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The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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86 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD OCTODER IS, 1925 Pacific Coast Victor Concert and Other Factors Have Favorable Effect on Sales First Concert Given Via tlic Radio by the Victor Co. Arouses Enthusiasm and Dealers Stage Effective Tie-ups— Demonstration of Ortliophonic a Success— Other Trade Activities close of '-1). Usliers of Sherman, Clay & Co. directed iiiiiTfil |n'i.i.lij lo lliL-ir seals:, wliicli co^l nothing. , I ^r iiMif, i\.iiiM 111,. I.. iM.Li Victor foncerl, ,, , |, Im rill. III. ' I. II ^ ' I.' I'l '■]" II li'iii:^!-* froin San FHANCistu, Lal,, Uclohcr Summur broiii;lii wilh il ;iii ii in bolll lilC l.ilKiri^; iii.K I and tht fculitiK .ii.iiuii m expressed iis i-j I'.ill ;iiiil Wjui dealers, iiianLifatliirLTs and win ginnhig to bL-come hicls iii;.ti One of lilt gruait^sl iiiUs Ui alkiii^; Mill llif : iviiici.': • Virtor Talking Ma. I Kill wlic ■ fai ■ .,>1, alc'd l<i bolll 1:1 ll U.I for llu' over 1)1 stayed ; friends. I \w Aiidiloriuiii I llu M'atopcniii).: i h i thousand |ii-' those >i.iinlii thousand win big buiidint;. unable lo 'in Spi^akiiiK RLhmKc, Mi;v ,1 li (|iianlilics nl the * ^l, and wIr'm iMilly Ihii' ire adinill. ilionsand people were Th Allel I.iil : nf III,' .Irl 1.1" \(h1iI said Ihe ioux'. l wa^ lli. thing vvi-r ]iin nwr in ra Coast. The audiuucu in tin: listened so inU-nlty tliat our ^.nl.l li.iv In.url ihc proverbial pin drop, A K u r Imi.! had betn furnislifd by the I\.iilii. i mi m ,n i. .n of Anirrica, owners ol Kl.ii, lli> li.m. station where ihe VkU>, .nHsts w. ir Im., idcasting. According in Mi U.linil.i', ilir mii n was perfect all thront;h lln i'm ,i| li.ill, m i ,i^ il the performers were in the hiiii.liiir 1 In -.uim volume, both of voiies and ..1 m ■ n un i, n t .il music, was as rich and full in llu; ii ^ corners as in tin froiil rows. Sidiipa, premier lyric tenor, sang fonr of his favorite nninbers, all ou Victor records, and an encore; Marcel Journet rendered three ai'ias, and a specially selected group of llnrty-lwo players from the San Francisco Symphony flnhisira i.!ayid delightfully, under the baton of ,|..'-i i r,i-u rtiaik. musical director of the Victor I .il1>iiir M,h liine of Ihe Wiley B. Ircet -idc, ha> praclalnring Ihc grainl with the Mason & ■ Victor and ISrunsiiinher .>! band and ri M.i-iMi \ H;,inlin i| III i1 mpally's , ]. 1,1, .11.1. i.irrying <■ I II, ^■.lll, I III MasiMi-r i 1HL', hi Irilnitc K 1. 1 b,'i isU be .ill,, vill^ Zimmerman cliestra lines. Tito Schip; Wiley B. Mil own Victor r chased them Uea clarinet. .■ are also idc which ilii iii. The band window. I .Mill, , feaUires Couturier .\yloplioues, Ludwig drums, and other band and or reccntly held a reception in Ihe n Co.'s store and autographed his ■cords for all customers who purA record crowd attended recent Victor concert, and this and the San HIDoes that sound better It will if the set has DURHAM F[ ^ Variable High Resistance Products New Panel Type $1.00 Standard Type 75c Three sizes cover all needs No. 100— 1,000 ohms to 100.000 ohms for all by-pass uses. No. 101 — 0.1 to 5 megohms for soft tubes. No. ZOIA — 2 to 10 megohms for hard tubes. Plunger Control Patented TTONE — that's what they want this season. And you can provide it with DURHAM Variables. Standard type fits all sets having clips on grid condensers. Panel type easily installed; one Yi,inch hole to drill. Use cither type for detector or audio tubes to improve tones. Buy through your jobbc: both lyfc and ,i specifying DURHAM & CO., Inc. Radio Engineers 1936 Market Street Philadelphie, Pa. ,n.-i5co opera season have combined to place 1 very much in the public eye on the Pacific Heckert Parker with Magnavox Co. leckert Parker, for years intercsled in Ihc rkclin^: of ileetrical devices, was recently .1.1 111. ,1 a -I'ccial contact representative of M,, IV i'a. He will travel liirouf;hout l inii il .>i.ii,= and Canada serving as a con eoiicerl is scheduled to be broadcast i.iiH.n Ivf.'!, I.os AnyeK-s, on the evening .|>,T II, Demonstration of Orthophonic .\l,iy, .>f ilu: \'icior Co., demonstrated . I iTiliii|)li.>ni, Vi.:iTola to Victor dealers 1. 1 .1 ii. I I. ,iiilI ilii' Bay region on the ,,1 1.1 I -'I, 111 the f3orgia room of iiituiil 11 }ii,i-,l i'iilhii>ia-.lK-,illy and rell ,1 a 111,11 V, I. >ns ili.scovcry, particularly licii coujiled with the new eleclric process of ■cording records. Opera Featured by. Wiley B, Allen Co. Heckert Parker necling link between the company and its special territorial representatives. Samples of the new Brunswick Panatrope arc e\|jeclcd On the Coast shortly. Kolster Radio Announces Guarantee Policy on Sets Federal Telegraph Co. of California, Manufacturer of Kolster Radio. Explains Important New Policy III, I'xieral Tclcgrapii Co. of California in a Ull,r lii K,'l^l,■r Radio distributors announces ,1 fi.rinal jjiiaranlec Upon all receiving sets in.Liuil.,, liiriil by them. Representing a decidedly forward step in llie assumption by the manufacturer of the respoiiKibility for the finality of the receiving sets sold by them, the policy announced for Kolster Radio at the same lime provides the distributor and dealer with every precaution apainst indiscriminate and uninlclligeiit lajiiiierint; with the set by the ultimate pun li,i.-.Lr, willi ihe usual consequent reflection upon thij d,al,T. Every Kolster Radio shipped from the factory will be accompanied by a guarantee tag which llic Kolster dealer gives to the ultimate pni i. iia^i-r when the set is delivered to the latl,r'^ Inline, flic Kolsfcr dealer or his salestiiaii signs a slatemcnt on the guarantee tag iliat lie h,is ciiiiipKled file installation of the ^et. and that il i, operating satisfactorily, Afler Ihe puicliaser lia.s signed a similar Stateiiieni and lia. mailed (he card to the New York ■ illhi ,.i K..|,ier Radio, the Federal Telegrapii 1 n -,11,1 (he i.nrchaser a formal guarantee in wliicli the company guarantees the correctness of the design, the quality of the material and workmansliip, and satisfactory performance for one year. Every Kolster Railio is also fully sealed befor,r il leaves llic faclory and ilie formal guarantee states explicitly that under no circumstances must the seals be broken by the consumer with the penalty that the guarantee immediately becomes null and void if llic seals are broken. Kolster Radio distributors and dealers welcome the new policy as one which, if adopted generally, will put an end to a vast evil in the radio business and will avoid many misunderstandings between dealers and their customers. The Bailey Music House, of Spokane, Wash., has selected new quarters at 712 Sprague street, which are being remndeled al the present time.