The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1907)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 63 FROM OUR LONDON HEADQUARTERS(Continued). ment, they do a large wholesale trade only, confining themselves solely to the cylinder record and phonograph business. Their chief lines are Edison and Edison Bell, with all kinds of accessories. The Parker Phone Co., Ltd., IVIarket street, confine themselves to talking machines and phono goods only. They are factors for ZOnophones and records. In addition, they stock Odeons, Favorites, etc. For phono records they factor chiefly Edison and Sterling, and do a good wholesale, as well as a retail business. Well situated in one of the busiest thoroughfares, their very fine show attracts considerable attention from all passers-by. In conversation with Mr. Stoddart, who is the managing director, he paid The Talking Machine World the most flattering testimonial, saying "it was the very best paper ever produced or issued, connected with the trade, . and not only was he a subscriber from the first, but would not be without it under any consideration." Mr. Stoddart, by the way, also has two other depots — one at Halifax, besides another in Bradford, all doing well. A. Moore, 5 Manchester road, makes a specialty of sapphires of all kinds, grinding them on the premisss, in all the various sizes and patterns that are necessary for either use on cylinder or disc records. His two special lines are — one with a sphere ball, size 75 mm., for reproducing, and a special Bettini pattern, hollow-ground recording sapphire. The former, owing to its small size, gets thoroughly into the most minute sound grooves, thus giving a very full volume and better tone. Regarding the recording sapphire, it is ground concave with a very full hollow center, giving thereby a deep, regular and clear cut, particularly necessary for professional recording, and although Mr. Moore makes a specialty of sapphires, he also does a good general musical instrument trade, of the usual miscellaneous nature, and also has a good position and very attractive display. R. J. Appleton, of North End Parade, confines himself solely to the wholesale and works thoroughly the whole of Yorkshire, in all kinds of discs and phono goods. He specially pushes Columbia and Pathe discs, the latter going specially strong just now. In cylinder goods, Mr. Appleton has a good range, concentrating upon Edison and Clarion. This Clarion cylinder he also is sole Yorkshire factor for, and expects enormous business with it, the price being low, 9d. (18 cents) retail, opens up visions of trade at such a popular price that has never been thought of before. Mr. Appleton is exceedingly optimistic as regards the future, and hopes to break all records this season as regards sales and output. ^ ROBINSON'S ^ ^ Reliabililies ^ Are The " REPROPHONE " Disc TalKing Machines, "FAVORITE," "BEKA," "ZONO"and "ODEON" Discs (All good numbers kept in stock) The "MASTER" Ball Bearing SOUND BOX to suit all makes of Disc Machines. "Real Good" NOTE.— I import direct via ship canal, buying the very bes goods on cash lines. I sell to the dealers wholesale, but, in addition, do a large retail and export trade, packing and shipping to all parts of the world, with increasing trade and satisfactory results to buyer and seller alike. I am prepared to consider any propositions from manufacturers who desire a share of the business in the UNITED KINGDOM upon mutually advantageous lines, whereby 24 Years' Traveling Experience on the road, with a large clientele, combined with Brains, Bustle and Business Ability will bring grist to the mill on both sides. If this interests YOU, just write fully (Don't be afraid of an extra line or page) ^ YOU MAY RELY UPON Promptness, Energy and Straight Dealing. Best references. 1 concentrate upon DISC and PHONO. GOODS entirely. "ROBINSON'S" The Talkeries 213 Deansgate Established 1904 MANCHESTER, ENG. LEEDS, YORKSHIRE. iSpecial to The Talking Machine Wonu. i Leeds, Nov. 3, 19U7. Leeds is, without any doubt whatever, one ot the finest and up-to-date places in Great Britain. The Yorkshireman is noted generally for his keen appreciation of music, and from the highest to the lowest, one and all are severely critical. The leading dealers in Leeds are as below: Messrs. Hilton & Co., of 84 and 90 Briggat. R. Hilton is one of the most courteous gentlemen in the trade. Originally one of the oldest and largest pianoforte manufacturers in the north of England, the talking machine trade with them commenced in a small way many years ago. Gradually developing, Mr. Hilton was compelled to take another establishment, on the other side of the street, making it a separate adjunct from the original business. The trade growing larger and larger with him, necessitated the separation of the wholesale business from the retail. This has now been accomplished by taking a long lease of a huge warehouse at 28 Acre street, under the management of W. J. Ribbons. Under this gentleman's guidance we had the pleasure of going over this warehouse, which has been fitted up with the latest and most up-to-date conveniences possible. We may safely say, without fear of contradiction, that it Is the largest and most complete factor's establishment in the North of England. Consisting of se-veral floors, splendidly lighted, we estimate the cubic measurement of each floor at about 700,000 square feet. (Each floor is large enough to play a fullsize cricket match.) The departments are many and various. The ground floor consists of (a) stores, where anything up to 10,000 machines can be stocked comfortably; (b) packing room, where three or four packers are employed at high pressure all day long; (c) the disc record department. Mr. Ribbons showed us quite a new system they have as regards sending out new records, which is very good. Every record that is put into stock, upon arrival is placed into a semitransparent envelope, with a lapped edge, that Is gummed. It is sealed up and every dealer is supplied with the records so sealed, which is a guarantee that the record is an absolutely new one. This is owing to the fact (and we have every reason to believe it) that a good many records, that are sold as new, are absolutely * worn out before they are handed over to the customer. In this case it cannot possibly occur. We congratulate Mr. Hilton on this new Idea, which is decidedly good. Packed along the huge warehouse were thousands upon thousands of Edison records. We should estimate roughly that there are probably 100,000 of these in stock alone. This is also a separate department. Further on we come to the Sterling portion. Every record Sterling makes is kept in stock, and the quantity here is also enormous. Edison Bell also have a special department by themselves. Another feature of this establishment is a portion of which Is set out for show purposes only, quite distinct from the stock warehouse. In this portion is a range or show of everything that is sold, so that the dealer can walk into the showroom and see absolutely the latest, and also any odd part in detail, that he may want for repair or sale purposes. On the floor above a very commodious range of offices has been placed. Typewriters, telephones connecting every part up to the centi'al office, are in full swing, and every department, by the way, is linked up together, exactly on the American principle. The repair department next catches our eye. This Is a special department, in which repairs only are executed. There are several repairers constantly employed, and from the huge amount of work we saw before them it looked as though they have got an income in view, for some time to come. In conversation with Mr. Hilton and his able lieutenant Mr, Ribbon, we gather that trade has been exceptionally good with this firm. They are factors for all leading lines, are right bang-upto-date, and have the three essential qualifications in their favor that lead to success, namely, youth, unlimited enterprise, and energy, and financial standing of the highest. We wish Messrs. Hilton & Co. the very best success. Messrs. H. P. Scott, 5 Albion street, Leeds, is also another very first-class wholesale and retail factor. Situated in the heart of the city, within a stone's throw of all the principal stations, Mr. Scott reports business as very good. He is wholesale factor for Edison, Edison Bell, Sterling, Zonophones, etc.; also retail agent for the Gramophone Co. Mr. Scott has a very fine establishment, and keeps also a large stock of the above goods. Exceptionally courteous and painstaking in his business methods, with the help of Mrs. Scott, who is personally In the business, we are pleased to say that this gentleman is doing a satisfactory and increasing trade, and is looking forward to the future with the happiest anticipations. In Upper Mill Hill, Messrs. R. J. Appleton & Co., of Bradford, have a wholesale branch, under the superintendence of R. N. Appleton, Jr. Their sales are, as in Bradford, practically devoted to Edison, Clarion and Columbia cylinders, with Columbia and Pathe discs and machines. Mr. Appleton reports very good business in Pathes, and expects the season to be a record one. The Talking Machine World representative, while in Leeds, received tne most eulogistic remarks as regards the value of The Talking Machine World to talking machine dealers. In one house the very kind remarks made the writer blush, and proves that The Talking Machine World not only leads the way but is far in advance of any other paper published; so indispensable to every dealer in our particular industry. SECURE NEW QUARTERS. The Victor Distributing and Export Co. will not go back into their old quarters, 77 Chambers street. New York, destroyed by fire a few weeks since, but have leased several lofts at 83 Chambers street, which will be used for warerooms, the offices remaining at 256-257 Broadway, rooms 600 and 605, for the present. Ample stock has been secured in the new place, which about doubles their former premises. The arrangement of the floor space is also much more advanta geous, and the facilities for handling business far superior in every way. J. T. Williams, general manager, who has been a victim of blood poisoning In the face for three months, at a time fearing he would lose his nose, has fully recovered, and is enjoying again his former good health and excellent spirits, a piece of news his many friends will be glad to hear. GEO. W. LYLE RETURNS. Geo. W. Lyle, general manager of the Columbia Phonograph Co., General, who has been on a trip of inspection of the western offices and stores, going to the Pacific Coast, returned to headquarters in the Tribune Building, New York, on the 11th. He has been traveling since October 21. Among recent callers at the New York offices of the National Phonograph Co. were the following: Louis Buehn, of Buehn & Bro., treasurer of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers, Philadelphia, Pa.; C. Carroll, Utica. N. Y., Cycle Co.; Lewis J. Gerson, with Musical Echo Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.; J. Foster Dares, with international Correspondence School, Scranton, Pa.; E. F. Taft, of Eastern Talking Machine Co.; C. B. Haynes, of C. B. Haynes & Co.. Richmond, Va.; G. L. Ackerman, of Ackerman & Co., Scranton, Pa.; D. R. Harvey and S. J. Francis, of Iver Johnson Sporting Goods Co., Boston, Mass.; Thomas Wells, dealer. Calumet, Mich.