The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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168 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD NOVKMBKR 15, 1925 Outstanding Event of the Month in San Francisco Is Orthophonic Demonstration Retail Trade in Optimistic Frame of Mind— Oakland Branch of the Hauschildt Music House Is One of the Handsomest Stores on the Coast— Keeping Track of Bad Accounts San Fhancisco, Cal,, Novenil>cr 4.— Tlic i-asi month in this territory was fcalurnd mainly by Ihc demonslration of the new Oriliophonic VicIrola, and so well was (lie campaiRTi of l>riii(;iii(; Mii5 insirimieiil lo the public nolice <.iii lhal Virlnr D.iy. NovemhL-r Z. saw Innidui! <.i ihe iniisic-l Viclnr dta Diiriii),; (lie > ill K'>od sliajie i 'itii few nriei(irilo_V(! irly iiilcn slcd in llie ri'i III found a dii i ji instriijiicnl, III ,ill Mr A .rally fi.irllCllMtiiation, iving [nihlii . til. -1 III.' lilldl llicy rii LMw,! ami ■■<■ ■ Un iuf lli< rr ,i ncwspa|.i-r ,lrnl w-nl <>l tnuillli ].llMii Ity arrival of Viiii^i i i.n '.ifiili ..w Dealers rcporl [li.d ih< 1 1 . r{>i ,. >ri ,,\ \h n menl was all ih.ii i\ .i v < \ |m , t. li ,nj.l , isfaCtOry nunihcl <>\ onhrs li.ivr lirm ti .' Hauschildt Oakland Branch Opened The new !,r,uu U ..I lit M.him Music Hou^e, wlii, ll u■.l^ n,.rn, ,| III, l.lllrr of lasi [Illl, ..tu .i| {],. [>F< llli 't .i1i<! Ill -.1' arranged iiiiisil i 1 nirut m iln \\ i i I Infour-story-and-basenicnl luiddim.' i .<i <l in a busy scdion. Exrelknl li.L^liiiiu.' < 11. i t have been arranged and the colors, i.oil, ni ami miisidc I be buildinp, are of litilit paslil shades. Solid oak is nscd for llie wnndwork. I bc lalking niathinc and radio dcparlniniis occupy promincnl space nn Hie main floor. New Honor for Ernest Ingold on Coast Frm-sl Int^old, !■ ntr^t Ini^old, Inc., local dislriliulor f..i iIm KnH Mij. Co., of Pbiladclpliia, r,i , li.r. I ,].,!, a director of the ratiTic ('n.r-i 1<:,mIi.> ciation. Mr. Ingold mijviil iIh }, }iv .i vole of 39 to 11. Mr. Im.nM'. t ii, ,, , ,iuli l.n.-ul edRe of ra.lio merHiaiHiiMtir pin ili, , ir .. ivi l.'ii.leTM-ii.-s wli.>h U. I, .I.-,,,, nil, I, parli,ula>Iv liK lini. tn, I h, ,iii|.Ml.,nl ...v,„ia' lion work he is now doing, Frank Anrys Returns From Trip Frank Anrys, vire-pri sidnu and general manager of Ihc Wiley H. Allen C..., recently .eturncd from an eslend.'d trip l^.isl, wli^re he made visils lo many of the far t cries wliieli manufaeliire the products handled by Ibc Wiley Association to Keep Bad Account File 1 a rrcenl nieeling of llie board of direclor^ '|je Mii-li l'r:Hli \ ■■ sne i,L I ii m (if Nortliern tnini.i il u,|. ,| . nl. d U, k. e|. "a bad aciii" III'' j III iiiiiM I In nil' made lo prevent iirii'i will' r\li. 111-1 iIkm iMilil at one CS 1 i I t |>,itn-iii Mil)' .iiiiifber and run ; n|i h.iil .hill It i. ,x|i.i(,d llial sboidd members i o-operale the secretary of the As sociation will be in possession of a valuable list, which should result in the saving of many dollars for members. Add Radio Department Kohler & <'hase n rmtly added radio cf|nipnient I'l iIm ini'li-r rmrinl in downti.wn bran, ll, v,lii. ii ji..| .i f. w months URO. Till-. Murr Dni:iii,illy . arried only pianos and player-pianos, but is expanding to carry oilier lines, October Big Atwater Kent Month The month of Orloher was a banner one for Alwalcr Kent radio producls, reports Ernesl Ingold, distributor. Over ?400,000 worth of radio cfjuipment was shipped to San Francisco during tlic nioiilh, and dealers in all sections participated in the demand. The extensive advertising being done by Atwater Kent is responsible, in pari, for the demand, and dealers arc all joining in with heavy advertising and thus gaining the benefits of the tie-up with the manufacturer's publicity. Columbia Records Move Briskly A. J. Schradc, manager of the local headquarters of the Columbia Phonograph Co., reports a very good run on records, particularly those of popular Western artists. Jewett Distributing Go. Opens Offices in Newark Branch Headquarters Established to Facilitate Delivery of Merchandise to Dealers Situated in the New Jersey Territory CIi.uIt \m\,-, (.K-uhiii of the Jcwelt Disirilmliiir i .\'. ^^ ^'^ .i k, distributor of radio 1" "I . I I,,,v,-Iii,r II .'ll llir Stale of i "1 11' Ml \mw ■ M-itr,l ,,|| of the im laiii 1 1 nil , , till nii,.linnl ihe territory I'll 'll'' I'liriii' ' nt iii.ilinr ,1 ni..niiit;h survey of ' M nil- I Ill N l^ I Mil 1 1 .any |i.[.^ organized ' ' t'l . 'u 11 (111 ( Kinii I I lent territory .inil Mr N'l-.yi .]iiiii ■ i ki s mIi i able time working sincn for llic bencfil in io-o|icr; of dealers ■|-hejewi li ni-lMl,iiiiiH. r,, of New Vnrk has eslablish.^d lii.nul, ,il(,>, . HI \-i u.i.l, .\' .1., for the pnrposr i>t -.ninv lIn |ri-i\ ii-iril'iry lo the best possible advai(l.n;u. llu' qIIkc^ are located at the corner of Hill and Halscy streets, 'A Dealer is Judged hy the Merchandise He Sells" Distributors oj thr iolloninp pruilucla: Ther ioiiyii Hei Sliprr[)iiwr-llallr Trim lamd Speakers Silver Voire L..ud Teletone Loud Spenker Aslrnl Loud Spenker Simoeordfi Loud Speaker Evcrcady Bnlteries Braeh Antenna Outfit Bracli Phone Plugs Brnch Call Products Philco A Batteries Pbiico A & B Socket Power Valley CharpcrB Valley B — Eliminators Battery Cables Rcdi' Mast Antenna Post Aatco Loops Phonograph Units and Adapters Chooxe your jobber as you choose your friend. A S a mail by tlie company he keeps, a ■i i. jobber by the lines he distributes. Choose your jobber as you choose your friends and keep in good company, I'-very manufacturer we represent is reliable, responsible and makes a worthy product. Our dealers may sell confidently, repeatedly and profitably and sure of protection. Franchises that bring dealer prestige, purchasers and profits. rite us today and our representative mil take pleasure in calling,. CHENEY SALES CORP. Radio Distributors 376 Boylston Street Boeton. Mass. Philadelphia while warehousing facilities arc maintained at iOH Halscy street. "We will e.irry a complete Stock of Jewett [irodiiols iruluding sets and loud Speakers at our Newark branch, the warehouse will serve as a direct factory branch in that the stock ordered by dealers may be delivered to them in the State of Jersey dircrt, rather than having to send to New York for it," said Mr. Noyes, in discussing tbc opening of Ihe new branch, Phonograph Record as Aid to Medical Science Columbia Phonograph Co. Makes Announcement Regarding Recording of Heart Lesions to Aid in Diagnosis of Heart Disease The phonograph in a new role, thai of an active agency in the advancement of scientific endeavor, was revealed in a recent announcement of the Columbia Phonograph Co., regarding a series of records developed by the engineering staffs of tbc Columbia Co,, and the Belt Telephone Co,, working with Dr. Richard Cabot, of Harvard University, for the recording of heart lesions. TJiesc records should prove invalurible lo medical students as an aid in the diagnosis of bear! diseases, as Ihe medical profession estimates thai the number of people aftlictcd with heart diseases almost equals the lolal of all other ailments and a great many doctors are all too poorly informed on the subject. Through an electrical stethoscope developed by Ihc Bell Telephone laboratories, it is possible to record only Ihe murmurs of the heart, eliminating the hcartbcals through a scries of filters, ■fhesc recordings will be in reality a textbook which should give to the student information concerning the diagnosis of heart lesions in a month or two that would equal, if not surpass, what the present-day physician learns after many years of experience. The records will contain introductory remarks by the doctor, slating a brief history of the case in point, mentioning possible causes, and will then give Ihe miirnuirs and the diagnosis. These records will be available in several weeks' time and are expected to be in great demand. The possibilities of the new invention are unlimited and it is expected that a similar series treating of lung troubles will be released. An interesting sidelight is that all those interested have agreed that not a cent of profit is III be made from the recordings, but they will he sold at cost, The Aladdin Phonograph Corp,. Chicago, recently ch,inged ils name to the Aladdin Radio