The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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November 15, 1925 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 153 From Chicago Headquarters (Continued from Page 152) strong selling argument in dealing with women buyers." The Electrical Research Laboratories are in the midst of a publicity campaign destined to break down sales resistance for llie retailer. In Chicago there arc already over ISO large billboards, all showing one of the Erla models to thousands of motorists and pedestrians. The firm is placing its advertising messages in those publications and other channels where it will do the most good and cover the greatest number of interested persons. In addition to jobber gatherings, Mr. Devlin has addressed Erla dealers in various parts of the country. The most recent dealer meeting was held in St. Louis, in conjunction with the W. E. Fuellerer Supply Co., St. Louis distributor, with a large niiinber of retailers attending. The gathering was held on October 14, during the St. Louis Radio Show, at the City Club, followed by a dinner and entertainment. Among the Erla distributors more recently appointed are the Penn Storage Battery Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., and the American Lamp Co., Atlanta, Ga. E. W. K. Howe Is Musical Director of Station WJAZ Zenith Radio Corp. Announces Appointment of Prominent Musician to Important Post The Zenith Radio Corp., of Chicago, is receiving many cheery words on the selection of E. Warren K. Howe as musical director of Station WJAZ. He arranged and conducted his first program Thursday evening, November 5. That Mr. Howe's influence cannot help but be a tremendous factor in giving to the public only the highest type of musical program is indicated by his training from childhood in the musical field. Through the influence of a genuine artistic environment in his youth, Mr. Howe enjoyed unusual advantages for a healthy development of his decided musical gifts. In liis early days he was a student of violin and piano and boy soloist in the Church of the Ascension, Chicago. He concentrated on the study of voice, undergoing a thorough course of training with one of America's noted teachers; then entered upon a stage career under the. management of Abbey, Schoeffel and Grau. After this he was a member of the Schiller Opera Company in repertoire light opera, liius gaining valuable stage experience. After five years' experience as singer and teacher of voice, Mr. Howe went to Paris, further perfecting himself under the guidance of Jacques Bouhy, the eminent master, through whose influence he established himself in Paris as a teacher of singing and as bass soloist of Trinity Church, Avenue de I'Alma. Returning to America, Mr. Howe entered actively into musical work as pedagogue, in concert and oratorio singing, and subsequently as conductor of light opera and oratorio. He has had at various times under his baton in conjunction with musical festivals the country's best artists and the New York Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra seven times. He has also been at the head of the vocal department of one of America's foremost conservatories for several years. New Music Store Opened Fitch BURO, Mass., November 7. — Oiarlcs E. Farrar and Oliver H. Wiley recently opened a music store at 152 Pine street. A large repair department will be maintained and the store will specialize in the repairing of all types of musical instruments. Both Mr. Farrar and Mr, Wiley have had wide experience in retailing. Efficiency the Test of Workmanship A PHONOGRAPH MOTOR of the SpringType is a means of storing energy in a spring, or a plurality of springs, by winding, and of releasing that energy through a system of gears, regulated by a governor, to evenly rotate a turntable at an even rate of speed. IF A MOTOR COULD BE BUILT TO OPERATE AT 100% EFFICIENCY, the same amount of energy would be released at the turntable as was originally required to wind it. THE LOSSES IN TRANSMISSION, due to friction and backlash, make absolute efficiency impossible, but these factors of loss can be minimized by careful design, careful workmanship and the use of proper materials. Krasco Motors OPERATE WITH THE GREATEST EFFICIENCY. Our No. 2 motor, equipped with only two pounds of carefully selected spring steel is GUARANTEED to play a minimum of four ten-inch record selections. Larger models afford greater playing efficiency. The "OLD RELIABLE" No. 2— will play four records. Nearly 2.000.000 Krasco Motors now in use. The motor with the Effective Drive Since friction and backlash are the causes of noise, it is easy to understand why Krasco Motors are most quiet. YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THE FACTS. Wrife for our revised Price List Krasco Phonograph Motor Company ELKHART, INDIANA