The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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36 THE TALKING MACfflNE WORLD. P A dealer walked into our office the other day and his first words were, "Gee whiz, I'll be glad when summer is over." This remark seemed natural enough at the time, but we were reminded of it forcibly when an hour later another dealer came in full of enthusiasm over a new scheme he had been trying. During the past few warm nights, he had put a machine in his buggy, driven around the residence district when the people were sitting out on their porches and lawns. He claims that after starting his machine, he did not lack for encouragement to bring it in certain grounds, and demonstrate it to the family. ^ow, this scheme may not be new, but this dealer claims it has changed the entire complexion of his business, and the summer business bids fair to outstrip his winter volume. It only goes to prove, Mr. Dealer, that the business and the money is there. All we need is some new way of getting it. Let's start something new. Throw off that inevitable lazy feeling which comes with summer. The Victor Co. have made their start with three big new business getters. Their exchange proposition. This will give you a good clean stock. Their nevu $17.50 machine — the Victor "O". This mahogany machine, with your regular discounts applying, should be your biggest seller. Order your sample at once. Their liecords by our two Presidential nominees William Jennings Bryan and William Howard Taft. J\{ow here is a Fourth one and the biggest help. The Talking Machine Co. of Chicago, wholesales exclusively and handles nothing but the Victor product, talking machine cabinets, needles and accessories. Day and night we eat, drink and think nothing but talking machines. If you are not buying from us, send us your identification card and get in line wi h the biggest people in the country. You that are buying from us, use us. If you have a scheme that is worth trying, let us help you work it. You boom your business and ours will jump. This old talk about addi* tional freight and express charges doesn't always go. Chicago is a great central market. There are more railroads running out of Chicago than any other station in the world. Consequently, competition is strong and rates are correspondingly low. Even if it does cost you more, isn't it worth while to know that you have your order filled complete, that each record will be in an envelope and every record will be in extictly the same condition as it was when it left the factory, that your order will be shipped the same day received, that you have the advantage of record insurance free, and that our guarantee is behind each shipment? Watch this space next month for something new and interesting. Yours, for business. The Talking Machine Co. 72 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, til.