The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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November 15, 1925 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 97 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR THE BEST JEWETT QUALITY PRODUCTS CONE SET Superspeaker List $18.00 List $140 Three of Jewett Quality Products built as only Jewett Clin. A Receiver of originality and the nearest to perfection ever built, eliminating all B Battery noises so prominent in most sets. With the aid of either of these two speakers, the reception is equal to the actual production. Dealer Franchises Are Still Available Exclusive Metropolitan Distributor List $30.00 Jewett Distributing Co. of New York, Inc. 16-22 Hudson St., N. Y. City Phone 5921-5922 Whitehall Daytonia Day Craft Day Fan 5 List $145 List $300 List $115 The only set on the market which has a one dial control, showing meter and wave-length readings on this dial. The 1925-26 Day-Fan Radio line includes ten different models and bo.x speaker for every requirement. Our service facilities on Day-Fan insure perfect satisfaction. Noyes Electrical Supply Corporation 33 Park Place, New York City Sole Metropolitan Distributor of Day-Fan Products Barclay 1023-24-25-26