The talking machine world (July-Dec 1927)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, September, 1927 27 Thos. A. Edison Honored at Golden Jubilee Celebration (Co)itiiiHed from page 26) you have tutored and watched over me with untiring patience. "I have traveled to the loneliest outpost of civilization. I have rubbed elbows with monarchs and I have become the indispensable servant of Captains of Business. You have made me a universal messenger of happiness and satisfaction to rich and poor alike. But to-day as I stand on the threshold of the next fifty years I feel as a college boy must feel at graduation, when he looks out over the years of accomplishment in store for him. You have made me mature in wisdom, a power for good, and because I am what I am, I have undying youth. "Do you remember, Chief, that first day fifty j-ears ago at Menlo Park? "Do you remember how you wouldn't tell John Kruesi what I was when you handed him the sketch and said 'Kruesi make this'? You wouldn't tell him because you were afraid he'd think you had gone crazy. I remember, because I was a living thing in your brain long before I was given a physical body. "Do you remember the way the Laboratory looked that day, with its jumble of apparatus and the hum of the machine shop coming in through the door? Kruesi came in. You and he were alone. He set my first awkward body of brass and tinfoil down on the table and looked at you. You hadn't told him what to expect. You didn't even dare to expect much of me yourself. No wonder he was curious. And then you put me in motion and spoke those never-to-be-forgotten first words to me. "Do you remember how j'our hand trembled, just a little, when you reset my mechanism? What a tense moment that was! And then, I spoke, I repeated your words. I even remembered your inflections and the intonation of your voice, and the little cough you made at the start, because for the first time since the dawn of creation you had endowed inanimate matter with the power to remember such things. "Poor Kruesi! In his amazement all he could saj' was: 'Mein Gott im Himmel it talks.' "I would like to reminisce with you, Chief, for hours. We would have plenty to talk about. The fifty years we have worked together have been full of wonderful moments. But to me none can equal the thrill of that first day in 1877 at the little laboratory in Menlo. "Today is my fiftieth birthday. I am entitled to ask a favor of you. I want to hear again from your own lips those immortal first words you spoke to me fifty years ago." The responses to the various addresses were made for his father by Charles Edison, but it was with a bright smile that the inventor himself stepped to the microphone and recited that little bit of what he termed "practical poetry" that had served to prove the possibilities of the phonograph a half century ago. Following the ceremonies at Llewellyn Park the guests were transported to Essex County Country Club where luncheon was served and entertainment provided by Dave Kaplan's Melodists, and a dozen or more of Edison recording artists. Atwater Kent Mfg. Go. Secures an RGA License New Shamrock Electric Set to Be 1927-28 Leader Returning from an extensive trip through the East and Middle West, Nate Hast, general sales manager of the Shamrock Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J., manufacturer of Shamrock radio sets, reported a great deal of enthusiasm among dealers and jobbers over the new Shamrock line. Mr. Hast stated that he closed arrangements with a number of leading distributors and the new Shamrock electric set, operating directly from the house light socket, will be the product receiving concentrated sales effort during the 1927-28 season. A licensing agreement has been signed between the Radio Corp. of America and the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co. which provides for payment of royalties on sales of radio receiving sets manufactured by the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co. since January, 1923, when the latter organization began the production of tuned radio frequency receivers, according to an announcement from RCA headquarters in New York. The agreement also provides for the payment of royalties on future sets made by the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co. The terms, it was announced, are based on the standard RCA licensing agreement of 7^2 per cent. How Two Dealers Solved Time Payment Problem {Continued from page 22) sale has been found by this dealer most effective in reducing collection troubles. Before credit is granted a prospect account answers several questions. According to Mr. Wormser, the one most important question is: "In whose name is your home listed?" In case that a man is purchasing the set and the ownership of his house is under his wife's name, Mr. Wormser suggests that she sign the credit agreement. Credit is usually granted after the following information is secured from three references: 1 — How long have you known applicant? 2 — Married or single? 3 — What is his occupation? A — Would you advance him credit? 5 — Should he move from present address would you be in a position to notify us of his location? The D. W. Lerch Piano Co., Canton, O., has undergone extensive alterations. Hinniii|iiiiiiifinn!iiii|ii!i!iii|i!it[!'|i|i|in|i!iiiiii|i|ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii[iii!| r. Jf. HERRMATSfl FOURTH ANNUAL RADIO WORLDS FAIR MAD /SON SQUARE GARDEN NEW YORK CITY Sept. 19-24 1927 Inclusive resenm These bigger and better radio exhibitions foreshadow al record-breaking 1927-28 radio season. All representative manufacturers of radio receivers, parts and accessories will display their new lines. In addition, there will be special business sessions for the trade, affording dealers, jobbers and distributors an ideal opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest developments in the industry. Every progressive radio merchant should attend one of these shows. National Radio Day September 21 Pl!t|llll!l|llll|IIIIil!i!|llfWlf!WWW^ G.CLAYTON IRWIN Jr, GENERAL MANAGER. SSOCIA SIXTH ANNUAL CHICAGO RADIO smu COL/SEUM CHICAGO Oct 10-16 1927 Inclusive