eventually every Columbia Branch will have such a full-sized Model Grafonola Shop. All Columbia Dealers are invited to visit and use to their advantage the thirteen existing Model Shops installed entirely for their benefit. These shops will not bring a single dollar's return to Columbia, except as they assist Dealers to sell more Grafonolas and Columbia Records. They are simply idea shops, based upon the actual experiences of many successful Columbia Dealers in retail selling from day to day. Each one is managed by a Dealer Service Specialist, trained and waiting to help Columbia Dealers in their retail problems. Take your problems to Columbia for help — and if you are interested in finding out in just what surroundings and with what equipment Columbia Grafonolas and Records are best and easiest sold, ask your Columbia Branch for the booklet describing the new "ColVan Grafonola Shop Equipment Service," prepared especially for Columbia Dealers by a leading equipment manufacturer, and reserved exclusively for Columbia Dealers' use. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York