The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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THE TALKING MACHINE^VORXD December 15, 1925 Since its first introduction to New York music lovers on November 11, tlie Brunswick Panatropc, tlic newest product of Uic llrunswick-Balkc-Collendcr Co., has been demonstrated to capacity audiences tliroughout Eastern territory. These demonstrations have been given under the supervision of H. Emerson Yorke, assistant to Harry A. Beacli, Eastern sales manager, phonograph division, who is one 86 Brunswick Panatrope Gets Enthusiastic Reception in Series of Demonstrations Capacity Audiences Hear the Latest Product of the Bninsmck-Balke-Collender Co. in a Number of Eastern Demonstrations Under the Supervision of H. Emerson xorne New York Brunswick dealer, sponsored a Panatrope demonstration at Hunt's Point Palace in the Bronx, which attracted music lovers from many nearby points. A special demonstration of the Panatrope was also given that same day on the sales floor of the Aeolian Co. in Aeolian Hall, New York, under the direction of R. U. Kcmpton, manager of the Aoellan Co.'s wholesale division. At (his demonstration the presentation speech was made by the Panatrope itself, being broadcast t li r o u g h Station WJ2 by a special wire to the I'viiialropc. On November 13 I li e Tanalropt w a s dcnionstraled t o a large audience at the annual church bazaar of the Paulist Fathers' Church in New York, and on the same day a novelty demonslralion was given in one of the salons of the John Wananiakcr store, where the demonstration was conpled with a comparison test. More lhan 350 were present at (his demonstration, which embodied several unusual features. On November 15 the Panatrope furnished sacred and cKissical selections before and after the lectures given by Dr. Burrill's Literary Vespers at Aeolian Hall. New York. On NoveTnber 16 more than lOU Brunsterritory weie iIh' 1., at the Sylvania Ho-, Yorke dcnionslral mI i?s during the totirM' m The Brunswick Panatrope of the six Brunswick sales executives wlm ai «i tended the Panatrope demonstrations schu..! ,ii m Chicago recently, thus becoming qualihcd to present adequately and interestingly the many distinctive qualities of this new product. Mr. Yorke is in charge of all Panatrope demonstrations in the Eastern territory, and the results of his work to date have been exceptionally successful. Subsequent to the first Panatrope demonsiration at Aeolian Hall on November II. which was one of the outstanding musical events of the year, a series of dcnioiislrations was arranged for the purpose of introducing the Panatrope 10 music lovers throughout the East. On November 12 a capacity audience attended Wanamaker's Auditorium where the Panatrope demonstration was given with the co-operation of Hugh Ernst, manager of the Wanamaker phonograph and radio departments. On the same evening Duff's ^iu5ie House, well known .1 whe BEL-CANTO PRODUCTS Superior in Material, Workmanship and Performance. Bel-Canto Adjustable Loud Speakers, with massive, mahoganyfinish cal>inet at $17.50. Goose-Neck Fibre Horns, at $10.00 and $15.00. Loud Speaker Units, patented Flexible Reed Tone Chamber. The Bel-Canto Recording Dial, $2.00. With magnifying glass $2.50. BEl-CAfffO RADIO & TEL. EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 872 Broadway New York City N.Houni Jl.lfiW»d hj B.k.r-Smil| Co.. .Int. Home Office: 715 Call Bldg. San F"Y"a ' nr^ ■ Branches in Los Angdw. Ca^; 1°^^^^' « f" ■ Seattle, Waih. ; Vancouver. B C: Sa ' Utah; DenTer. Colo.; Chicago. Ill-; Bullalo, M. Y.. New Yorlc City Ul in Ihat city the Panatrope severa. the day. An interesting program was prvi in connection with the demonstration, intludmu addresses by E. B. Shidddl, Brunswick bramli manager at Philadeli.hia. and George W, Lyon-, one of Mr. Beach's assistants. The newspaper comments in connection with this demonstration were particularly interesting, including ,m exceptionally laudatory report in ihc Flibiic Ledger, Philadelphia's leading; newspaper. On November 17 the Fort Hamilton Music House. Brooklyn, N. V., Brunswick dealer, sponsored a Panatrope demonstration which was attended by 250 people. The adaptation of radio to Panatrope reproduction was enthusiastically received by this audience. On this same day Abraham & Straus, prominent Brooklyn department store, held a series of demonstrations in the afternoon which was attended by more lhan 500 interested music lovers. At Baltimore. Md., on November 17, a very successful dealers' meeting was held under tiie direction of Charles F. Shaw, Brunswick branch manager in that city. Mr. Yorkc's discussion of ihc Panatrope's many interesting features was received enthusiastically by the dealers, who had journeyed from all parts of the Baltimore territory to be present, at the meeting. This gathering included Brunswick dealers from Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina. District of Columbia and Pennsylvania, and the Baltimore and Washington newspapers featured knglliy accounts of the dcmonstrattOf. „ eouncction with this event there appeared ,n l,e Washington Times over the signature of ss Je sic McBridc one of the Snest tnhutes that has ever been paid by a newspaper cr.t.c to anv musical performance. 0„ November 18 an invitation den.onstrat.on was held at Montclair, N. J., under the ausp.ces of Robert C, Buchanan, Inc., Brunswck dealer in that city, and was attended by a rriost appreciative audience. At the Brunswick Salon in New York on November 20 and 21, two nnpor. tant demonstrations were given; one being an invitation presentation and the other being featured in the New York newspapers the day previously. The public responded enthusiastically lo the newspaper announcement, and on ba urday afternoon the Brunswick balon was filled to capacity, with standing room at a preniinni. On November 20 Mr. Yorke visited Boston, Mass., where a series of Panatrope demonstrations was given under the direction L Spencer, manager of the Brunswick branch in that city On the afternoon prior to the official demonstration, twenty-seven special newspaper representatives and critics from New England newspapers were invited to visit the Brunswick branch and hear a private demonstration of the Panatrope. They all accepted the invitation and as a result of their appreciation of the instrument the leading New England newspapers carried important reports of the musical qualities, of the Panatrope. That same evening seventy dealers from New England territory attended the Panatrope demonstration at the Brunswick warerooms, and during the week of November 23 demonstrations were given to out of town dealers daily, with Mr. Yorke directing the activities of the Boston sales staff. .... On November 24 the Panatrope furnished the music tor a dance given by the accounting department of the Pennsylvania Hotel, and performed splendidly in this important role. Mr. Yorke's program also included a Panatrope demonstration given at the MeAlpin Hotel, December 12, before the Munsey Club; the New Panatrope Presentation in Boston .M I.cfi Is Brunswick Tudor Plioiiograph— At Eiuhi Is llii; Brunswick Panatrope York Sun requesting the Brunswick Co. to favor them with this demonstration. To-day (December 15) Mr. Yorke is scheduled to dem(Cnii/iiiio'i/ nil [lat/c 88) STYLUS BARS for Phonographs and Radios (To order) STYLUS BAR & MFG. CO. Cl&gue Road NORTH OLMSTED OHIO