The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1909)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of TalKing Machines in America THE DITSON Trade-Hark Are delivering the most wonderful TALKING MACHINE NEEDLES ever manufactured. They come in four sizes, No. 1, Loud Tone ; No. 2, Happy Medium Tone ; No. 3, Medium Tone and No. 4, Soft Tone. They are packed in most attractive boxes and envelopes, especially intended to help the Small Dealer make profitable gales of GOOD NEEDLES. A SYMPOSIUM on the subject, with wholesale prices, will be mailed to any address, from either of our three stores. OLIVER DITSON COMPANY 150 Tremont Street, BOSTON, MASS. Chas.B. Ditson&Co. Nos. 8. 10, 12 East 34th Street NEW YORK. N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co. No. 1632 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. TRADE-MARK BROADWAY and 17th ST.. NEW YORK Factory : Rahway, N. J. Western Branch : 259 Wabash Ave., Chicago WHOLESALE AND RETAIL REGINA MUSIC BOXES REGINAPIANOS REGINAPHONES SUBLIMA PIANOS DISTRIBUTORS IN NEW YORK FOR EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Complete Stock. Prompt Deliveries. The Geo. J. Probeck Company 420 Prospect Avenue, CLEVELAND, 0. COLUMBIA JOBBERS Complete Stock. Prompt Service. Dealers Wanted. Write to-day. HARGER & BLISH JOBBERS VICTOR EDISON It's worth while knowing we never substitute a record. If it's in the catalog we've got it. Des Moines IOWA Dobnqw EDISON JOBBERS BABSON BROS. 19th Street and Marshall Boulevard CHICAGO, ILL. LARGEST STOCK OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS A\D RECORDS in the U. S. STANDARD TALKING MACHINE COMPANY EDISON" PITTSBURG, PA. VICTOR. "// it's made we ship it the same day order is received" Mr. Dealer WE ARE COLUMBIA JOBBERS We are in a position to put you on the right course to successfully handle these universally used instruments and records. If interested, " pop the question." Catalogues, prices, and complete information upon request. HOLLENBERG MUSIC CO. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. NEW ENGLAND JOBBING HEADQUARTERS EDISON AND VICTOR Machines, Records snd Supplies. THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. 177 Tremont Street BOSTON. MASS. O. K. MYERS 38S9 Finney Avenue ST. LOUIS. MO. Only ExcluaWi Jobber In U. S. of Zono phone Machines and Records We Fill Orders Complete Glre u« i Trial Columbia Jobbers N. W. Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Write to-day for terms necessary to become dealers W. A. Dean Company 315 FOURTH STREET SIOUX CITY, IOWA E. T. WILTON & COMPANY HOUSTON, TEX. Wholesale Distributors "Star" Talking Machines, Records, Horns, Cranes, Etc. We have everything you need, also JEWELRY and WATCHES F. IVf. ATWOOD 123 MONROE AVENUE MEMPHIS, TENN. EDISON JOBBER Try Our HurryUp Service \I0ISCN on VICTOR. EDISON and REGINA. We make a specialty of getting the order out on time — every time . The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Cincinnati and Chicago 7*a;o points of supply; order from the nearer PRICE PHONOGRAPH CO. 54-56 Clinton Street. IEWARK. N. J. Victor Distributors ESSS."""" Send us your Order, you get the Goods We don't retail. We take care of the Dealer. Large Stock — Quick Service BUFFALO W. Y. NEAL, CLARK & NEAL CO. EDISONS AND .o o VICTORS FINCH & HAHN. Albany, Troy, Soharkootsvdy. Edison Jobbers and Victor Distributors MACHINES and RECORDS Complete Stack Qvilck Servlco C. B. Hayn.b W. V. Youmans C. B. HAYNE8 & CO. WNoLitALi oiaTaiauToaa EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and RECORDS ALL SUPPLIES 603 East Main St., Richmond, Va. Exclusive Jobbers for Columbia Graphophones and Records Orders filled the day they are received. Complete stock. II it's in the catalogue we have it. Maine Phonograph Company, Portland, Maine. Controlling State of Maine and portion of New Hampshire KLEIN & HEFFELMAN CO. Canton, OHIO. Edison J Victor MACHINES, RECORDS AND SUPPLIES Quickest service and most complete stock in Ohio IF YOU'RE IN WESTERN MICHIGAN it will be money in your pocket to order Victor Machines and Records JULIUS A. J.° FRIEDREICH 30-32 Canal Street, Grand Rapids. Michigan rv. M«.,n . ' Quick Service and a Saving Our Motto: * TransDortation Charsef Every Jobber In this country should be represented in tbis department. The cost is slight and the advantage Be sure and have your firm In the May list.