The talking machine world (July-Dec 1922)

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82 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD September 15, 1922 II ^ f FY'Q GRAPHITE PHONO a J SPRING LUBRICANT Ilsley's Lubricant makes the Motor make good Is prepared In the proper consistency, will not run out, dry up, or become sticky or rancid. Remain* In lta original form Indefinitely. Put up in 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50-pound cans for dealers This lubricant is also put up in 4-ounce cans to retail at 25 cents each under the trade name of FITRFKA noiseless talking lj^Kljim MACHINE LUBRICANT Write for special proposition to jobbers ILSLEY-DOUBLEDAY & CO., 229-231 Front St., NewYork PAUL SPECHT SIGNS WITH COLUMBIA Paul Specht's Famous Orchestra Arranges to Record Exclusively for Columbia Co. The Columbia Graphophone Co. announced last week that arrangements had been completed whereby Paul Specht and his orchestra, known as Paul Specht's Society Serenaders, would record exclusively for the Columbia library. The first records of this well-known organization will be issued in the October list and will consist of "Silver Stars" and "In Rose Time." This announcement by the Columbia Co. will Paul Specht is an accomplished musician, and studied music under the capable guidance of his father, Prof. Chas. G. Specht, a well-known violinist, and one of the best-known organists and band leaders of his day. He also studied piano, violin and counterpoint at Coomb's Conservatory at Philadelphia, thereby gaining an invaluable musical education. Paul Specht organized the "American Collegians" orchestra that toured the entire West with remarkable success, and shortly afterward appeared with his orchestra at the Alamac Hotel in Atlantic City. His success at this wellknown hostelry was instantaneous and he was next engaged to supply the dance music for the Hotel Addison at De shortly for another tour of the Keith circuit, this organization having already appeared as a headliner on the big-time circuit, and winning an ovation at every performance. FINAL EXCISE TAX REPORT Music Industry Paid Nearly $5,000,000 During Last Half Year That Tax Was in Force Washington, D. C, September 5. — Although in force only during the first half of the fiscal year, which ended June 30 last, nearly $5,000, 000 were collected from the tax on pianos, organs and other musical instruments, according to figures which have just been made public by Commissioner of Internal Revenue David H. Blair. Collections for the period from July 1 to December 31, 1921, totaled $4,951,752, it is stated, while for the entire fiscal year 1921 they had amounted to $11,568,034, indicating that the musical instrument business had held up wonderfully during the months of general trade depression. NEW STORE AT ATLANTIC CITY Luigi A. Ferrari, the well-known musician of Atlantic City, N. J., has opened a new music store at 3902 Ventnor avenue, that city, where he handles a complete line of pianos, playerpianos, Victrolas and small musical instruments. The Piatt Music Co., of Los Angeles, Cal., has purchased the music business formerly conducted by the Whightman Music Co., 334 Fine avenue, Long Reach, Cal. Paul Specht's Famous Orchestra Now Recording for Columbia Co. undoubtedly be received with enthusiasm by Columbia dealers from coast to coast, as Paul Specht and his orchestra represent one of the most successful and popular dance organizations in the country. Paul Specht has attained national renown as a leader in the individual interpretation of modern dance music and is the originator of the expression "Rhythmized Symphonic Syncopation." His organization has made a specially of providing the popular dance hits with a unique and distinctive tone shading that has been a paramount factor in the success of the orchestra. troit. In that city his orchestra soon became a by-word for the best dance music obtainable, and when he severed his connections at the Hotel Addison Mr. Specht was the guest of honor at a banquet which was attended by practically all of the leading musicians in Detroit. After leaving Detroit Paul Specht's Society Serenaders were engaged for the Hotel Astor roof dances, where the orchestra is now appearing. Under his capable direction his orchestra has attained a foremost position in New York's amusement circles, and the Hotel Astor roof is crowded nightly with dance enthusiasts who appreciate and recognize the distinctive playing of Paul Specht's Orchestra. According to his present plans, Paul Specht will soon send three orchestras to London, and his Metropolitan orchestra, under the direction of J. Denny, is now playing Keith vaudeville in the Middle West. It is understood that Paul Specht's Society Serenaders will also be booked A Flexlume Electric Sign will give you forceful advertising at a cost of only a few cents a day. It will work for you day and night, for Flexlumes are day signs as well as night signs. It will give your storefront a quality atmosphere, it will carry your message to the thousands who pass, all of which means that a Flexlume will increase your business. Let ns scud you a sketch shelving a Flexlume to meet your particular needs. FLEXLUME CORPORATION 36 KAIL STREET BUFFALO, N.