The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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1786 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD September 15, 1925 Federal Ortho-sonic Sets Announced to the Trade Federal Radio Corp. Announces Line of Eight Models All Operating on New Principle — Extensive Advertising Campaign Planned Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 8.— The Federal Radio Corp. recently announced the new line of Federal Ortho-sonic radio receivers, consisting of eight models, all of which embody the new system, an exclusive Federal feature, the Ortho-sonic principle of tone reproduction. A national advertising campaign to assist dealers in their sales campaigns has already been inaugurated in many of the leading cities and it is estimated that before the holiday season the Federal message will be made known to more than 20,000,000 readers. A force of territorial representatives will be maintained to work with the dealers and jobbers and render every possible support and means of cooperation. The line has a wide price range and will be marketed under exclusive selling franchises. Territorial rights will be granted jobbers and dealers will be given allotted districts in which to operate. Dictogrand-Power-Six Announced to the Trade The Dictograph Products Corp., New York, manufacturer of Dictoerand loud speakers and phonograph attachments, recently announced, through D. W. .Andrews, head of the radio division, a new receiving set to be known as the Dictogrand-Power-Six. The set which has just been perfected operates on 110 volt 60 cycle alternating current or electric light circuit. It uses two standard "Rcctron" RCA rectifying tubes and six standard UV 199 tubes. Mr. -Andrews, in commenting on the new set. said: "We believe that the radio set which operates directly from the electric light current will be in demand both by the trade and consumer. In manufacturing the new set, we have not deviated from old and tried methods of rectifying AC current through the use of transformers, lubes, filters, etc. No revolutionary principles are involved in the set. It operates with the one-dial control, In appearance it has been designed to harmonize with home furnishings, the cabinet being of mahogany finish with highly grained panels of light colored wood on each side and the top. ■■The new set has met with instant approval by our representatives in the various territories. They report that the jobbers who have seen and heard the set are highly enthusiastic over its appearance and performance. New Sonera Dealers Among the new dealers who have secured the Sonora agency are: Scott Prowell Music Co., Wenatchec, Wash.: Block & Kulil Co., Peoria, III William Waldman, 601 Ninth avenue. New York: Charles M. Fern, 125 Nassau avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.: Atlantic Talking Machine Co., 144 Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.: William Gushard Drv Goods Co., Decatur, III.; Pictro Catalano, 355 Wilson avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.; The Music Shop, Norwalk, O.: Burton Music Store, HoUvwood, Fla.; Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Co., .lackson and Wabash avenues, Chicago, 111. Chas. Edison Gives Ad Talk Charles Edison, son of the famous inventor and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Thos A Edison Industries, recently addressed a group of advertising students at Columbia University, startling them by the unconventionality of his viewpoint on advertising matters. Mr Edison is also the author of the article, ■■America Has Swallowed a Slogan with Blind, Unthinking Faith." which recently appeared in the publication, ■ Advertising & Selling." Satisfactory Sales Gains in Los Angeles Territory Third Annual National Radio Exposition Holds Center of Trade Stage— Important Personnel Changes— Other Trade Activities. Los Anoeles. Cal., September 5.— Talking machine and radio dealers in this vicinity are in hearty accord in stating that the last two weeks of August and the few days of this month have shown a noticeable increase of sales in all departments. It is evident that the feeling, oft expressed, as to this Fall being a real phonograph and radio Fall will be realized. The sale of Victrolas and Victor records at reduced prices started the activity and it is continuing to the regular stock. Radio, too, after a rather quiet Summer, is showing signs of activity. Portables have been consistent sellers for the past few months. Interest Centers on Radio Exposition The Third Annual National Radio Exposition, which starts tomorrow to continue until September 12, under the supervision of the Radio Trades Association of Southern California, in the Ambassador Hotel auditorium, this city, bears all the marks oi being more successful than any other show held in this section. There will be 175 booths at the exposition and manufacturers, jobbers and dealers will be represented. It is certain that many thousands will attend the show and the exhibits, together with the daily musical, entertainment and educational features that will be given, are certain to arouse an interest that will reflect itself in the local dealers' radio sales. William Heck in New Post F B. Ayer, of the Ayer Music Co., recently announced that William Heck, for some years a prominent figure in business circles m Long Beach, has become associated with him in the music business. Now With Munson-Rayner Corp. W. R. Fremersdorf, formerly Western representative of the Magnavox Co., was recently appointed general manager of the MunsonRayner Corp., of this city. Mr. Fremersdorf brings with him to the Munson-Rayner Corp. a wealth of experience and knowledge of the Western radio field. The Munson-Rayner Corp. distributes the Magnavox line throughout Oregon, Washington, California and the inter-mountain territory. Personnel Changes Following the death of Sheldon N. Peterson, connected with the Leo J. Mcyberg Co., radio distributor, the following changes have been announced. A. H. Meyer, who maintains headquarters in Los Angeles, has been appointed general sales manager: J. W. Thompson is now sales manager of northern California and L. J. Tappan has been appointed assistant sales manager for northern California. Brunswick Business Booming Howard L, Brown, Southern California Manager of the phonograph division of tlie Brunswick Co., was obliged to curtail his two weeks' vacation and return to work after a week's absence only, on account of the big increase of business which threatened to swamp his office. The Brunswick record pressing plant in Los Angeles has been in constant operation eighteen hours per day trying to fill the demand for records. Pushing Records Paul Peppin, formerly with the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s San Diego branch store, has been engaged bv Manager Brown to specialize in the sale of Vocalian records to the trade. The greatest enthusiasm and excited anticipation prevails iimong all Brunswick dealers in regard to the newly announced Brunswick product, the Panatrope. In New Post Irving C. Andrews, for many years proprietor of the Andrews Talking Machine Co., has been appointed manager of the phonograph and radio departments of the Piatt Music Co. Yosemite Valley Rangers Presented With Eagle Set James M. Schwabacher, Eagle Neutrodyne Distributor on Coast, Made Gift to Rangers Sax Francisco, Cal., September 3.— James M. Schwabacher, of the Scliwabacher-Frey Co.. of this city, recently returned from a vacation spent in the Yosemite Valley, in which he was accompanied by his family. The Schwabacher-Frey Co. is one of the biggest radio distributing organizations on the Coast and is particularly enthusiastic over the ■ Eagle neutrodyne receiver, the product of the Eagle Radio Co., Newark, N. J. During his stay in Yosemite Valley, Mr. Schwabacher operated daily an Eagle neutrodyne, which he later presented to the Rangers Club. Chief Ranger Townsley insisted on taking a flashlight of Marie Louise Schwabacher, age three, while operating the Eagle at the club, thus proving the ease with which the set can be tuned. The Yosemite Valley is surrounded by a granite cliff over 3,000 feet high and is a most difiicult place for radio reception. The Eagle, however, is giving wonderful results and greatly impresses the visitors at the Rangers headquarters. u, S. Music Rolls Are Featured in Store Display Cleveland, O., September S.— An attractive window display featuring U. S. music rolls was recently on view in tlie windows of Smerda's ^Eusic Store here, and resulted in a nice volume of roll business. This establishment is one of the most progressive in this vicinity and the music roll department is always busy. Mr. Smerda, the proprietor, attributes a great deal of his success in selling pianos to the fact that he features rolls, and the owners of playerpianos can always secure the latest releases and thus retain their interest in their instruments. Max Steinberg Reports Busy Times in New Zealand Trade A recent visitor to The World sanctum was Max Steinberg, governing director of the American Fono Co., Ltd., Wellington, New Zealand, who is making an extended visit to various points of interest in the States. The American Fono Co. is a manufacturer of talking machines and buys a great deal of its parts from American manufacturers upon whom Mr. Steinberg will call during his stay in the States. Mr. Steinberg spoke optimistically of present and prospective business conditions in New Zealand. He is at present on a visit to the West but will return East before leaving for the Pacific Coast, from which he sails for home around the first week in November, J. R. Kenney Appointed Mgr. of New Record Corp. J. R. Kenney. well known in the talking machine trade in the East lor many years, through his connection with the Silas E. Pcarsall Co., and later with the Brunswick and Aeolian Cos., was recently appointed sales manager of Ihe New Record Corp., Brooklyn, N, Y., manufacturer of records for children. Appointed Federal Jobber The Musical Products Distributing Co., Inc., New York, was recently appointed exclusive metropolitan distributor for the new Federal Ortho-sonic receivers, made by the Federal Radio Corp., Buffalo, N. Y. The territory to be covered by the Musical Products Distributing Co. includes Manhattan, Brooklyn. Long Island, Northern New Jersey and a portion of New York State.