The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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120 The Talking Machine World, New York, July, 1928 Trade Activities in the Quaker City (Continued from page 119) held "open house" at headquarters on North Broad street, during the week of June 25. The headquarters were open both day and evening .-Hid buffet luncheons and suppers were served to the visiting dealers. Both the new Crosley and Amrad models were displayed on the main floor and in the private display room on the third floor. Assisting Carl and August Wilkening and Sales Manager Marsden in greeting the guests were F. W. Lockwood, district field manager of the Crosley Corp. of Cincinnati, O., and W. L. King, New York and Philadelphia manager of the Amrad Corp. of Medford Hillside, Mass. To Hold Series of Bosch Dealer Meetings As the exclusive Philadelphia distributors of the Bosch radio products, the Lewis Radio Jobbers, 45 North Seventh street, will begin on July 9 a series of radio shows throughout the territory. The first of these will be held at the Americus Hotel, Allentown, Pa., beginning on the 9th and continuing for three days. Factory sales representative for the Eastern States, Harry Russell, of the American-Bosch Co., of Springfield, Mass., will be among the speakers, along with J. Struckman, of the Bosch factory service division, while the local distributors will be represented in the rostrum by M. J. Lewis, of the firm; E. J. Cohen, salesman of the staff covering that section, and Jack Philips, ,of the service department of the Lewis Co. There will be other shows held at Reading July 12-13, at the Berkshire Hotel; July 16 to 18, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Atlantic City, and the entire week of July 23 at the Sylvania Hotel, in this city, when the dealers from this section will have an opportunity of viewing the various new models. These consist of a table set retailing for $132.50 in walnut cabinet with seven tubes. This may be converted into a console by merely slipping it into a cabinet on the console design made by the firm, and retailing at $65, providing for a console set at $197.50 without the necessity of the dealer having to carry the additional expense of two distinct sets and the economy of stocking coincident to the latest innovation. . There will be two shows daily with the Bosch receiver in operation. One will be given over to the public between the evening hours of 7 to 10, while demonstration radio programs will be held for the dealers during the sessions of sales talks and merchandising programs. Franklin Co. to Sponsor Meeting While the successfully conducted campaign carried on during the month of June on DayFan radios brought to the local distributors of that commodity a new line of dealers, the Franklin Electric Co., distributor, 50 North Seventh street, is now planning for further developments in this territory for the sets and for the Sleeper radio line, in the new Fall types. In the month of August there will be a dealers' sales conference held in a large central city hotel, to be selected later, when the retailers will hear Gordon C. Sleeper, of the Sleeper Radio & Mfg. Co., Long Island City, tell of the newest developments of his firm, and Charles T. Lawson, vice-president and general manager, elucidate on the latest of the Day-Fan radios, made by the Day-Fan Co., of Dayton, O. This dealers' conference is being developed under the newly appointed sales manager of the Radio Division of the Franklin Co., Robert Cameron. The Day-Fan line was highly received in the upState trade during the month of June when a drive carried out by Sales Manager Cameron and his sales representative for the section, William Collinson, worked in conjunction with the factory in a sales conference held at the dealer's store in Easton. The Wil-Bor Radio Co. disposed of 150 receivers during the cam paign. Dealers from Shamokin and Allentown also attended. There were on display the new Day-Fan electric sets in walnut cabinets. There now is being shown the new Sleeper receiver in the two latest models at the Franklin headquarters. Radio in South Africa Aids Phonograph Sales The growing popularity of radio broadcasting in South Africa, instead of adversely affecting the phonograph business, is giving it a marked impetus, according to a report by Assistant Trade Commissioner E. B. Lawson, Johannesburg, made public June 12 in a statement by the Department of Commerce. The full text of the statement follows: "The popularity of certain types of broadcasting programs," Lawson states, "reflects to some extent the popularity of phonograph records. These programs contain frequent gramophone recitals, which, aided by press publicity, have been very effective in promoting sales of records. "So-called 'jazz' music, according to observers, is not as popular as heretofore. This is evident from the results of a gramophone competition carried out in March by the Cape Town broadcasting station. Thirteen hundred listeners-in participated in this competition carried out by that station. Seven records were played and listeners were asked to place them in their order of popularity. An analysis of the replies showed that in the five most popular selections not one 'jazz' record was included." Polymet Issues Radio Manual A new loose-leaf manual of engineering data pertaining to the radio industry has been published by the Polymet Mfg. Corp., New York. It is designed for use by radio engineers and manufacturers' purchasing agents. Announcing the NEW BRIGHT STAR JIMPLI POWER. It's Guaranteed! HERE is the most important contribution to radio since the introduction of the vacuum tube — the Bright Star Amplipower — the most powerful, longest-lived "B" Battery ever produced! AMPLIPOWER IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTORY SERVICE FOR 12 MONTHS ON THE BASIS OF THREE HOURS USE PER DAY, WITH ANY TUBES OF STANDARD TYPE! Think what this means to you, in terms of sales! Now you can offer your customers a "B" Battery with a binding guaranteea batten7 which assures superlative reception at absolutelyminimumeostper hour of service! The Amplipower is being aggressively advertised — the demand already indicates an unparalleled popular acceptance. Be amongst the first to sell the only guaranteed "B" Battery — ask your jobber about the Amplipower TODAY, or communicate direct with us. BRIGHT STAR BATTERY CO. HOBOKEN, N. J. Chicago San Francisco "NINETEEN YEARS BUILDING THE QUALITY LINE"