The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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158 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD July 15, 1925 IN THE MUSICAL MERCHANDISE FIELD— (Continued from Ludwig & Ludwig Demonstrator Gives Exhibition Frank S. Fancher. World's Champion Rudi page 157) Ludwig & Ludwig arc giving quilc freely of time and resources in Hic promotion of rudiniental drumming and this instance shows but .1 sinall part of tlie demonstration worii. ^:::'\^S:::i^l^:^^'ZJiS^ " Bacon Banjo Spends Day at Blue Island Frank S. Fancher. of Ludwig & Ludwig. drum manufacturers of Cliicagb, was one of tlie leading figures in tlie Flag Day celebration held at Blue Island. Jll„ in June. The Flag Day in Harbor Uninjured Groton, Conn,, July 9,— Bacon dealers have received copies of a very interesling leiicr which was recently sent the factory by H, L. Hunt, manager of Chas. H. Ditson & Co., New York, relating (he experience which befell a Bacon banjo. The letter reads, in part: "It may interest you to know that we have just received a Bacon professional tenor banjo that fell overhoard in New York Harbor and remained under water twcnty-foiir hours. Finally the tide subsided and the owner went out in a bathing suit .ind found tlie banjo neck sticking out of the water, the rim of the banjo resting on the bottom. He took the instrument out, dried il. and the only thing that suffered were the ^trings. \vhich were a little rusty. We have rubbed it up, put on a new set of strings and the banjo is now better than ever." n. 1-, Day. vice-president of the Bacon Banjo I " . Il.l^ had the letters sent to the dealers so lli.u Dny can nlilize the story as a selling point, ^^Silver Bell" Banjos Send for Illustrated Book The Bacon BanjoCo.Jnc. GROTON CONN. Frank S. Fancher Performing celebration was conducted by the Elks of Blue Lsland in connection with the Elks' Band of that city. Mr. Fancher, who is the world's champion rudimenlal drummer, played several drum solos and also performed with the band in several patriotic numbers. The exercises on tliat occasion were well attended and Mr, Fancher's performance was a distinct success. The city officials and officers of the Elks' Lodge were very appreciative of the kindness of Ludwig & Ludwig in furnishing Mr. Fancher and were loud in their praise of his work. Buffalo Dealers Do Large Band Instrument Business Buffalo, N. Y., July 7.— Music dealers in this territory are enthusiastic over the splendid band and orchestra instrument business which they have been doing. Benton, Cottier & Daniels have had an excellent business with the Buescher line, and their newspaper advertising and window displays have in large part been devoted to this type of business. Other dealers who report good trade in band instruments are Charles Weisel and the McClellan Music Store. Multi-Model Dram 432," UtiHti^Drum Surefire Hits Armour & Co. Announce Employes' Bonus Plan Cnic.\co, III., July 7.— Armour & Co. recently announced a plan to further employe ownership by giving bonuses to employes holding .shares in the company. The bonus will be $2 a share over a period of five years. Thus every employe who is a shareholder will receive this amount per share over the dividends paid. This announcement was made in connection with an announcement of a new offering of stock. Harmonica Contest in St. Paul, Minn., Scores Harmonica contests conducted in big cities throughout the country continue to swell the popularity of the Hohner harmonica. M. Hohner, Inc., recently received the results of a contest conducted in St. Paul, Minn,, by Finkelstcin & Rubin, owners of a chain of about fifty motion picture houses. The first prize was a beautiful silver loving cup donated by W. f. Dyer & Bro.. well-known musical merchandise jobbers of that city. At the preliminary contest a Hohner marine band harmonica was presented to each contestant and winners were awarded No, 260, No, 47'A and No. 105 Hohner harmonicas. FbrThe Dealer Bov Wonder Dram 56?' Junior Outfit Send FOR cAT rf irsAN-oppomHin MFC. CO. Indianapous Indiana Jazz-O-Box Drum ilSP" California Dealers Urge Campaign on "G" Saxophones Los Angeles, Cal., July 3.— In order to help increase the sale of melody C sa.tophones the Band and Orchestra Instrument Committee of the Music Trades Association of Southern California is sending out two letters, one to manufacturers and the other to teachers, suggesting that everything possible be done to further the sale of this type of instrument. Dealers and Musicians Praise the King Saxello Cleveland, O., July 7— The Sa.xcl!o, the newest saxophone in the King line of band instruments, made by the H. N. White Co., has been the subject of high praise from both dealers and from purchasers of the instrument. One of the officials of the company recently stated that this model is so popular that its production is three times the total number of straight and curved sopranos made by the company. The Hawes Music Stores, Portland. Me., were recently incorporated 'to operate a chain of music stores, with a capital stock of $10,000. Fostoria Band Again Wins the Annual State Contest Akron, 0.. July 6^The Fostoria High School Band won the band contest recently held at the local armory. The contest lasted for two days and attracted a thousand or more music lovers. The feature of the event was a parade of the twenty-one bands which competed. All were in full uniform and as they paraded downtown with drum majors at their heads, immense crowds gave vigorous applause. D. L. Day Returns From Trip GnoioM, CoN.v. July S_David L, Day, general manager of llie Bacon Banjo Co., Inc., relumed rcccnily from his Wcslcrn trip well satisfied with conditions. He attended the Convention 111 Chicago, ^vhere the liacon Co. had a di.qplay and booked several large orders. Mr.. Day announced thai arrangements had been completed for many new dealers to handle Ihc Bacon line. Advertises in Ball Park MiNKEAPoLis, Mink., July 8 The Hausiier Music Co. has erected an attractive signboard in the local baseball park with the message "$10 for Hitting This Sign." The sign is so situated that it can be seen by every patron of the park. This concern is the exclusive agent for Buescher band instruments in Minneapolis and St. Paul. The Wavcrly Musical Products Co., Inc. recently moved its offices from New York to' the factory at 71-73 Tenth street. Long Island City