The talking machine world (July-Dec 1928)

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36 The Talking Machine World, New York, December, 1928 James K. Polk, Inc., Has Won High Rank in Seven Years Southern Phonograph Distributor Celebrated Seventh Anniversary as a Phonograph Jobber in October — Foresight of P. C. Brockman a Big Factor in Firm's Success During the past few years one of the outstanding distributors in the phonograph industry has been the well-known firm of James K. Polk, Inc., maintaining exclusively wholesale organizations in Atlanta, Ga.; Dallas, Tex.; Memphis, Tenn.; and Richmond, Va. James K. Polk, Inc., celebrated in October of this year its seventh anniversary and the congratulatory messages received from manufacturers of phonograph products as well as hundreds of dealers throughout the South testified to the high esteem in which the company is held throughout the industry. The business was founded in 1888 by James K. Polk and was operated as a retail furniture store by Mr. Polk personally until the business was incorporated in 1921. At that time, P. C. Brockman joined the organization as secretary and director of sales and under his management the company's sales volume has increased year after year and the prestige of the organization has become national. Prior to joining James K. Polk, Inc., Mr. Brockman had been identified with the Atlanta branch of the Simmons Co., manufacturer of Simmons beds, as a traveling representative. During his association with the Simmons Co. he had occasion to call on furniture merchants and allied trades in the Southeastern territory and observe the interest manifested by these dealers and the volume of business which they were closing at that time in their phonograph departments. Therefore, when Mr. Brockman joined Polk's P. C. Brockman staff, which at that time was in the retail furniture business exclusively, he organized a retail phonograph department and after a year with this department came to the conclusion that the wholesale phonograph business offered greater possibilities. A wholesale record business was then launched with Mr. Brockman in complete charge and handling the entire or ganization. All business was solicited by mail and the products handled consisted solely of records and needles. This business grew month after month and after about six months of operation James K. Polk, Inc., secured the distributing rights for Okeh records in Atlanta territory and in September, 1921, started an aggressive campaign on these products. The organization gradually grew in clerical help as well as sales, and the phonograph business became so profitable that the retail furniture business which had been operated for 36 years was sold in 1924, all capital being devoted to the wholesale phonograph interests. About this time Mr. Brockman and his associates began to realize the possibilities of the phonograph business in its entirety and the opportunity which existed for a distributing house in the South handling "anything and everything" in the phonograph line. Accordingly the company added portables, a cabinet line, mainsprings, parts and a complete line of phonograph accessories, setting out with a definite idea of extending operations throughout the South. In 1925 the first move was made in this direction by opening a branch in Richmond, in 1926 a branch was opened at Dallas and in 1927 another at Memphis. During these years a sufficient volume of business was built up in cabinet machines and they established a factory at Austell, Ga., a manufacturing town just outside of Atlanta. Okeh records are distributed exclusively so far as records are concerned throughout the entire Polk organization and mainsprings and replacement parts are marketed under the trade-mark "Perfection." H. A. Brockman In seven years the Polk organization has grown from one man to approximately 80 people and 18 salesmen, who are constantly visiting dealers throughout the South. The success of the company may be attributed to the capability and experience of its executive officers, particularly P. C. Brockman, and the fact that each and every man in the organization understands the requirements of the phonograph dealers in Southern territory, and leaves nothing undone to co-operate with the dealers in the development and stimulation of their sales activities. Radio Service Information A new clearing-house of radio information has been established by the Radio Treatise Co., New York, for the purpose of supplying radio data and conducting a consulting service for the dealers' service men and custom set builders. It will be conducted under the supervision of John F. Rider, engineer, and includes wiring diagrams of old and modern sets. After the holidays is an excellent time to follow-up interested prosnects. A NATIONAL SUCCESS! NEW CROSLEY AC Electric Power Speaker QEMBOX $65. Operates DYNACONE Speaker $25. Crosley sweeps the fleldl Crosley outsells ANT radio on the market today I Last winter Crosley was first to announce that the place to buy radio is in the home. The growth of Crosley sales since that time has. been phenomenal. The first six months of 1028 showed sales almost four times greater than any preceding year. Demonstrations in the home in comparison with other sets immediately proved themselves to be the greatest value in the radio world. Crosley dealers do not fear competitive demonstrations in any prospect's home— 8-Tube AC Electric SHOWBOX $80 Genuine Neutrodyne 6-Tube BANDBOX JB., $35 Drycell Operated. For places where recharging batteries Is Inconvenient. they encourage them. The AC Ebjctrio power speaker operating GEMBOX is a radio leader at $65. The Crosley DYNACONE. a dynamic tvpe speaker, available for all Crosley models. Introduces for the first time in the popular priced field reproduction never before believed possible. Any Crosley dealer is authorized to make FREE TRIAL Home demonstrations. Write Dept. 26 lor complete information. 6-Tube Battery operated BANDBOX, $55 Genuine Neutrodyne Improved MrsiCONE, $15 Magnetic Speaker The Crosley Radio Corporation Powel Crosley, Jr., Pres. Cincinnati, Ohio Montana. Wyoming. Colorado, New Mexico and West, prices slightly higher. Prices do not include tubes.