The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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Ths Talking Machine World, New York, October, 1928 93 WITHOUT a doubt the type K-l Sun Radio Speaker is the finest made. It is a new and original development, that contains the good features of all other speakers in one. There is no note recorded, either on records or broadcast by radio, that this remarkable speaker cannot reproduce, with plenty of volume and true as life itself. The type K-l Sun Speaker is an exponential air column, the result of years of development. It is equipped with a powerful magnetic unit, which contains a special processed aluminum diaphragm made under the Willett patent. The rigid construction of this unit insures years of satisfactory service. Ten Day Free Trial Words fail to express the remarkable reproduction of this fine speaker. You must hear and test a sample, compare it with any other speaker, regardless of price or claims. After ten days, if you are not entirely satisfied, it can be returned for full credit. List Price $25'00 TYPE K-l Finished in golden brown, krinkel enamel, enables this fine speaker to be placed in the finest furniture arrangement. It is light in weight, compact and beautiful. The performance will thrill anyone interested in quality reproduction. SUN UNIT This powerful magnetic unit was developed after years of research and development. It contains the Willett patented diaphragm. Increase Your Profits — Qet This II Fast Selling Speaker in Your Store J° THE GOLDEN SUN CO., 2829*31 Grand Ave., Louisville, Ky.