The talking machine world (July-Dec 1927)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, November, 1927 113 ENGLISH DE LUXE ALL ELECTRIC MODEL TEN TUBES Scientific thoroughness is the keynote of Zenith manufacture — thoroughness in design, in construction, in workmanship, in inspection and in shipment. So far as is humanly possible, mediocrity, carelessness, and faulty manufacture have been eliminated from Zenith Radio. So — Zenith is today the world's largest manufacturer of high grade radio. Three different circuits — 6, 8 and 10 tubes— battery or electric — some with antenna — some with loop — others without loop or antenna — 16 Models. $100 to $2500, -^LONG DISTANCE<f TRAOe MARK RCC RADIO Licensed nnly far RadU> amateitry experimental atid broadcast reception. Western United States pricea slightly higher. 3620 IRON STREET CHICAGO