The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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Octouer 15, 1925 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 113 DAY-FAN NOYES ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CORP. Sole Distributor Metropolitan and Northern New Jersey The Best is None too Good for the Radio Buyer As the exclusive distributor for Day-Fan in the Metropolitan territory we have a franchise to offer that has a sound background. Each territory is to be served by such a dealer who has qualified as an authorized Day-Fan Dealer. The outstanding features of this year's models of Day-Fan Radio sets are: ONE DIAL CONTROL, TUNING BY WAVE LENGTH, and CLARITY AND VOLUME OF TONE. This method of distribution places the dealer in a position to meet conipetition at a profit and no fear of cut price in the whole market. Daytonia A five tube Console Receiver with Single Dial Control and superior selectivity. Supplied complete with all batteries and also charger. Without tubes .$300 Day era ft A five tube Cabinet Receiver with single Dial Control: has ample B battery space $145 Leg pedestal, $20. Receiver and pedestal complete $165 Day-Fan 5 A five tube Cabinet Receiver with single Dial Control and im proved tuning performance. $115 Supplied with Day-Fan Speaker $30 extra These are a few of the models for 1925-26 which are included in our line of ten different models ranging in price from $75.00 to $300.00 each, and Box Speaker covering every requirement. Our service facilities on Day-Fan insure perfect satisfaction to both dealers and consumers. Our representative mil be pleased to call and supply full infortMlioti Catalogue sent on request NOYES ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CORP. 33 Park Place, New York Soh Metropolitan DUtribular I 1023 lARCLAY I Telephone. 1 1026 Distributed Solely by Jewett Distributing Co., oi New York, Inc. In Metropolitan New York, Brooklyn, Long Island, Northern New Jersey and Conn. The Speaker Circuit Is Absolutely Free From All B-Battery Current Jewett Receiver Here is a Receiver that is far more than a new product. It is a Receiver new in Design, new in Beauty, new in Performance. But your deepest pleasure will come from its performance. For here is a Receiver which actually banishes internal noise. List Price $140.00 Jewett Cone A cone containing a reproducing unit and a horn, but no drumhead. A cone, therefore, immune to heat, dampness, puncture or tear. Harmonious in appearance, abundant volume, excellent distance, and brilhant quality will combine to make your Jewett Cone a joy and a delight. Reproducing unit by V. E. Morrison, originator of the famous Vemco unit, which speaks for its quality and performance. List $18,00 Franchised dealers are reaping their profits. Room for a few more dealers. Sign up and order now for the Fall Season. JEWETT DISTRIBUTING CO. OF NEW YORK, INC. 16-22 Hudson St., New York City WHITEHALL j Telephone. •THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOS THE BEST'