The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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62 THE TALKING MACHIKE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of TalKing Machines in America J OLIVER DITSON COMPANY Are the largest Eastern Distributors of Victor Talking Machines and Records Orders from Dealers are filled more promptly, are packed better, are delivered in better condition, and filled more completely by this house than any other house m the Talking Machine business, so our customers tell us. 150 Tremont St., BOSTON, MASS. Chas.H.Ditson&Co. Have the most completely appointed and best equipped VICTOR TALKING MACHI1V£ — Department IN NEW YORK CITY to-day, and solicit orders from dealers, with the assurance that they w-ill be filled more promptly, and delivered in better condition than they can be from any other source. Nos. 8-10-12 East 34th St., NEW YORK CITY We are Jobbers in both VICTOR and EDISON GOODS standard Talking' Machine Co. 43S-7 WOOD ST.. PITTSBURG. PA. Why not try a jobber who can fill your orders complete and ship them the day order is received. You Can Get Goods Here JOBBERS DISTRIBUTORS Our wholesale depot is a mile from our retail store. Records are not mauled over for retail customers and then shipped out to dealers. Dealers bnylng from us get brand new goods just as they come from the factory. LAWRENCE McGREAL, Milvvankee, Wis. NEW ENGLAND JOBBING HEIADQUARTERS EDISON AND VICTOR Macl-itnes, Records ajid Supplies. THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. 177 Tremont Street BOSTON. MASS. ECLIPSE PHONOGRAPH CO. HOBOKEN, IM. J. Edison and Zon=o=phone Jobbers Can Guarantee Quickest Delivery From Largest Stock in New Jersey. JOHN F. ELLIS & CO. WASHINGTON, D. C. Distributor VICTOR Talking V M.'\^ M. v-rr*. Machines and RECORDS Wholesale and RetaU Largesl Stock In the South PERRY B. WHITSIT L. M. WELLER PERRY B. WHITSIT CO., 213 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio. Edison Ptionograplis and Rsoords JOBBERS :~2 C. Koeliping fit Bpo. INDIANAPOUS. EVD. VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS Our stock is complete. Orders filled the same day as received. ZON-O-PHONE JOBBERS FTesh stock, filled complete, same day. Sperial values in needles, cabinets, wall racks, hoins, cranes, and carrying cases. KNIGHT MERCANTILE CO. 211 N. Twelfth St» ST. LOUI . HARGER & BLISH Western Distributors for both the VICTOR EDISOPM It's worth while knowing, we never substitute a record. If it's in the catalog we've got it. DUBUQUE, IOWA. PITTSBURG PHONOGRAPH CO. VICTOR. EDISON JOBBERS ""^ JOBBERS Largest and most complete stock ol Talking Machines and Records in Western Pennsylvania. COLUMBIA JOBBERS N. W. IOWA, NEBRASKA and SOUTH DAKOTA Write to-day for terms necessary to become dealers W. A. DEAN COMPANY 315 FOURTH STREET SIOUX CITY F. ]VI. AXWOOD 160 N. MAIN STREET MEMPHIS, XEIMIM. EDISON JOBBER E. F. DROOP & SONS CO. 925 Pa. Avenue WASHINGTON, D. C 231 No. Howard St. BALTIMORE, iWD. Wholesale and Retail Distributors Edison Phonographs Victor Talking Machines Southern Representatives for Topham's Carrying Cases; Herzog's Record Cabinets; Searchlight, H. & S. Tea Tray and Standard Metal Co.'s Horns and Supplies. WEYMANN & SON 'WHOLESALE DISTBIB17TERS Talking Machines Uiprnn Records S Supplies fib I Ull Place your name on our mailing list. We can interest you. 1010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Peter Badgalupi & Sons SAN FRANQSCO, CAL. WHOLESALE RETAIL 1021-23 Golden Gate Ave. 1113-15 Fillmore St. JOBBERS Edison, Zonophone PEALER Victor All Kinds of Automatic Musical Instruments and Slot Machines. BABSON BROS. 19th St. and Marshall Boulevard CHICAGO, ILL. Special attantlon given DEALERS only, by Q. M. NISBETT, Manager, Wholesale Department. LARGEST STOCK OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS in the U. S. Southern California Music Co. EVERYTHING FOR TALKING MACHINES Edison and Zon-o-Phone Jobbers LOS ANGELES, CAL. KLEIN ^ HEFFELMAN CO. Canton, OHIO. Edison Victor MACHINES. RECORDS AND SUPPLIES Quickest servloe and most complete stock in Ohio Jacot Music Box Co., 59 Union Sq.. New York. Mira and Stella Music Boxes. Edison and Victor Machines and Records. PACIFIC COAST "^^^^^^ TORS OF Victor Talking Machines recSrds STEINWAY PIANOS-LYON & HEALY "OWN MAKE" BAND INSTRUMENTS San Francisco Portland Los Angeles Sherman, Clay & Co. l2ilnT KOHLER& CHASE Oakland, Cal. Seattle, Wash. Jobbers of STAR, ZONOPHONES AND EDISON PHONOGRAPHS w E claim Largest Stock and Best Service, and are willing to "SHOW YOU." IF YOU'RE IN WESTERN MICHIGAN it will be money in your pocket to order Victor Machines and ILecords JULIUS A. j.° FRIEDREICH 30-32 Carval Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan Our Motto • ' Q^'"^^ Service and a Saving uur motto. ^ Transoortation Charees Every Joblyer In tbls country sliould be represented In this department. The cost Is sllgbt and tbe advantage Is great. pe spre and |baye your flrin Inlfbe Jpne list*