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Columbia Kolster
Viva-tonal TheElectricReproducing Phonograph "like life itself
Model 900 List Price $475
Plays any standard record. Batteries are eliminated. Five Cunningham tubes included in equipment. The volume can be increased or decreased at will. Marvelous tone. Beautiful, high lighted walnut cabinet with mahogany overlay.
In this single instrument, are combined the Columbia achievements in the reproduction of recorded music with the finest and latest developments in power amplification,'the Kolster Power Cone Speaker.
(Vwa-tonal Recording
Viva-tonal Columbia Phonographs
Before buying another phonograph, hear the Viva-tonal Columbia, the musical creation of the Columbia Phonograph Company. A wide choice of models, prices, and sizes, from the imposing No. 810 at $300 to the remarkable No. 160, the Viva-tonal Columbia Portable at $50. Some in mahogany, some in walnut. All "like life itself." Hear
their living tone. Mod. 160, List Price $50
•Ail Trade Werks Rcfi. U.S.P*(. Off.;
Day by day, week by week, month by month, Columbia is constantly on the alert to interest the prospective customer. The selection of artists, the choice of what to record, the quality of the record itself, plus Columbia's high standard of service — all these features impress the customer, and increase the dealer's sales.
Columbia Phonograph Company, 1819 Broadway, New 1 ork City Canada: Colurnljia Plionograph Company. Ltd.. Toronto