The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1909)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. ? ONE MACHINE and that the VICTOR OUR RALLYING CRY DEVOTED ALLEGIANCE, SINGLENESS of PURPOSE and HORSE SENSE, have made the OLIVER DITSON COMPANY DISTINCTIVE as the only JOBBERS OF VICTOR TALKING MACHINES, and SUPPLIES, whose business has constantly grown, and increased during the depression of business which began with the panic of 1907. Five years ago the OLIVER DITSON COMPANY, were paying the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY, an average of $500 per month. To-day the monthly remittances are nearer $20,000 than any other figure we can name. This very desirable condition for the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY, and ourselves, has been brought about by a fixed determination upon our part to devote our entire energy, and the business machinery of our House to the selling and exploiting of one article that stands out foremost in every department. WE determined long ago that the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE must supersede every mechanical instrument manufactured, and have been consistent always in our requirements from the VICTOR COMPANY, that they in turn devote more time and more energy from month to month, and year to year, in the manufacture and distribution of the highest and finest class of TALKING MACHINES they could possibly make. To Say they have backed up our desires is putting it mildly, and to-day we are selling more VICTROLAS, than we are any other grade of VICTOR TALKING MACHINE, and the combined sales of machines, which sell for less than the VICTROLAS, will make an average of 80 per cent, to the credit of Machines selling for $50.00 and over. WE did not permit the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY, to do all the work and expend all the money in our field of operation, necessary to bring about our standing of Leadership. On the contrary our energies, our Advertisements, our devotion to the idea that the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE, was the ONLY TALKING MACHINE our customers should own, has brought to us a clientele in the purchasing world which must of necessity be the envy of competitors. WE have been FIRST in many suggestions for the betterment of the business. RECORDS were put into ENVELOPS and delivered in a perfect condition by us long before any one else took up the idea. WE have constantly fought for and advocated the elimination and destruction of price-cutters. WE have refused long credits and "ON SALE" accounts. WE have determinedly lived up to the letter of Mr. Johnson's "Ideals," and never once encouraged imitators, or those who in any way attempted to steal the brains and the patents of the VICTOR COMPANY. WE have with care systematized our business so there is seldom a time when we cannot deliver MACHINES and RECORDS the same day we receive orders. WE refer inquiries from the territory occupied by our Agents and Representatives, to them. AS WE ARE ORIGINATORS we have what Mr. Johnson calls "Moral Support," from every one who does business with us. WE believe with Mr. Johnson, that the TALKING MACHINE BUSINESS will last as long as "Progress." WE believe with Mr. Johnson, that the TALKING MACHINE is an education, and a pleasure, and the present generation will live to see the day when the TALKING MACHINE is a ne cessity in every home, and with the VICTOR WE BELIEVE when they create we can also create, when they improve, we can also improve, when they Make Money, we can also Make Money, and we, therefore, offer the full benefits of our EXPERIENCE, our EQUIPMENT, our COMPLETE STOCKS, and our SERVICES to the ENTIRE TALKING MACHINE TRADE. To those who have not signed with us we promise the best of consideration if they will sign. To those who are not interested in the TALKING MACHINE BUSINESS, we say: "COME IN." It is the best proposition in the MUSIC BUSINESS to-day. We also say, when you do come in make up your minds to SELL ONLY the VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. SINGLENESS OF PURPOSE, HEALTHY PROFITS and a GOLDEN FUTURE, the momentum of which has just begun, will be the REWARD of all DISTRIBUTORS of VICTOR TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS, but BUY THEM OF THE DITSON HOUSES. OLIVER DITSON COMPANY, CHAS. H. DITSON & CO., 8-10-12 East 34th Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. 150 Tremont Street, BOSTON, MASS. J. E. DITSON & CO., 1632 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA.