The talking machine world (July-Dec 1922)

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7$ THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD September 15, 1922 THE TRADE IN BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND— (Continued from page 69) the swimming contest Miss Frances E. Bahr, of Bahr's Music Store, at Quincy, was the winner over seven male contestants, and in the greased pillow contest John Mahoney, of Steinert's, and Roddy A. Mclnnes, of Houghton & Dutton's; Chris Gormley, of Henderson's, and John Baldelli, of Steinert's, provided great amusement. In the tub race the contestants were Mahoney, Gormley, Miss Bahr, Baldelli and Harris G. Monroe, of Monroe's Music Store, at Orange. Monroe was the only one to paddle the course. Some of the finest diving of the afternoon was that by Miss Bahr, who is an especially graceful figure in all sorts of water sports, and Charlie Von Euw, of Steinert's. In the tug-of-war, captained on the one side by Baldelli, with Mahoney as anchor, and by Mclnnis as captain, with Jack Elliott, of Shepard's, as anchor on the other team, the former won. The ball game was between the boys at Steinert's, captained by Von Euw, and the Eastern, captained by Waldron, and might have been a longer one if Dodge and Reed hadn't got tired of umpiring. As it was, the Eastern team was the winner. Never mind the score. Then came the dinner, served in Pemberton Inn. It was one of the best that could be provided and was a shore one in every sense. There was one large table, at which the heads of the three jobbing houses entertained Mr. Delano, who, upon his appearance, was greeted with a round of applause. For the dancing Bert Lowe's Orchestra furnished the music and it is of more than ordinary interest that many of the dealers who heard this orchestra for the first time declared it to be of such quality as to warrant it being included in a Victor catalog, that its members should be counted among Victor artists. Toward the end of the dinner Mr. Delano was called upon for a few words. He thanked the class for their constant interest during the sessions and expressed his gratification at being able to conduct so intelligent a body of men and women. Subsequently Walter Gillis, a Victor dealer, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Delano for what he had done for the dealers here in New England and to the several local Victor jobbers for providing so enjoyable an entertainment. At the final session of the class Mr. Delano was presented with a handsome gold pocket knife and a platinum chain. Those attending the class who came from a distance and who could not go back and forth daily were housed at the Hotel Bellevue, where everything was done to make their stay in town a pleasant one. There was a special word of appreciation to the Steinert house for its courtesy in opening Steinert Hall for the sessions of the class. Mr. Reed, as chairman of the general committee, had a very busy week, but there was seemingly nothing overlooked to make the whole affair a splendid success. Members of the Salesmanship Class Mrs. Grace E. Stiles, Apollo Music Co., Boston; Ralph M. Avery, Avery Furniture Co., Framingham, Mass.; Mildred Emerson, W. H. Avery, Concord, N. H.; Beatrice B. Bahr, Frances E. Bahr, Helen S. Bahr, Bahr Music C°-> Quincy, Mass.; Cora Barite, Barite Talking Machine Co., Boston; Helen E-gan, Barney's Music Store, Newport, R. I.; Anna Quinn, Barton Co., Manchester, N. H.; Philip Lewis, H. W. Berry Co., Cambridge, Mass.; Marguerite Kimball, Leola Handley, Bon Marche Co., Lowell, Mass.; Maude Marion Jackson, J. E. Bostock Co., Taunton, Mass.; Chester E. Clarkson, Clarkson Furniture Co., Waltham, Mass.; Gertrude Hazen, Stephen S. Bruin, Oliver Ditson Co., Boston; E. Gertrude Briggs, Flint Adaskin Co., Providence, R. I.; Catherine Walsh, Walter J. Gillis Co., Boston; F. T. White, C. C. Harvey Co., Boston; Claire Leduke, J. Heidner & Son* Springfield, Mass.; Edna Neumann, J. Heidner & Son, Holyoke, Mass.j Christopher A. Gormley, Henderson's, Boston; Roy L. Hunt, Roy L. Hunt, Medfield, Mass.; Gertrude Swift, Henderson's, Boston'; Philip Cohen, A. Hirshberg & Sons, E. Boston; Paul E. Humez, M. L. Howard, Cambridge, Mass.; Emma G. Purinton, Frank B. Howard, Rutland, Vt; Alice Gray, Mrs. B. H. Macintosh, A. M. Hume Co., Boston; Frederick D. McGinn, Iver-Johnson Co., Boston; G. W. S. Ide, G. W. S. Ide, Reading, Mass.; Harriette A. Knowles, Jordan Marsh Co., Boston; Charles Dolinsky, Kaplan Brothers, Fall River, Mass.; Adelaide I. Chesley, John Z. Kelley, Lynn, Mass.; Doris G. Steady, George L. Kerr, Elmiro DeGabbis, George L. Kerr, Franklin, Mass.; Amelia Silvia, Kahn's Music Co., Middleboro, Mass.; Ellen Hortense Hubbard, Lefavour's Music House, Salem, Mass.; D. Levenson, Jr., D. Levenson, E. Boston; Mildred Gertrude Galligan, Lilly Co., Stoughton, Mass.; Daisy M. Pirie, Littlefield Piano Co., Barre, Vt.; Mr. Manganaro, G. DeBizzozera, Paul Bouchard, Manganaro Music Co., Quincy, PHONOGRAPH AND PIANO ACCESSORIES Manufacturers LANSING KHAKI COVERS The Pioneer Moving Cover SLIP AND RUBBER COVERS FOR PHONOGRAPHS AND PIANOS Distributors Bradley and Plymouth Portable Machines All-in-One Reproducers Nyacco Record Albums Universal Fixtures Victrolene Polish Jones Motrolas Hall Fiber Needles Steel Needles Sapphires Piano Benches Piano Stools Piano Chairs Piano Scarfs Player Benches Music Cabinets Lesley's Patching Outfits The Electora for the Player Piano TRY OUR SERVICE! 170 Harrison Avenue BOSTON, 11, MASS.