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The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1907)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 55 TRADE NOTES FROM GOLDEN GATE. Sherman, Clay & Co. to Move Wholesale Department to Their New Building — Allen Fibre Horn Grows in Popularity — R. S. Smith to Open in Seattle — Kohler & Chase's Expansive Business — Ambassador McCarty's Good Report — Exton Co. to Handle Talkers. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 3, 1907. Sherman, Clay & Co. will soon move the wholesale department of their talking machine business into their new building, where the salesroom will be on the third floor. The wholesale stock, however will be carried in the basement, which will afford room for a large quantity of goods. The Columbia Phonograph Co.'s baseball team recently played a game with Sherman, Clay & Co.'s team, beating them by a score of 22 to 21. A return game was played on September 29. The Columbia boys are trying to get up a baseball league among the various music houses in San Francisco and around the Bay. Byron Mauzy reports an astonishing increase in the volume of business in his talking machine department during the past few weeks. The Eastern advertising he has been doing of late on the Allen fibre horn is said to have been productive of most gratifying results, and many inquiries have been received on the strength of it. The new jobbing catalog has just been issued. The Columbia Phonograph Co. are to add a number of outside men to the force of the retail store at Van Ness avenue and O'Farrell street, in charge of P. H. Beck. Mr. McCarty, of the talking machine department of Sherman, Clay & Co., was with Mr. Clay on his recent trip to the north, and has just returned. He reports a flourishing business in all the branch stores throughout the Pacific Northwest. Spokane is to be made a new distributing point for Victor goods, and a $30,000 stock will be carried there, to supply the trade in Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana. These territories will be covered by travelers with headquarters at Spokane, and the whole distributing business of that section will be in charge of G. Russel Guffly, who has been transferred from the Portland store. R. S. Smith, formerly manager for the Wiley B. Allen Co. in Oakland, Cal., will open within the next few days in Seattle, Wash., with a complete stock of talking machine goods. He has put in large orders for Victor lines with Sherman, Clay & Co. The wholesale talking machine business of Kohler & Chase is done from both Oakland and Seattle at which places they carry a full line of Edison, Star and Zonophone goods, as well as a general line of supplies for the various makes. The Oakland house occupies a two-story building at 917-921 Wood street, in charge of E. N. Clintsman, and 250,000 records are carried in stock at this store. The Seattle house is located at 708-710 Pike street, with H. P. Rothermel as manager. In addition to these wholesale centers Kohler & Chase conduct two stores in San Francisco, a retail store in Oakland and retail stores in Seattle and Sacramento. The Exton Music Co. recently put in a stock ot Star talking machines purchased through Henry Pottegetter, with the talking machine department of Kohler & Chase, San Francisco. The talking machine interests of the Exton Music Co., under the active management of E. F. Delano, has made rapid strides and improved considerably. An elaborate campaign of advancement is planned for fall, Mr. Delano being ambitious to make the department one of the most complete in the city. The company, by the way, are doing an excellent business with the Edison line, having a separate room set apart for displaying those goods. an extended business trip through the West, the results from which have been highly satisfactory. The new reproducers especially are looked upon by those who handle them as a marked development in many ways, and while just at present this company's outfit is somewhat limited enlargements are now under way which will put them in a position lo guarantee prompt shipments. ARNOLD SOMLYO HAS A "STAR." Arnold Somlyo, the eastern representative of the Baldwin Piano Co., Cincinnati, O., and also widely known in musical circles for his intimate acquaintance with operatic stars and high-grade professional singers, has a Hungarian soprano on his staff — a new arrival — with a voice of wonderful flexibility and compass, which he is desirous of having reproduced on records. The Columbia Record Co., General, have been tendered the first opportunity for a test, and Mr. Sombyo is sanguine thousands of the records of this new nightingale — with an established European reputation, however — can be sold in this country, where he believes at least 10,000,000 Hungarians now have their permanent homes. CALL FOR MAESTROPHONE SPECIALTIES. The demand for Maestrophone specialties continues to increase throughout the trade. A. C. Mestraud, their clever inventor, is now making PRICE LISTS IN SPANISH. For their export department the Talking Machine Supply Co., New York, have issued their first Spanish price list — "Lista de Precios Netro de Partes de Represto y Accessorirs para Maquimas Parlantes." It is a brief, yet comprehensive, compendium of the various essentials and requisites used in connection with the standard makes of all American talking machines. The company are especially strong on needles, their brands, including "Exhibition," "Star," "Odeon," "Loudtone," "Lightone," "Opera," "Spear," "Auxetone," "Klingsor" and "Dauer." They import 5,000,000 needles weekly from their German factory. Daniel J. Brennan has opened a complete talking machine store on Main street, Avoca, Pa. PERFECT MEDIUM QUIET NEEDLES THE NAME OF THE NEEDLE DENOTES THE TONE IT WILL PLAY The BEST NEEDLE made IS the ONE YOU WANT to use. WE do not HANDLE anything but FIRST CLASS GOODS and YOU CAN DEPEND UPON the quality of EACH STYLE of NEEDLE to be Al. SPECIAL OFFER TO DEALERS ANY OF OUR NEEDLES WILL COST YOU 25c. per 1,000 in 100,000 Lots 26c. per 1,000 in 100,000 Lots If Name and Address is Imprinted. PUT UP IN J 100 to an Envelope 300 to a Box 1,000 to a Box A SAMPLE 1,000 WILL BE FURNISHED FOR 30c. HOW ABOUT VICTOR" TALKING iACHINES AND RECORDS MJW "VICTORS^ Is it necessary to state that being in ONE LINE ONLY WE can GIVE YOUR WANTS in that line BETTER ATTENTION than if we handled other style goods ? TRY OS FOR GOOD SERVICE Our STOCK is LARGE and complete and our FACILITIES for filling orders are of the BEST. SIGN A "VICTOR " CONTRACT WITH US AND FOLLOW IT UP WITH YOUR ORDER. tSPda'J. WRITE ROR CIRCUI-AR AIMO RUl-l IN RO R IVl ATI O IM . AMERICAN TALKING MACHINE CO. 586 FULTON STREET, = BROOKLYNN, Y. CITY