The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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THE TALKTiNO ALACHINE WORLD. 71 An Owner of a Peerless Automatic Piano Writes Gentlemen : It is J list seventeen days since you placed the Peerless ( om Operated Piano in my place and it pleases mv to state that it has taken in $137.00 in pickels (an average of $8,37 a day). From a musical standpoint it far excels arty piano of Its kmd I have ever seen. It has never given the slightest trouble and if properly cared for I see no reason why it should not last a lifetime. \\^ishmg you the success nou deserve tor making so |)crfect an instrument, I \)e[y to rrmain, Yours x^erv trulw SIGNED. Are You Surprised Then That a Dealer Writes as Follows Gentlemen : In looking over the number ol pianos we sold last year and the profits made from them we find we made more money from our Peerless sales than any line we handled. Owing to your inability to furnish us with pianos fast enough we were compelled to buy a few Automatic pianos : elsewhere, but found it was hard to sell anything but Peerless. Our experience has been that the Peerless has given us less trouble than any Automatic piano we ever sold and to-day we would not give it up for any line we know of. ^ With best wishes for the success of the Peerless Piano Player Co., we beg to remain, Sincerely yours,' SIGNED. Don't you think this is a proposition worth looking into? SOME DESIRABLE TERRITORY STILL OPEN PEERLESS PIANO PLAYER CO. P. Bngelhardt (!c Sons, Props, OFFICES Windsor Arcade, Fifth Avenue, New York City