The talking machine world (July-Dec 1927)

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130 (fVurld of Music) Tlic Talkhuj Marliiiic World, N civ York, N oveiuher, 1927 or Two— of a Song or of a Publisher or Two A Line Two— An unusual tribute was paid Buddie De Sylva at the Paramount Theatre during the week of October li when Jesse Crawford, during his organ concert, phiying "Just a Memory," introduced several of the selections fur which Mr. De Sylva had written the lyrics. The words were thrown on the screen as were also a few words by Mr. Crawford acknowledging the genius of Broadway's celebrated lyricist. Among the selections interpolated by Mr. Crawford were "April Showers," "Memory Lane," "Just a Cottage Small by a Waterfall," "A Kiss in the Dark"? "When Day Is Done," "Birth of the Blues," "So Blue," and "Lucky Day." ❖ ❖ ❖ Joe Davis, head of the Triangle Music Co., reports that he has three songs that are sellin.g big. They are: "I Ain't Got Nobody and Nobody Cares for Me," "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" and "Egypt." Other songs in the Triangle catalog that are selling well are "My Blue Ridge Mountain Home," "My Carolina Home," "Lonely Nights in Hawaii," "I'm Only Another to You" and others. Musical directors of theatres, broadcasting stations, hotels and colleges are showing unusual interest in the novel series of medley overtures for orchestras issued by M. Witmark & Sons. The present series includes two devoted to Southern ditties, "In the Land of Cotton" and "Old Plantation Days"; two to Irish tunes, "Dear Old Ireland" and "Irish Favorites"; patriotic airs are cared for in "The Land of the Free"; "On the Campus" has an appeal to colleges, and "Hits of Other Days" contains the song successes of days that are past. ^ ^ M. Witmark & Sons, with whom the lateErnest R. Ball was associated for more than twenty-five years, report that initial sales on the album of fifteen of the famous composer's songs are beyond expectations. Many re-orders are being received daily and the volume indicates the place which Ernie Ball held in the hearls of the music-loving public. The Witmark organization states that "Watching the World Go By," the last song written by Mr. Ball, is showing every sign of being one of the biggest ballad successes ever written by him. ♦*» V V V The tour of John I'hilip Sousa and his band is bringing to the attention of the public several numbers from the catalog of Bibo, Bloedon & Lang. The Sousa aggregation is introducing and featuring Sousa's arrangement of the "March of the Blues," written by Irving Bibo, with a dance arrangement by Frank Skinner. The saxophone sextette is playing "Zulu Wail," and Miss Marjorie Moody, soprano with Sousa's band, is singing Sousa's ballad, "Forever and a Day," the lyric of which was written by Irving Bibo. ❖ ❖ ❖ "Our American Girl," a song dedicated to Miss Ruth Elder, has been composed by Irving Mills and Jimmy McHough and is being published by Jack Mills, Inc. ❖ ❖ ❖ "After You've Gone," one of the leaders of the Broadway Music Corp.'s catalog, which was a big "hit" many years ago and has again reestablished itself in the public's favor, is being well received all over the country as is evidenced by the daily orders and re-orders from dealers. It is also in demand with orchestra leaders. ❖ ❖ ❖ William Wiemann, traveler for the Edward ]]. Marks Music Co., returned November 10 from a trip which took hint to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Wiemann concluded the best trip, according to reports, ever made by a Marks salesman from the standpoint of actual results. He sold many books and new orchestrations iif old numbers, in addition to such new and popular selections as "Slow River," "Just a Kiss Before the Dawn," "Sugar Foot Trust" and the new fox-trot version of "Dow'n South." Except for short trips, Mr. Wiemann will be in New York until the first of the year. V V V Because of mechanical demands, the Edward U. Marks Music Co. is reviving five of its old blue numbers, namely, "Tishomingo Blues," "Schim-me-sha-wabble Blues," "Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gave to Me," "Has Anybody Seen My Chorine" and "There'll Be Some Changes Made." These numbers, which are from four to ten years old, are being recorded by such artists as Ted Lewis, Sophie Tucker, Fletcher Henderson, Willard Robinson and Red Nichols. +♦« Irving Berlin, Inc., has announced the release of another new song by Irving Berlin, entitled "Together We Two," a typical Irving Berlin lox-trot ballad. Although but two weeks old, J.-om the terrific play the song has received it shows every indication of surpassing any one of his previous successes. ❖ ❖ ❖ Harry Von Tilzer's latest hit, "Whether It Rains — Whether It Shines," is being featured by a great many of the leading vaudeville and dance favorites, including Ted Lewis and His Band in "Artists and Models," at the Winter Ga-den; Paul Specht and His Orchestra in vaudeville; Al Moore and His Tar Babies, playing Keith vaudeville; Healy and Cross, popular singing comedians; B. A. Rolfe and His Palai.'. d'Or Orchestra; Irwin Abrahms' Orchestra at the Manger Hotel and Al Friedinan's aggregation at Yoeng's restaurant. ❖ ❖ ❖ Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., whose catalog includes some of the most popular numbers of the day, such as "Side by Side," "Worryin'," "Bye-Bye, Pretty Baby," "Just Another Day Wasted Away," 'Everybody Loves My Girl," "Clementine" and a host of others, recently added two new numbers, both potential hits. 'I hey are "There's a Rickety, Rackety Shack" (by a Rickety, Rackety Road), by the writers of "Just Another Day Wasted Away," and "How Long Has This Been Goin' On?" by Bennie Davis and Pete Wendling. ❖ ❖ ❖ Harry Barris, young composer, formerly with Paul Whiteman, recently informed the Shapiro, Bernstein organization that he finds the Victor recording of "Mississippi Mud," by the Paul Whiteman Rhythm Boys, to be one of the most talked of and popular vocal novelties of the season. Mr. Barris composed "Brown Sugar," which was the rage of "hot" jazz bands all last season. Incidentally, Mr. Barris has renewed his contract with Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., to continue for another year. ❖ ❖ ❖ Irving Berlin, Inc., reports the biggest sellin.g catalog which it has had in years. Officials of the company pride themselves on having at least ten songs that are among the biggest sellers all over the country. Among the outstanding hits are: "Me and My Shadow," "What Do We Do on a Dew, Dew, Dewy Day?" "Russian Lullaby," "Are You Lonesome To-night?" "C'est Vous," "Miss Annabelle Lee," "Dawning," "Together We Two," "There Must Be Somebody Else" and "Mr. Aeroplane Man." ❖ ❖ ❖ "Wings," the Paramount film, depicting the war in the air which has been playing to capacity houses at the Criterion Theatre, New York, was presented to Chicago audiences at the Erlanger Theatre, Chicago, on Sunday, October 30, and has duplicated its success. The score of this film, composed by J. S. Zamecnik, of the Sam Fox Publishing Co., plays no small part in its success, and the sensational theme song, "Wings," available in sheet music as a fox-trot and as a concert number, is continuing to be as popular with music lovers as is the film with theatregoers. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY NO MATTER What You Sell — This Is a 100% PROPOSITION! For Any Piano Dealer, Record Store or Music Shop A SURE-FIRE CAN'T-MISS MONEY-MAKER A MILE AHEAD OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY The Biggest R^velixtUm the Music Indiistry Has Ever Had! -NOW YOU CAN LEABHIO PUV POPULAR MUSK IN A FEW MONTHS Nearly hooo Displays Already Contracted For! Todpy. when miles ere measured in seconds — pushing a button brings instantly two-thirds of our needs — the turning of a dial brings music seemingly from nowhere — SPEED is everything. ART SHEFTE, master musician, has made it possible to learn to play popular musk in a few months instead of a few years. A book for everything — from the beginning of music to the last "Z" in JAZZ: HOT BREAKS — BLUE BREAKS — JAZZ BREAKS — KEYBOARD HARMONY — JAZZ BASS — etc. $22,000.00 Being Spent in Advertising in the Mediums Mentioned Below:- Saturday Evening Post Liberty Etude Musical L«ader Muiica] Courier Musical America Music New« Musical Observer Music and Musiciitns Pacific Coast Musical Review Musical Advance Pacific Coast Musician Musical E>igest The Metronome Billboard International Musician Jacobs Orchestra Monthly Jacobs Band Monthly Melody Musical Enterprise Wiret Phone or Write for FORSTER MUSIC PUBLISHER INC. Our Special Proposition^