The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 23 NEWS FROM SAN FRANCISCO. steady Improvement in Trade — J. H. Gill Demonstrating New Amberol Records and Edison Attachment — Arthur Geissler a Visitor— "Talkers" Damaged by Fire — Kohler & Chase's Edison Offers — McNeil & Co. in New Quarters — Wiley B. Allen Will Have Large Talker Department in New Building — Sherman, Clay & Co. News. (Special to The Talking Maobine World.) San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 3, 1908. The month just passed has been a very satisfactory one for the San Francisco talking machine men, showing quite an improvement over the earlier part of the summer. The reason, perhaps, is that the vacation trade this year was small, and the end of the vacation season brought about an immediate revival of the local demand. A good business is also reported in the wholesale line with out-of-town dealers. The outside retail trade is rapidly increasing, now that the rush of crop movement is over in many sections, and the trade in the smaller towns is sending in rush orders for new machines and up-to-date records. John H. Gill, of the National Phonograph Co., is on the Coast for the purpose of demonstrating the new Amberol records and combination Edison machines. After spending some time among the San Francisco dealers, he made a visit to Sacramento last week, and has taken some very large orders in both places. The local Edison dealers regard him as one of the most affable and brilliant young talking machine men who have been on the Coast for some time, and say that he is bound to make his mark in the trade. Peter Bacigalupi & Sons have placed a large order for Edison goods, and are now waiting for the Amberol records and the new attachment for the Edison machine, which they expect to have on the market about Oct. 1. While Mr. Bacigalupi reports business still a little quiet, he considers the dull season about over, and is preparing for a large trade during the fall. He is now on the lookout for a location in the downtown business district, as his present location on Golden Gate avenue is no longer in a favorable part of the city, and the high rates of insurance there have interfered with the carrying of as large a stock as will be desirable in the future. He has not yet found the place he is looking for, however, as the rents asked for desirable stores are still very high. He is having great success with the Edison commercial machine, and says that some of the largest houses in town are having them put in on trial. Arthur Geissler, manager of the Talking Machine Co., Chicago, is visiting the local trade this week, and he has received a royal welcome. Mr. McCarthy, treasurer of Sherman, Clay & Co., and manager of the talking machine department, made a flying trip to Los Angeles last week, combining business and pleasure. Sherman, Clay & Co. report a great improvement in the local retail trade, as well as that with outside dealers. The demand for Victrolas still keeps up, and the new arrangement with the Victor Co. in regard to records is giving great satisfaction. In the recent flre which damaged the rear of the Filers Music Co.'s Fillmore street establishment, a large number of talking machines were damaged to some extent, and these are now being disposed of at a special sale at the Market street store. Benj. Curtaz & Son say that their talking machine department is much busier during the last few weeks than it has been earlier in the summer, and they are having a great demand for Red Seal records. They also report considerable inquiry for Victrolas, their stock of which has been limited of late, as the supply on the Coast ran rather low a few weeks ago. The Columbia Phonograph Co. had the best local retail trade of the year during the latter part of August, and all the outside agencies have also been send/ng in for goods. A large number of new agencies have recently been established throughout the interior. Mr. Beck is starting for southern California with the intention of opening up some new territory. Kohler & Chase have just placed an order for a car of Edison goods. Chas. E. Brown, manager of the talking machine department, believes that they have the most complete talking machine stock that is carried in San Francisco. They now have on hand nine styles of Edison machines, and four more will be added as soon as the new styles come out, making thirteen styles of Edisons. In addition to these there are six styles of Zonophones, ten of Stars, and six of Victors, making thirty-five styles of talking machines carried in the retail salesrooms. They also carry every Edison, Victor, Star and Zonophone record, American and foreign. L. H. Maxwell has started in the talking machine business in Fruitvale, Cal., carrying Edison, Star and Zonophone goods. Wall & Forman have opened with a complete line of Edison, Star and Zonophone goods in Hayward, Cal. The Oakland Graphophone Co., finding business booming at their Eleventh street store in Oakland, have just leased a four-story building at 222 San Pablo avenue, in that city, and will soon occupy their new quarters with a full line of all makes of talking machines and records. The Southern California Music Co., of Los Angeles are doing a particularly large business in the talking machine department, and reports business in that line booming at several of the branches in other towns of southern California. The San Diego house has made a fine record during the past month, and Santa Barbara has also been a profitable territory. Ralph Paulin, of the ta.lking machine department of the Brown Music House in Santa Barbara, Cal., made a wagon trip through the northern part of that country about the middle of the month, giving concerts at all important points. He sold many fine machines on the trip, and found as much interest in the line in the country districts as in the larger towns. He says that the high-class opera records are the ones in most demand, and believes that some steady, highclass customers will be developed in the rural districts. McNeil & Co., of Stockton, Cal., have moved into a new store, where they are making preparations to push the talking machine department vigorously. The second floor is almost entirely devoted to this side of the business, and there is also a large demonstrating room on the first floor. The Wiley B. Allen Co. are preparing to open a large talking machine department in connection with the Los Angeles store. Contracts were let for the necessary alterations about a week ago, and the department is expected to be doing business before the end of the month. The H. Hauschildt Music Co., of Oakland, Cal., are going strongly after the business in Reno, Nev., from which several local houses recently withdrew. A special feature is made of the talking machine department. THE AMERICAN TALKING MACHINE CO. The American Talking Machine Co., 586 Fulton street, Brooklyn, N. Y., sole and exclusive distributors of the Indestructible Phonographic Record Co.'s product for that city and Long Island, report they are having great success in handling these goods. The American Co. say the Indestructible record is profitable and convenient to handle, and dealers who have taken on the line find them ready sellers. The American Talking Machine Co. carry a full stock of Indestructibles, and shipments are never delayed. INCREASE YOUR RECORD SALES BY USING THE BL/VCKIVIAN CYLINDER RECORD TRAY (Patent Applied for) A. Record Tray With Record Isabel for I^ess Than One Cent The BLACKMAN Folding Trays for Cylinder Records are shipped FLAT and can be FOLDED into STRONG TRAYS in a few seconds, as shown above. This tray, with Rapke Label, makes a handsome looking record stock and a system you can't beat. The labels act as Silent Record Salesman and the customer can point to the record he wants to hear. Adopt this system and your sales will not only increase but it will never take more than a few minutes to make up a Record order. NET PRICES TRAYS ONLY {Subject to Change.) Hold Net per 1,000. Weight per 1,000. No. 2. 2 Records. $6.00 60 lbs. '• 3. 3 Records. 7.50 73 " " 4. 4 Records. 9.00 87 " " 5. 5 Records. 10.,'iO' 105 " " 6. 6 Records. 12.00 116 " Note. — Price less than 1,000 same rate. In deciding FREIGHT or EXPRESS refer to above weights, and allow for packing. NET PRICES RAPKE LABELS Prices Rapke Labels with Edison numbers and titles. Domestic Selections No. 2 to 9721, which includes December, 1907 ,$3.50 Per month, thereafter (postpaid) payable in advance 12 Columbia Labels (Domestic), per set 3.50 FREE SAMPLE of Tray with Label to any Dealer or Jobber who writes on business letterhead. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO JOBBERS Above prices are RESTRICTED and quoted f. o. b. New York, their jobber if he will supply them. If not we will sell direct. Dealers are requested to buy through Manufactured by BLACKMAN TALKING MACHINE CO. J. NRWCOMB BLACKMAN. Pres. ■ THE WHITE BLACKMAN • 97 CHAMBERS STREET. NEW YORK