The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, October, 1928 91 Wre Selling Satisfactions When You Sell the New BRIGHT STAR JlMPLI POWER, — The Guaranteed "B" Battery Now that your customers are back from vacation, and broadcasting conditions are improving, you can build good-will and increase your profits by pushing Amplipower — the only "B" battery that is guaranteed. The customer must be satisfied when he equips his set with Amplipower— BECAUSE AMPLIPOWER IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTORY SERVICE FOR 12 MONTHS FROM DATE OF PURCHASE, WITH ANY TUBES OF STANDARD TYPE! Amplipower possesses all the well-known Bright Star features — Bag Type Cell Construction, silent operation — unequalled power — and in addition, a long life that makes it the logical choice of those who want complete, uninterrupted radio enjoyment! Amplipower is indispensable to those who are exploring the fascinating field of Television. Popular demand has already created a ready-made market for you — cash in on it NOW. Ask your jobber about the Amplipower today, or communicate direct with us. See our Exhibit at the Fifth Annual Radio World's Fair, Madison Square Garden, Ne-u> York, September 17-22 BRIGHT STAR BATTERY CO. HOBOKEN, N. J. Chicago San Francisco NINETEEN YEARS BUILDING THE QUALITY LINE Radio Amplifiers for Record Demonstrations Increase Sales Equipment Manufactured by the Pacent Electric Co. Has Been Tried Out and Proved Successful — Company Has Sold Amplifiers to More Than 150 Chain Stores Radio methods introduced during the last two years in stores to demonstrate records have proved of tremendous sales value. Business is booming in the record and sheet music departments of many stores, thanks to improved demonstration equipment worked out and installed by radio engineers. The idea of modernizing demonstration methods started with the advent of the electrically cut phonograph record. This new type is produced by radio methods, using a microphone pick-up. There is much more range and more depth to this style of recording than there ever could be with the old type, mechanically produced record. A new bass, never found in the old-type record, and an overall definition arc characteristics of the new type. One of the first ventures with radio amplifiers for record demonstration in chain stores was attempted by engineers of the Pacent Electric Co. some eighteen months ago. A small store in Fordham road, New York City, was selected as the spot to make the test case. The manager was perfectly open-minded to the experiment, so the apparatus was set up and installed. The equipment included a two-stage electrically operated audio amplifier, a Pacent Phonovox Pick-up, and electric turntable and cone speaker. At the end of the first week of the initial experiment a check on record business showed that it had increased more than 25 per cent. The record and sheet music counters of the small store were attracting and selling more merchandise than at any time since the opening, a very significant situation. Heads of the country's largest systems of stores handling records and sheet music have been quick to seize upon the value of amplifying equipment to strengthen sales and bring new customers into the store. To-day the Pacent Electric Co. alone has sold complete radio demonstration equipment to over 150 chainstore establishments. The most recent equipment turned out by engineers of the Pacent Co. in response to the nation-wide demand for up-to-date and lowpriced demonstrating apparatus is the essence of simplicity. It is so designed that anyone in the store can operate it after two minutes instruction. The element of upkeep has been carefully regarde3. There is nothing to break down or cause bother. Once installed in the store the equipment can be counted upon for many months of continuous, profitable service. Once in six or eight months a new tube may have to be put in the amplifier after it has given its full period of usefulness. Aside from this there is nothing to do but turn the equipment on and off. The demonstrating equipment includes two units, both of them unusually compact and rugged. The Electrovox consists of a Pacent Phonovox equipped with balanced tone arm, an electric motor and turntable, an3 suitable outlet cables to connect to the power amplifier. This entire equipment is built in a substantial wood case, about the size of a portable phonograph. The second of the two units is the electrically operated amplifier, designed especially for store use by Pacent engineers. This amplifier requires no batteries of any kind. It uses a 226lube in the first stage and a 210-power tube in the output. A special input transformer is employed which brings out the full possibilities of the magnetic pick-up, as well as giving greater volume compared with the usual low ratio input transformer. To place the demonstrating apparatus in operation, it is only necessary to make two connections to electric outlets, one to the amplifier, the second to the turntable motor. A single switch controls the entire equipment. That is all there is to it. In most of the smaller stores only one speaker is provided. The record and music departments are usually located near the center of the establishment, and the single outlet provides ample volume to have the music heard throughout most of the store. Other stores use as many as six speakers placed at points of vantage. One of the large establishments in Brooklyn has its music department located in the basement. Naturally people in the store upstairs won't, in many cases, take the trouble to find the department if a lot of questioning and directions are needed. So the manager of the store had five extension speakers run from the radio demonstrating equipment in the basement to points upstairs. Over each of the speakers is an easily read sign with this message: "This record on sale in the Music Department downstairs." It is easy to see that radio amplifying methods are paying their way. The apparatus required for the average installations costs less than $200. One girl is assigned to the work of selecting the records which are apt to please the buying public's fancy and result in sales. A good part of the time she can give her attention to making sales, so that the actual operating expense of the installation is very low.