The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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106 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD Business Gains in San Francisco Result in Optimism in All Branches of Trade PopuJar Musical Shows Create Demand for Records-Sherman. Clay & Co Report 30 Per Cer^ Sales Gain— Hold Successful Music Memory Co: ' ' ^ ^'^PO" 6V y^r Cer' JuLv 15, 19 ^Ax Fkancisco. Cal,. July 6,-Tlic trade in this city and vicinity for the pasi month has shown improvement over tlie preceding montli and is also runniny aliead of tlie same period of 1924. Robert Bird, manager of the Victor wholesale department of Sherman. Clay & Co., states that business is about 30 per cent ahead of May and that reports from all dealers in all sections are most optimistic for an active Fall and Winter season. v Records have been selling exceptionally well due to a number of reasons, one of which is the fact that several successful musical shows have been playing here, one of which, "Lady Be Good," had a most successful run and resulted in tiie sale of many records. "No, No, Nanette." is due here in a short time and it is expected that similar good results will follow its appearance. Music Memory Contest Successful Fourteen hundred and twenty-one cards were handed in at the Imperial Theatre and the Golden Gate Theatre, where the finals for the 1925 Music Memory Contest were held. Shirley Walker, of Sherman, Clay & Co., announced that these cards were carefully examinee 295 were found to be perfect. Thirteen hu and forty-four public school children and ninety-seven parochial school children participated. Live Dealers Add Sonora Henry E. Gardiner, district sales manager for Sonora on the Pacific Coast, states that while the phonograph business may not be at its best, generally speaking, he finds that there is aiincreasing number of aggressive and successfnl dealers who are keenly interested in securing the Sonora franchise, particularly since the introduction of the Sonora radio receiv Among the dealers in this territory ^ ly secured the Sonora agency are Fred Howe, Santa Cruz, Cal.; Larons Music Store. Hollisler, Cal. and Hunkins Music Shop, Chico,' Cal. ■ntest— Leading Dealers Add the Sonora Line stores will close all day Saturday during this month. This IS in line with the policy adopted by the leading department stores, and as the hoarth of July falls on Saturday, it necessitates the stores closing on but three other Saturdays. Advertising campaigns in the newspapers are urging people to do their purchasing on other days during July. Sees Improvement in Trade fn speaking of conditions in the music trade on the Pacific Coast Frank Anrys, general manager of the Wiley E. Allen Co., states that an improvement is noticeable and that the prospects point to an active Fall and Winter season. "There is no lack of interest in music and no lack of means with which to purchase ■t." says Mr. Anrys. "Business does not come as easily as it did a few years ago, but it is to be had if proper efforts are made to get it." II ^1 FV'< GRAPHITE PHONO mmjjxjKj M. J SPRING LUBRICANT Itslcr'a Is prep Till [ its originai form indclinitcty. Put up in I. S. 10. 25 and 50-pound cans for deakrg. ThEs lubricant is also put up in 4-ounce cans lo rel3il at 25 cents each under the trade name of FITRFKA NOISELESS talking MACHINE LUBRICANT Iffi'le fer sff^ial propoiilion to iobbcri ILSLEY-DOUBLEDAY & CO.. 229-231 Front St.. NcwTork Col. S. H. Mapes Home From Survey of Trade Vice-President and General Manager of Jos. WJones Radio Mfg. Co. Conferred With Dealers and Jobbers on Extensive Trip and idred Window Display Boosts Sonora Sales in New Zealand From far-off New Zealand the sales department of the Sonora Phonograph Co,, Inc.. re .'ing set. , Cla Sherman-Clay Employes' Picnic The annual employes' picnic of Shermai & Co., which was held recently, was a great success. About 500 employes and their families and friends gathered at Fernbrook Park, Niles Canyon, going from the main store and the branches within reach of the Bay region. In addition to plenty of refreshments, everyone enjoyed spirited games or dancing to the music of an excellent orchestra. Wiley E. Allen Co. Broadcasts A radio broadcasting station was recently opened by the Wiley B. Allen Co., which will give "Twilight Concerts" from 6 to 7 p. m. on certain days of the month. The studio, which is on the second floor of the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s building on Kearny street, relays its program to KGO, the. most powerful broadcasting station in this region. Harald Pracht, sales manager, arranges the programs for the Twilight concerts. They will consist of trio work and vocal and instrument solos. Leading Stores Close on Saturdays Sherman, Clay & Co., the Wiley B. Allen Co.. and possibly one or two other Sonora Windov/ of F. J. Pinny, Ltd, ceivcd a photoyr,Aph of a handsome window display prepared by F. J. Pinny, Ltd., one of the leading music houses in New Zealand. The Sonora -Louis XV deluxe model was featured in this display, and the accompanying illustration will give some idea of the effectiveness of this window. This is the type of window display that not only interests passersby, but adds to the prestige of the establishment and is a powerful factor in influencing sales, as was demonstrated in a concrete manner by the number of people who stopped to look. Col. S. H. Mapes, vice-president and general sales manager of the Jos. W. Jones Radio Mfg. Co-, Inc., New York, manufacturer of Jones radio receiving sets and radio products, has recently returned from an extensive trip throughout the Middle West, New England and Southern States. Col. Mapes spent considerable time with the dealers and jobbers of Jones products m the various territories visited. ^ "The purpose of my tcip was twofold," said Col. Mapes, upon his return. "We wish to advise the trade that there would be no reduction in the prices of our regular line of receivers, and it was also necessary, we felt, to let our dealers and distributors know just how far we had gone towards preparation for the manufacture of new models for the coming season. We also consulted them regarding what they consider the ideal type of receiver from the consumer standpoint. ' "The results of this survey have given us a wealth of material with which to work in the manufacture of models for the season of 1925-1926. All cur dealers and jobbers exprossed themselves as being I xceptionally well pleased and satisfied with our last year's sets from the standpoint of actual performance in radio reception. However, our desire was to provide them with a set which would meet absolutely every requirement, which the public might demand, and from the information gleaned throughout the trade, wc expect to produce for the coming season a set which will be based upon, in both performance and appearance, exactly what the public wishes. We expect to be ready to make deliveries to the trade on the new set about the latter part of July or the early part of August." irge musi The Williams Music Co., Ogden, Utah, ently installed several new phonograph ; idio demonstration booth?. PHONOGRAPH CASES RADIO CASES Reinforced 3-ply Veneer The Standard Case for Tallnng Machines and Radio Sets Let u« figure on MADE BY PLYWOOD CORPORATION, Milli in Vi Tequtrementt Goldsboro, N. C. N. C. and S. C. Victor Co. Features Its Portables in Publicity Tlic Viclor Talking Macliine Co., Camden, N. J., recently sent its dealers a sales message featuring tl.c two models of Victrola portable nistrunients and the two table model Victrolas with a list of suggestions for tie-ups with cur. rent newspaper and magazine advertising, and methods of securing this desirable Summer business. The broadside carries illustrations of the four instruments and sketches showing the desirability of the portable on camping and picnic trips. The Long Radio Corp., New York, was recently incorporated at Albany with a capital stock of 200 shares of preferred stock at $100 per share and 800 shares of common stock of no par value. The incorporators are .S. A Birdsong, S. W. Long and W. P. Bishop.