The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1909)

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56 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of TalKing MacHines in America Peter Bacigalupi & Sons SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WHOLESALE RETAIL 941 MARKET STREET JQBBERS Edison, Zonophone DEALER Victor AH Kinds of Automatic Musical Instruments and Slot Machines. Mr. Dealer WE ARE COLUMBIA JOBBERS We are in a position to put you on the right course to successfully handle these universally used instruments and records. If interested, " pop the question." Catalogues, prices and complete information upon request. HOLLENBERG MUSIC CO. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. C. B. HAYNES & CO. EDISON JOBBERS ALL SUPPLIES 603 East Main St., Richmond, Va. EXCLUSIVE JOBBERS for COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES and RECORDS Orders filled the day they are received. Complete stock. If it's in the catalogue, we have it. Maine Phonograph Company PORTLAND, SMASH?. Controlling State of Maine and portion of New Hampshire FINCH & HAHN, Albany, Troy, Schenectady. Edison Jobbers and Victor Distributors MACHINES and RECORDS Complete Stock Quick Service Paste This Where You Can Always See It ! Mr. Dealer: We refer all Talking Machine inquiries coming from towns where we are represented by dealers to the dealer or dealers in that town. VICTOR and EDISON IOBBERS CHICAGO Edison Phonograph Distributors for the SOUTHWEST All Foreign Records in Stock Houston Phonograph Co., H?^N NEW ENGLAND JOBBING HEADQUARTERS EDISON AND VICTOR Machines, Records evnci Supplies. THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. 177 Tremont Street ■ BOSTON. MASS. Daynes-Beebe Music Co. 45 Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah Send your orders to us and you are always sure of quick action. We are Exclusive Columbia Jobbers We handle the full line of Columbia Double-Disc and Indestructible Cylinder Records; Disc and Cylinder Graphophones. JOHN F. ELLIS & CO. WASHINGTON, D. C. Distributor VICTOR TalRIno * * Machines and RECORDS Wholesale and Retail Largest Stock In the South BIFFALO M. Y. NEAL, CLARK & NEAL CO. O t-5 EDISONS AND VICTORS PERRY B. "WHITSIT L. M. WELLER PERRY B. WHITSIT CO., 213 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio. Edison Phonographs and Records JOBBERS Victor Talking Machines and Records KLEIN & HEFFELMAN CO. Canton, OHIO. Edison & Victor MACHINES. RECORDS AND SUPPLIES Quickest service and most complete stock in Ohio Exclusive Columbia Jobbers We have the full Columbia line, and job Columbia Products exclusively. All orders promptly filled. Exclusive territory assigned. : : : KIRK, GEARY & CO., Sacramento, Cal. DISTRIBUTORS OF PACIFIC COAST Victor Talking Machines records STEINWAY PIANOS-LYON & HEALY "OWN MAKE" BAND INSTRUMENTS San Francisco Portland Oakland Los Angeles Sherman, Clay & Co. Jacot Music Box Co., 59 Union Sq.. New York. Mira Stella Music Boxes. Edison and Victor Machines and Records. Every Jobber In tbls country should be represented in this department. The cost Is; slight and the advantage is great. Be sure and have your firm in the January list. NEW IDEAS THE LIFE OF BUSINESS. The Man Who Can't Keep in Touch with Modern Developments Should Step to the Rear and Give the Other Fellow a Chance. In the talking machine industry, and, in fact, every progressive business to-day, the man who "never did business like that" is gradually weeding himself from the mercantile field. When confronted with the problems of the present and having suggested to him certain courses to pursue, he puts up the plea that he has never done business that way, has heretofore been successful, and sees no reason why he should modify, change, or add to that which has placed him where he is. He keeps on for a while in the way he is going, and although he insists that he is doing good business, he knows that something is wrong, somewhere, but he still sees no reason for adopting new-fangled ideas. If we can't make up our minds to do the things of to-day as the necessities of the day demand and shape our methods according to the particular requirements of the present, we'll sooner or later find that he who has a way of his own of doing things, and persists in doing things that way under any conditions, will get left far behind in the race for business. A man goes to bed with a clear conscience that he has fixed his business properly for the problems he has contended with during the day, but he wakes up to his business the next morning with some new series or sets of trouble confronting him that demand other treatments. Ignoring or passing over won't rid his business of the annoyances, and because he didn't have them to contend with 10 or 20 years ago, he fools himself expensively if he attempts to let them go unnoticed and unconquered. It doesn't make any difference how we did business, some other day, the problems of to-day are the ones that demand our attention to-day, and if we don't know how to handle them it is up to us to find out immediately. NUGGETS FROM "THE WORLD" MINE. Method goes far to prevent trouble in business; for it makes the task easy, hinders confusion, saves abundance of time, and instructs those that have business depending, what to do, and what to hope. It is profitable wisdom to know when we have done enough; much time and pains are spared in not flattering ourselves against probabilities. It is not enough that a thing be right, if it be not fit to be done. If not prudent, though just, it is not .advisable. He that loses by getting, had better lose than get. A wise man makes what he learns his own; the other shows he is but a copy, or a collection.