The talking machine world (July-Dec 1923)

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130 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD August 15, 1923 SAN FRANCISCO Unusually Brisk Demand for Records Features Mid-Summer Trade — Revenue Agents "Collect" on "Talkers" — Month's News of Trade San Francisco, Cal., August 2. — Record business is unusually heavy for mid-Summer, according to the statements of the wholesale distributing agencies, and business in general is not discouraging for the Summer period. Revenue Agents Collect on "Talkers" Overzeal on the part of certain representatives of the Internal Revenue Department caused a commotion in San Francisco this month, but the trouble is all over now. These agents attempted to collect taxes on talking machines which had gold fittings and did actually collect money from a few dealers. The Music Trades Association of Central California immediately took the matter up with the Government and a speedy adjustment was made. Eventually, it is presumed, those who paid the tax will have their money refunded. Dick Quarg, manager of the Phonograph Studio, Powell and O'Farrell streets, was one of those who were held up and who paid. Local Artists With Brunswick The famous jazz music of Paul Ash and His Syncopated Orchestra is soon to be perpetuated for posterity. Paul Ash, who is conducting at the Granada Theatre, this city, has signed up with the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. to make records. Some difficulty is being experienced in finding a proper hall for reproducing the music. These records will be made in San Francisco, but the report that the Brunswick Co. is to establish a regular pressing plant on the Coast is without foundation, says P. F. Corcoran, the Pacific Coast sales manager of the Brunswick phonograph department. A. J. Kendrick, general sales manager of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., accompanied by Messrs. Darbee and Henchen, are in San Francisco on an official visit from the Chicago headquarters. Plcinning New Wurlitzer Store The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. is planning to open a store in the Mission district of San Francisco. The manager of the branch will be William Sanchez, it is expected. G. A. Schilling Transferred G. A. Schilling, formerly manager of the talking machine department at the Stockton store of Sherman, Clay & Co., has been transferred to the retail Victor department of the San Francisco store. George W. Lyle a Visitor George W. Lyle, president. Manufacturers' Phonograph Co., manufacturer of the Strand, has been in San Francisco in the course of a Western business trip. He made his temporary headquarters with Walter S. Grey, the Pacific Coast representative of the Strand. Edison in Good Demand Edison Phonographs, Ltd., Edison distributor for the West Coast territory, with offices in this city, Portland, Ore., and Los Angeles, has been enjoying a satisfactory demand during the last month. The volume of orders being received is an indication of the popularity of the Edison here. Demand for the Edison during the entire Summer, on the whole, was satisfactory and a definite improvement has been noted each month which is expected to continue right through the Fall and Winter. Wiley B. Allen Remodeling Branch The private office of James J. Black, sales manager of the Wiley B. Allen Co., is graced at present by a handsome bronze plaque won by the Wiley B. Allen golf team recently from the team of Sherman, Clay & Co. The trophy is a perpetual one to be contested for each year by the two teams. Mr. Black says that the talking machine business for the first half of 1923 shows a substantial increase over the same period of last year both in the Coast cities and the interior. Alterations are in progress at the new Sacramento store and the new talking machine department in this branch will be one of the finest and most conveniently arranged departments in the district. The new store is located at 918 K street. The manager of the store is R. P. Raygurt. Window Displays of Columbias The demand for Columbia records is still very strong and Columbia records and instruments are featured conspicuously in a great many show windows this month. Munson-Rayner Opens Local Office The Munson-Rayner Corp., of Los Angeles, is opening an office in the Aaron Building, Third The Demand for NEWMISON COMPARISON '\yiT.HjS|Hi||UVING ARTIST REVEALS-'NdilfiiiRliERENCE RE-CREATED music has 1. Produced an Edison to suit every income • 2. Released new records every week 3. Reduced record cost to the Edison owner . 4. All of which means MORE SALES FOR THE EDISON DEALER 6. We serve the entire Pacific Coast 7. A few good business centers still open 5. Edison Phonographs, Ltd. Los Angeles San Francisco Portland PLAYS EDISON RECORDS The "VICSONIA" REPRODUCER Truly a Reproducer that will please the most cultured musician and discriminating critics. For over nine years the recognized medium for playing EDISON Records on VICTOR and COLUMBIA Machines. Made in Silver and Gold. Fitted with Sapphire or Diamond Point. One Silver, Sapphire Point Reproducer Sent on Receipt of $4.50. VICSONIA MFG. CO. INXORPORATED 313 East 134th Street NEW YORK and Mission streets, this city. The company has just taken over the jobbing agency for the Vocalion records, formerly handled in this territory by the Magnavox Co. The concern also has the Pacific Coast agency for the Cheney phonograph. The San Francisco sales manager is E. R. Darvill. Adds Cheney Line The talking machine department of the Nathan-Dormann Co., San Francisco, has just added the Cheney line of phonographs to its offerings. B. Scott, manager of the department, reports several important sales the first week. He also reports good demand for Victor records. Interesting News Brieflets Andrew McCarthy, of Sherman, Clay & Co., is taking a vacation rest at Bohemian Grove, on the Russian River. Leon Lang, general manager of Kohler & Chase, is taking his vacation this Summer with his family in Lake County. O. N. Rothlin, the new and progressive manager of the Phonograph Shop, 109 Stockton street, says the sale of high-priced phonographs has continued to increase during the Summer. Meanwhile the sale of portables has been much heavier than a year ago. Clark Wise, San Francisco, has returned from his annual vacation at Napa Soda Springs. R. A. Wise, of the Clark Wise Co., is now taking a few weeks' rest at Bartlett Springs. Robert Bird, manager of the wholesale Victor department of Sherman, Clay & Co., says that the prospects for Fall business are very bright, judging by the way orders are coming in. TO HAVE A MUSIC DEPARTMENT East Radford, Va., August 8. — R. N. Gentry & Co., now opening on Main street, will have a music department along with the regular furniture business. Repair Parts, Main Springs, Motors Single-spring Motors $ 2.50 Double-spring Motors 3.25 Liberty Motors 6.00 Three-spring Motor 12.50 Four-spring Motor 15.00 Tone Arm and Sound Box, per set, $1.35 and up WRITE FOR CATALOG PLEASING SOUND PHONO. CO. 204 E. 113th St. New York, N. Y.