The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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92 The' Talking Machine World, New York, October, 1928 Railroads Plan to Double Freight Rates Music Industries Chamber to Appear in Opposition to Move to Increase Rates on Electrically Amplified Phonographs The Eastern railroads plan to double the freight rates on phonographs electrically amplified, according to Consolidated Classification Docket No. 35, just issued. The proposal of the carriers will be strenuously opposed by the Music Industries Chamber of Commerce, which will appear in opposition at the hearings in New York on October 16. The Chamber's Traffic Committee consists of Alfred L. Smith, general manager, and the following traffic representatives of the leading phonograph companies: L. R. Ahern, Columbia Phonograph Co.; W. Hildebrand, Thos. A. Edison, Inc.; Norman H. Lawton, Victor Talking Machine Co.; L. P. Siddons, Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., and W. F. Varin, Sonora Phonograph Co. The present rates on phonographs are first class for less than carload shipments and second class for carload shipments, minimum weight 16,000 pounds. The Official Classification Committee, which covers the Eastern part of the country, proposes specifically to divide phonographs into two groups, leaving the existing rate on machines not electrically amplified, but doubling the rate on those electrically amplified to double first class for less than carload shipments and first class for carload shipments, with the same minimum weight as at present. The above proposals, unless defeated, will add very seriously to the transportation expenses of the phonograph industry. Seven New Federal Distributors Named The Federal Radio Corp., Buffalo, N. Y., has announced the appointment of the following wholesalers as distributors of Federal Orthosonic receivers in their respective areas: W. W. Conde Hardware Co., Watertown, N. Y.; Dyke Motor Supply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Amana Society, High, la.; W. E. Fuetterer Supplies Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Globe Supply Co., Syracuse, N. Y. ; Packard Service Station, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and J. Lawrence Hill Co., Rochester, N. Y. Seiberling Singers on Columbia Records The Seiberling Rubber Co. effected a unique tie-up with Columbia in one of their recent Saturday Evening Post advertisements. They listed the Seiberling Singers' latest Columbia release "At Dawning" and "Japanese Sunset," record No. 1475-D-10-inch, as a part of the copy in the three-page tire advertisement. Lester Abelson Is Steinite Plant Head Has Been Appointed General Manager of Steinite Radio Co. Factories at Atchison, Kan. — Production Increased The Steinite Radio Co., with offices in Chicago, and factories in Atchison, Kan., announces that Lester Abelson has been placed in Lester Abelson charge of the large, modern Atchinson plants as general manager. Mr. Abelson has rendered a conspicuous service to Steinite in a supervising capacity in Chicago. His transfer to Atchison is in line with a program of expansion undertaken by the Steinite organization. Mr. Abelson has already originated important revisions in manufacturing procedure in the production of the Steinite AC Radio and the Steinite set in combination with a dynamic speaker. Production has been stepped up to meet a strong demand for the set which last year scored a distinctive success with the trade. The Steinite line includes a table model at $75, and consoles at $115, $130 and $150. With Dynamic Speakers, sets are offered at $137.50, $152, $167 and $187. North Ward Is Sole N. J. Majestic Jobber The North Ward Radio Co., Newark, N. J., is now an exclusive wholesaler for the Majestic line in New Jersey, according to a recent announcement. Herbert Fink, president of the North Ward Co., which heretofore has shared this territory with another distributor, has announced that his organization has arranged for additional space adjoining the present quarters, with improved shipping and receiving facilities to take care of the increase in quota which was made effective simultaneously with the conclusion of arrangements for representation of the Majestic line on an exclusive basis. Art Gillham on Road Tour Art Gillham, exclusive Columbia artist, best known as "The Whispering Pianist," is on another swing around the country. To date his tour has included eastern Canada and the middle States. At every stop along the road the public turned out strongly, and judging from dealer reports, no moss has been given an opportunity to gather on the records of this welliiked artist.