The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1907)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. II ENTERPRISING NEW ENGLAND JOBBERS OF TALKING MACHINES. The view of the talking machine department of the Household Furnishing Co., New Bedford, Mass., shows a decidedly effective arrangement of the floor stock. The space occupied is 40 x 75 feet, and takes on the appearance of a miniature recital hall. This portion of the company's store is beautifully decorated a la Japanese, and the ADVERTISING BY TELEGRAPHY. How a Wideawake Talking Machine Man Aroused Curiosity, Got a Crowd Together, Pleased Them and Made Some Sales. Advertisers have adopted almost every possible means of placing their goods before the public in such a manner that they will buy. They have used signs, space in publications, canvassers, personal letters, premiums and countless other means. But not one of them, so far as I know, has yet developed the practicability of the telegram as an advertisement. Advertising by telegraph would be a novel and certain method of making sales. It would not be expensive, and would bring better results than the methods now employed. In selling goods, the advertiser realizes that the absolute attention of the possible buyer is the thing most to be desired, and this is what a telegram gets. A telegram is not thrown aside and forgotten, as is an advertisement of any other kind, even a personal letter. Think, for a moment, what passes through your mind when you receive a telegram! First, you think of an accident, then of an important business proposition — bad luck, good news, or most anything; but the main idea is that you do think. While your trembling fingers are tearing offl the corner of that envelope you are thinking of it, intently, exclusively — all other things are out of your mind. The telegram receives your absolute attention. Now, anything to which you give your absolute attention leaves an indelible impression on your mind for days. Thus the telegram answers the greatest need of the advertiser. Furthermore, the excitement of curiosity has been found a most profitable means of advertising. What could excite your curiosity more than to receive the following telegram while spending S X E W A RX T«u can handle banjos easily and add to your Income. Talking machine men will find them seller*. brilliant color effects are pleasingly and tastefully distributed. They carry the Columbia and Edison lines, and are not only the sole jobbers in their section of the State, but are hustlers of the aggressive type. Walter H. Bassett, the president and general manager, is a model business man. a quiet evening at home? "Jones — Do you like good music? Is there any at home? Phixney." You would look at it fifty times and laugh, and puzzle and wonder what on earth it meant. Then, the next night, if you were to receive another at about the same time: "Jones — Home could be happier; some doctors prescribe music for health. Phinney." You would show it to your friends the next day. You would tell them about the other one, and puzzle your head over it continually. Mystery excites curiosity, curiosity commands attention; the advertiser knows all this, and he pays for attention. The next night you receive another message at the same time: "Jones — ^Will call at eight to-morrow night to explain and entertain. Invite your friends. "Phinney." That begins to sound interesting. The next day you invite a few friends for the surprise, you think about it, you excite your friends' curiosity, too. That night your friends come, everybody is expectant. The bell rings, and in walks a gentleman with a talking machine. "I am representing the Phinney Phonograph Co.," he explains simply, and sets about to entertain the company. Everybody is delighted, the novelty is appreciated, the mystery is solved, a most enjoyable evening is spent, and the chances, says the Saturday Evening Post, are that a sale or two will be made. TO MAKE REPEATING ATTACHMENTS. H. E. Markle, of Nashville, Tenn., is preparing a plant for the manufacture of repeating attachments for cylinder and disc talking machines. He will also make other novelties. THE BAUER CO., 726-730 Glrard Avenue Ptalladelphla. Pa. The National Phonograph Co. have purchased two lots 25 X 130 and 30 x 133, adjoining their factory buildings in Orange, N. J., and now own the entire block bounded by Valley road. Lakeside avenue. Golden street and Watchung avenue. A five-story concrete building will be erected on the site at an early date. Sign your Declaration of Independence Cut yourself loose from the jobber who holds you back by his poor service. Make yourself free from delays that vex you and disgruntle your customers. Get rid of every obstacle that stands in the way of progress and moneymaking. We're ready to help you help yourself We have everything that any dealer needs, and always have it when it's wanted. The very newest specialties and all kinds of accessories such as record cabinets, trumpet horns, fiber cases and English needles, as well as Victor talkingmachines and records. A stock so large and so complete that all shipments are made the same day the orders reach us. That's a regular thing with us, and it's worth a good deal to you. It saves you worries and disappointments. It gives you the confidence of your customers ; they know you're almost sure to have what they want, or that you'll get it for them and tell them the exact day they can have it — and live up to your word. A nice way to do business ! Take the preliminary steps to-day by sending for our latest catalogue. The Victor Distributing and Export Company 77 Chambers Street New York