The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1910)

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38 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Another Innovation ■yHE DEALER who fails to have the new records on his shelves promptly on opening day is not catering to this feature of his business and will surely lose a big record trade which otherwise would be his. Quite often the failure to have the new records-is apparently unavoidable. With the new plan which we have just perfected such a misfortune as being without the new records is impossible. We do all the heavy work. All the dealer does is to sell the records and pocket the profits. You will want to take advantage of this plan. And it is only one of many which Lyon & Healy are constantly carrying through for the benefit of dealers who buy their supplies of them. Allow us to explain our new record delivery plan, together with the many superior features which have made our house America's foremost distributors of Victor Talking Machines and Edison Phonographs. Use the coupon for convenience sake. CHICAGO Fill in, cut out, and mail this coupon to-day MESSRS. LYON & HEALY, Chicago. Gentlemen: I am interested in your Record Deli1 rery plan and would like to know more about it. State T M W