The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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94 The Talking Machine World, New York, October, V?2$ Sales Representatives! Largest Manufacturing Organization of its kind in the music-radio industry, because of certain changes in sales policy, has territories open throughout the United States,' Mexico and Canada. Our products are consistently advertised in Liberty, Saturday Evening Post, newspapers and in leading trade publications. Write or wire your experience, number of salesmen and qualifications for handling our nationally known, nationally advertised products, made and marketed by a firm of recognized financial stability. Box A TALKING MACHINE WORLD 420 Lexington Ave. New York City Radio Sales & Supply Co. Sponsors Meeting Atwater Kent Dealers From Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico Attend Third Annual Convention at Denver Denver, Col., October 4. — Atwater Kent radio dealers in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico held their third annual convention recently at the Brown Palace Hotel, this city, under the auspices of the Radio Sales & Supply Co., Atwater Kent distributor. It was described as being by far the most successful meeting held by this distributor. Speakers on the business program included Hon. Benjamin F. Stapleton, Mayor of Denver; Robert E. Owen, chief engineer of station KOA; A. N. Doty, H. T. Stockholm and P. A. Ware, of the Atwater Kent Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; George E. Phillips, of the Pooley Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; George Coleman, of the Red Lion Cabinet Co., Red Lion, Pa., and Tom Savage, president of the Radio Sales & Supply Co. The entertainment program was broadcast by station K'FEL. Successful Offering of Acoustic Products Stock A successful public offering was made last week by E. L. Gillespie & Co., Inc., New York, of 200,000 shares of common stock of the Acoustic Products Co., better known as "Sonora," which represents the merger in 1927 of the Sonora Phonograph Co., Inc., the Premier Laboratory Co. and the Bidhamson Corp. The Acoustic Products Co. plans to cover the entire field in sound reproduction, both recorded and broadcast, and will also specialize in the synchronization of sound with film for use in theatres, churches, schools and auditoriums. This company, which owns and operates the Sonora wood-working plants at Saginaw, Mich., and an electric apparatus plant at Stamford, Conn., offers to the trade acoustic phonographs, electric phonographs, radios, speakers, records and tubes, under one trade name — Sonora. The forecast for the current fiscal year, based on gross sales volume, indicates substantial net earnings. P. L. Deutsch, formerly vice-president of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., is president of the company, and Adam Stein, Jr., formerly managing engineer in charge of radio and electric phonograph division of General Electric, is vice-president. Besides these other directors include Anthony J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., chairman, DeForest Radio Corp.; trustee Duke Endowment; John R. Dillon, Hayden, Stone & Co.; Victor C. Bell, chairman, Sonora Phonograph Co., Inc., Robert Le Roy, attorney, Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft; Harris Hammond, chairman, president, International Petroleum Co.; R. G. Martin, president, the SafeT-Stat Co.; Arthur D. Mendes, president, A. D. Mendes & Co., Inc., E. F. Gillespie, president, E. F. Gillespie & Co., Inc.; John S. Snelham, Deloitto, Plender, Griffiths & Co.; A. J. Kendrick, vice-president, Sonora Phonograph Co., Inc., formerly sales manager of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Freshman Distributing Policy Outlined Direct-to-Dealer Sales Policy Except in Thinly Populated Districts — Branch Offices Opened at Trade Centers The policy of selling direct to dealers throughout the country, with the exception only of such thinly populated sections where it is advantageous for the dealer to buy through the distributor, will be continued by the Charles Freshman Co., Inc., according to Harry A. Beach, vice-president in charge of sales. The announcement states that in these restricted territories dealers are encouraged to lean upon the distributor for merchandise requirements, as by so doing they avail themselves of the many helps offered by the distributor, which are very helpful in thinly populated areas, plus the same measure of support they have been accustomed to receiving in their dealings with the Freshman Co. direct. Mr. Beach further announced that the Charles Freshman Co., Inc., has established branch offices at strategic points so as to maintain the closest possible contact with the trade throughout the country. These branch offices are located as follows: Chicago, E. S. Hilber, manager; Kansas City, M. C. Schoenly, manager; Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle, Walter J. Epstein, manager. All branches include warehouse equipment and servicing facilities. Howard Sellers New Brunswick Manager Appointed Sales Manager of Cincinnati Branch — Has Had Wide Experience With the Brunswick Co. Howard Sellers is the new branch sales manager of the Panatrope division of the Brunswick Cincinnati office. He was recently Howard Sellers appointed to this position, succeeding E. B. Daulton, who died a short time ago. Mr. Sellers' appointment to this position is a particularly fortunate one for the dealer organization in the territory over which he now has jurisdiction, for he is, by reason of past experience and capabilities, eminently suited to take command at that important keypoint in the national Brunswick organization. Mr. Sellers has been associated with Brunswick for approximately five years and in that time he has advanced steadily from one position to another. He began in the Cincinnati branch as merchandise man in charge of the record department, where, under his guidance, a foundation was laid for a dealer organization that soon made the Cincinnati branch one of the leading record outlets in the country. He was so successful at this work that for a period of about a year he was transferred to the Brunswick record factory at Muskegon, Mich., where his experience with dealers' needs in records was invaluable to the factory. After a period of over a year spent in Muskegon, he returned again to Cincinnati, where he became the Panatrope promotion representative under J. E. Henderson, at that time Panatrope manager and who is now national Brunswick record sales manager in Chicago. Mr. Sellers spent a good deal of his time in contact with the Brunswick dealer organization and later, when necessity demanded, took over the southern Ohio territory himself and was doing that work when he received his appointment as branch sales manager. Mr. Sellers is well known throughout his territory and has the confidence and admiration of the entire dealer organization. Changes Name of Receiver In accordance with the general policy of the Boy Scouts of America to keep scouting free from all commercial associations, the Pilot Electric Mfg. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., announces that it has decided to discontinue the use of the name "Air Scout" in describing the receiver manufactured by that firm. The receiver kit formerly bearing the name "Air Scout" will henceforth be known as the "Air Commander."