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The talking machine world (July-Dec 1925)

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142 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD DECEMnm 15, 1925 LEADER PRODUCTS FOURTH CHICAGO RADIO SHOW A BIG SUCCESS— (Continued from page 140) in aclivc charge of the exhibit, and E. Flet Loud Speakers and Units Worth BeAuty in Design .ind I Tilt grnccful Iiia' .iii>l tin ln-n tlic Leader n|iiii:il l<> il i I > I>c11 lias -J licn.l.l'iil Mah..);:.iiy i.r \ ihc Gooscinck and Ii;im hi icilly ha III] sonic Hum. A Good Spenker MueI Have ; Baby Gooseneck Loud Speaker Just llfcc the Lc.n.1.r Sr. ilhisfratcil fliiU ili'scrilicil iibuvc — llif .nmc t;taLL-f,i[ li.K-sllic i.ime Alyk heavy Notice to Jobbi We will send ..imi-lL' I c.i.l Iiy Esprtss al our e\iii:ii^c to m on apiiiDval, \\'c )..iv, ,.,.,-r,. . proilucls. Wriic (,) Lca.k-. JaiikI Speaker to niiy reh'ntilc jobber ery cmifiilcncc in our jobbing <li&< The Leader Unit An all .irouiicl n.Tjiislable ur sole or phonoEtaiih. Lamin. iiiKli-grade utm-We make i Victor Radio Corporation 4321 No. We.teni Avenue, CHICAGO (leiU, and H. L, WickcH, iicasuicr of llic compnoy, -ilao spent eoniiderablc lime at the display. Utiben H. Frost, Inc. Ilcrberl H. Fmst, Inc. Chic.iRo, shouetl Cunningham lubdi, including (",\ 2Jn, Ibc new power nmplificr lube, anil CX.'")1A. CX^fi and C.XJW. Other products on display were the Fro^i MnsuUe bead phones, pans and aecei5^l^ic^. Kcniler parTs, ir.i ii'lDTUieri and condensers. C. R. KiiiK. diilrict ^alc^. mEiiiaKi-T. in charRC of the exhibit, and wa ns-i.itd h; 1 il Larr.ibcc, Kansas Cily district manager, and T. H. llardiiiB, Cleveland diilrict mnnaBcr. CbflB. Ftethmm Co. The Freshniiiu line in its entirety was featured by the Charles Freshman Co., New Vork Ihc mmlcls on display inciiidinR the I'le^hman Mtht iWan.l Lorisole; llie SF.'. SF4, SF.., 51-M and ilir l"..,.in ^ an enivare were also shown. A. C. Siewers. J. W. Lyoi Jr., and J. L. Ji>vi.l-, of the sales department, were Dflvcn Radio Co. Davcn lubus. which I.,.-., ;,ii.iiiicd wide pcinilariiy, fe tiired Ihc display »i ihi iLci n K idi.i dtrfi,, .\.-u,ii .\, J. Among the nthi;: Miv.n pn .'tu-. i p" iiii' ■! v■ super nmptiticrs. rcsi^l,.i-. >;ri.l h-il l-^ I' ''I' general sales manager oi ih tlic exhibit, assisted by F. repreacnlative. Supertron Mfg. Co. , Warlnian, Chicago Ihe Frc : of . Hal Brlghtsou Lubotntoilei [, inaniifaciured by llright nrk City. w,:re allr;iciivel> pIe^. , ChiiM undc'r the dircclio th Kicliiiritson, dis ; of 1 , lio|ilic, sales eneincer. Sunbeam Radio Corp. ling ihc popular .\k(advnt sets ili '.M.I It.idio Corp.. New Vork City, ....U-\-. \o 15i>, desk lypt coimmI. " American Electric Co. D61I, ,|.r'i ~lii,i\ I Il l ><i .1 Hums speaker pl.iff.inii. illLinini.uud I'V llood lights, s iouil .spraktis on display were models luNC model in m.ihoyany shell hniili, of pearl, and idSnX. with hlack horn'd ir wliiic. Head phones, condensers, liRliiniiiE arrr,ii-i-. .ind rtuniv ioiiil 5pealtcr units completed the exhiliir I! II Malliiy, >ales engineer, was in charge of the i|.--l.l„\. aciil a^M.Mcd by W. Carroll, and J. Van iU ii-cluiirn, of thi, ':iles department. United Cabinet Corp The United Cahinil Corp.. of Chicogo, displayed four console models, all finished in burl walnut, wiih band c.iivHiK'. and decor.Tl ions, cijuipped with biiilt-in speakers and bnllery compartments -md designated as models 17, 29. .11 and 35. Henry C. Forstcr, W. C Perkins and I, A, Lund were in eliarge of the display. Howard B. Joaes In a display trimmed in purple and gold, How.ird li, Jones, CbieagLi, displayed giant rciiroduct ions of Ibc Jones Multi-l'lun and Cabclug, finished in hlack and with each (erniinal painted in different colors. A radio receiving set was used in the exhibit to show a Multi'Phig in use, while another display shosvcd every part used in the process of manufacturing the product. Howard B. Jones, president, and J. W. ReaRan, sales manager, were in diaree of the exhibit. Pfaostlehl Radio Co, The Pfanslichl Radio Co., Chicaso. displayed its fall line of radio receiving sets, including M^idel IO C. a (>■ tube single dial control desk console ivilh a built-in speaker, and bailer y compartnienl, equipped ivitb an ammeter, volt meter, and rheostat for recording Ihc rate of charge; Model 10-S, a o-iube console with built-in speaker, single dial control, and illuminated station tinder, finished in walnut. Other models on display iverc .Model B-C. a S tube walnut console set with two dial control, si.nion finder, built-in speaker .ind battery conipatinient ; Model 10, a (i-lubc table model in two-lone walnut : .Model 8, a j-lube Kible set, and Mndid 7. a S lul>e l.ibic model wilh 3-dial contirFl. finished in m.,ho^viiiy. lidniuiid H, Eilhci, vicc-prcsiiicpi. nn.i .\l.:v I'.-nlc, -lislrici -aKinanager, spenl ciniMdi-r.ibli nine at ilic CAlnbil. .mil «cre ^ssi-leii by C. H Kncl., Win. J. Wnidcrmeuliii. -M. ,\l.,riani>, I T 1 1^■^^ hu.-l , II. C. Leach, of the Windsor Furniture Co, The Windsor Furniture Co., of Chicago, displayed its line of r.idio phonograph combinalions, including No. ,'1 ladio-phonoKraph. in carved mahogany; No. 22. a high Model No. 21. a 5-tubc tuned radio 1 maliogany cabinet ; No, 128, a loud I two tone mahogany, equipped with IS, and an earthen loud speaker. The isole table with a battery speaker of composition earth speaker console in two battery compardnenis, ar Windsor loud speaker compartment and a built Trophies Preseuted to "Miss Radio" Winners wai issued by the company each day of the show and was distributed broadcast around the Coliseum. Lakeside Supply Co. The Lakeside Supply Co., CHicino, maintained an cshibit showing the complete line of radio products handled by the firm, including type "M" loud speakers, in black cryslalline finish; Dorkman horn-lypc speakers, in nssorted colors; loud speaker testers. Colonial and L. W. type cabinets, finished in walnut; No. S50 walnut desklype labinet mlh Imill-iti speaker and liadcry compartments and No. 560 E, a walnut console. The firm also maintained a complete display oi fibre horns and loud speaker units. G. C. Fricke, president, was in charge of the display and was assisted by R. R. Fricke. Dayton Fan & Motor Co. Day Fan live tube ficls were featured by the Dayton Fan S; -Motor Co.. Davton, O., and among the inatruiiiuiiis on display were the Day -Royal, Jlighboy model with liuih-in loud Speaker; D.iylonia, a Chippendale console with built-in loud spenker; Daycrafl, standard table model with built-in loud speaker; Daygrand, an an model wiih built-in loud speaker and the Day-Fan. standard fivc'Iubc set. All of the models in this scries are single dial operated, and iherc was also on display Day-Fan-OEM 12. a four-tube set. The Day-Fan cabinet speaker coiiiplcled the display, and among those in atIciidanie at the exhibit were H. D. Gibson, Chicago district ?aies manager and L. W. Ogle, of the Chicago s.iles staff. Jefferson Electdc Mfg. Co. The Jefferson lube rejiivenaior. No. I"5, and lube leslcr No. 195 were the objects of allcntion at the exhibit of the .Icffcrsoii Electric Mfn. Co., Cliica(:o. The firm also displayed its line of amplifying Iran.? formers. The boolb was decorated in black velvet, with a giani rcproduciion of the lejuvcnalor in opcr.ilion, showing a radio tube in place, .md a light in the tube tlashiiiB o(f .md on. .■\. R, Johnson, sales manager, was in charge of Ihc display, and was assisted by J. R, Scanlon, C. P. Kob, W. C. Samuel and W. H. liiiller, of the sale= dcparimeni. H. G. Saal Co. The H. G. Saal Co., Chicago, displayed its complete line of Saal SofI Speakers, including Model 1, finished in gold slippic with a brown bell; Model 3, in silver stipple with a black bell; Model S. finished in gold-black cr.ickic wilh brown bell; Saal, Jr., SofI Speaker in hlack crackle; [he Saal phonograph atlachment and loud speaker unit. C. J. Sharp, sales manager, was in charge of Ihc exhibit, and was assisted by W. R. Becker, factory superintendent. Echopbone Radio Inc. Eehophone Radio, Inc., Chicago, dispLiycd its complete