The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 35 RINKER MUSIC CO. OPENING. Their New Store Devoted to Talking IVIachines and Otiier IVIusical Instruments One of the Best Appointed in the City — Victor, Edison and Columbia Goods and Supplies Handled. The Rinker Music Co., of LaPayette, Ind., held the formal opening of their new store on Feb. 1, and proprietor "William H. Rinker fias since been deluged with compliments on the perfect appointments and decorations of the new store which is described as one of the handsomest establishments devoted to musical instruments and talking machines in the State. It is fourteen years since Mr. Rinker started in busi KINKER CO.'S "TALKER" DEPARTMENT. ness in LaFayette and the new store bears evidence to the progress he has made. The building is a new one and was constructed especially for Mr. Rinker's purposes. He handles Victor, Edison and Columbia goods, and the accompanying illustration gives an idea of the facilities for caring for his talking machine trade. The afternoon of the opening day a concert was given in the warerooms by a well-known singer from Ohio. In the evening a local orchestra discoursed sweet music and the talking machine artists were in evidence throughout the day. SOME LATE CHICAGO NOTES. Kreiling & Co. Experiencing a Great Demand for Their Tiz-lt Joint Horn Connection — Berry-Wood Specialties — Edison Co. Bring Suit Against Kleine (Chicago) Optical Co. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) World Office, 195 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111., March 10, 1908. Kreiling & Co., North 40th avenue and Le Moyne street, Chicago, are meeting with marked success with their Tiz-It all-metal ball joint horn connection for cylinder machines. It has now been on the market for about two years, and so great popularity has it reached that the majority of the jobbers throughout the country stock it and push it vigorously. A tribute to its excellence is found in the fact that one of the large manufacturers of dictation machines now embody it in every commercial machine sent out by them. Wm. R. Berry and Fred W. Wood, of the BerryWood Piano Player Co., of Kansas City, were in the city Saturday, March 7. They have both just returned from an extended trip through the Far West and along the Pacific Coast and report excellent business on their auto-electric coin-controlled piano. Kohler & Chase, of San Francisco, now have the agency for the instrument for the entire Pacific Coast and are pushing it energetically. They have several Berry & Wood pianos in the ferry building, San Francisco, that are proving themselves record breakers in nickel collecting. With the filing of two suits in the United States Circuit Court by the Edison Co. against the Kleine Optical Co. and George Kleine yesterday, the first move on the part of the Edison Manufacturing Co. to defend the validity of its patents covering moving pictures was made. Other suits, it is said, will be instituted immediately against all exhibitors, showmen and users of moving picture films made and manufactured by anyone except those authorized to manufacture under the license given them by the Edison Manufacturing Co. recently. Both suits are based upon patents granted to Thomas A. Edison for improvements in kinetoscopic films, Jan. 12, 1904. The bills of complaint allege that the defendants have caused to be made, used, and sold within the district and elsewhere within the United States kinetoscopic films embodying and containing these inventions. W. E. Gilmore, president and general manager of the National Phonograph Co., arrived in Chicago to-day. THE "TALKER'^S SPELLBINDER. Not Used in Elections in This Country as Largely as in England — A Prime Factor as Vote Getter if Properly Utilized — Dealers Should Get After Political Parties. The part the talking machine is to play in the forthcoming national campaign in this country is still a matter of uncertainty. In the last political campaign in England, as well as in the present agitation for a tariff on imported goods, the talking machine has been used to great advantage as a "spellbinder" throughout Great Britain, In fact, it has become an accepted medium for transmitting the opinions of public men to the people, and is also being used with great effect by the strenuous women who composed the "suffragette party," and who demand the rights of the ballot. It is generally conceded that the use of the talking machine in politics has been a great success in Europe, but as much cannot be said for it in this country. During the last gubernatorial campaign Wm. R. Hearst, the opposing candidate to the present Governor of New York State, used the talker, but in a very inadequate way. The talking machine in politics must be systematically and intelligently utilized. The speeches must be recorded by a professional, and the machine employed must be entirely satisfactory to the end that the audience can hear the remarks with perfect distinctness. Then in connection with the program first class operatic and popular numbers should be interspersed so that the interest of the audience is always maintained. There are great possibilities for the talking machine as a campaign orator; moreover, candidates can feel assured that no hasty remarks are made by flamboyant and excited speakers. The talker always annunciates the policy outlined and sticks to it. It will reach sections that no ordinary speaker can ever hope to reach, and viewed from any and every standpoint it is a most valuable acquisition to the staff of any and every national committee desiring to achieve results. It has proven most educational in almost every line of effort it is employed, and will 'prove as satisfactory in the political arena. Would it not pay talking machine men in their respective cities to get in touch with the leaders of political parties? It is only necessary to present some of the arguments outlined above to convince them that the talker is just the "friend in need" — a friend who will not make any rash or intemperate remarks, who will always be "on the job," whose champagne bills will be nil, and, better than all, a friend who will make votes. The Victor talking machine department which was installed last October in the Heyman Co.'s store at Grand Rapids, Mich., by Roy J. Keith, of the Talking Machine Co., Chicago, Is doing well under the management of Geo. S. Ricaby. The Powers & Henry Ck>., the largest talking machine dealers in Pittsburg, Pa., announce that they will discontinue their retail departments and devote themselves entirely to the wholesale end of the business. NOTICE We beg to announce to the Talking Machine Trade in general, that owing to the fact that the word "Zon-OPhone" had alfeady been filed and incorporated in the State of New York, it will therefore be impossible for us to continue using the word 2/011-0Phone" in connection with our corporate name. We therefore beg the indulgence of the Talking Machine Trade, and herewith wish to announce that we will hereafter be known as the Zed Company Our place of business has already been fitted up to take care of all the orders for ZonOPhone Machines and Records, and we can" state that any orders sent to us will be shipped the same day. Our aim in the future will be to give service, so that Dealers will not have to carry a large stock, but will be able to receive the goods from us the same day as the order is received, or if out of town, the following day. Send for complete catalogues. ZED COMPANY FORMERLY Zon-O-Phone Distributing' and Export Co. 77 Chambers SI. NEW YORK Telephone | [ Worth