The talking machine world (July-Dec 1922)

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124 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD December 15, 1922 61 and a service unaffected by seasonal conditions Your biggest season is on ! Every day, from now on, will bring increased demands for Okeh Records of every description and character. Serious thought should be given to your present stock. Is it thoroughly up-to-date and complete in all sections? From the latest and liveliest hits to the older, yet ever-popular Yuletide carols and sacred music? If not, check up and find out just which and how many Okeh Records you are in need of — no matter which they may be — and then call on us. The real, full meaning of Consolidated Service will be demonstrated immediately. We will more than convince you that the sudden rush and demand created by the seasonal conditions does not affect the smooth efficiency and promptness of our Service any more than does the casual, smaller order requested on the average day or season of the entire year. Consolidated Service is never hindered by insufficient stocks — at any time. It is at its best during all seasons and in all emergencies. Why? Because we have on hand at all times, a full and complete line of Okeh Records that is never allowed to deplete. It is not yet too late to become a dealer in Okeh Records. You can still cash in on the holiday business. Write — right now — for information regarding our unusually profitable sales plan. Consolidated Talking Machine Co. 227 W. Washington Street Chicago, 111. Branch: 2957 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Mich. m m