The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1910)

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48 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 1910 Talking Machines, Typewriters, Phonographs, Adding Machines, Cash Registers, Guns and Tools, and on all Polished Instruments. The Finest Oil Made. It Absolutely Prevents Rust. Now Sold Everywhere By All Hardware Men WILLIAM F. NYE NEW BEDFORD, MASS. MORE WINDOW LOGIC. Just How the Value of the Show Window May Be Figured Out in Dollars and Cents — A Point Lost Sight of by Many Dealers. From time to time The Talking Machine World has emphasized the value of the window as a trade stimulator and business getter. Too many dealers overlook this important factor. To appreciate its value you should do a little figuring. How many people pass your store in a day? If the average is 10 a minute, in the eight busiest hours of the day, 4,800 people would pass your window. This number, 4,800, represents what in newspaper parlance is called "daily circulation." Now, your show window occupies say 100 square feet surface space, and in it you can display attractively quite a line of goods, changing the display as often as you wish. In a daily newspaper with an actual circulation of 4,800, 100 square inches (not square feet) would cost approximately $10 per day, and in this space you can put only cuts of the articles themselves, and as a rule the cuts but imperfectly represent those articles. Now, your window space presents a surface 144 times as great as your $10 newspaper space, has Jepth in addition to surface, and in it can be displayed the articles themselves, true to life as to color, size, shape and everything, and, furthermore, they are seen at the entrance to your store, inside of which a salesman stands ready to give additional information and exercise his ability in making a sale. This window space is yours every day and all day; it presents wonderful possibilities as an advertising medium, and it's up to you to get those possibilities out of it. If newspaper space properly used is worth its cost (and we are firmly convinced it is) how important it is that so valuable an advertising medium as the show window should not be neglected. ORDERS AT THE EDISON FACTORY. The National Phonograph Co., Orange, N. J., report that orders for machines of all types, as well as accessories, are increasing in such volume as clearly to indicate that their jobbers and dealers are making early preparations for the holiday trade. This is particularly true of the Amberola orders, which have taken a heavy spurt within the last two weeks and are daily growing in volume. It is very probable that the Edison trade has not forgotten the experience of last year when the factory found it impossible to supply the holiday demand for Amberolas because of an unavoidable hold-up in the delivery of cabinets by the manufacturer. The National Company state they have made ample provision for holiday orders this year, and there is little danger of a repetition of the shortage. NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP. nportant Letter from the Victor Talking Machine Co. Warning Dealers That Now Is the Time to Act. (Special lo The Talking Machine World.) Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 1, 1910. Monday of last week the Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., addressed their dealers on the very suggestive topic of the Fall season and the ordering of records for the holidays, so as to insure their delivery. The circular in part follows : "It can easily be said, without fear of contradiction, that Sept. 28, the opening day for the sale of the October records, is the opening day of the Fall season. There are thousands and thousands of people who are going to buy Victors between now and Christmas, and it is up to every dealer to take advantage of the opening day and get these customers coming to his store and placing their order for Christmas delivery. "Taking the volume of business that reaches us every day as the best possible proof, there can be no doubt about 1910 holiday Victor business breaking all previous records. You know what this means. Every year there has been a demand greater than could be supplied and it is the dealer who actually has Victors and Victor records right in stock that gathers the real Victor profits. Ycu should not wait another minute. Place your holiday order with your distributer at once and get the goods into your store as quickly as you can. "Remember, Christmas comes only once a year and it is the one real big season for unlimited Victor sales. Go. after this big holiday business now. It's never too early to start." Every clerk ought to be on the watch to distribute all leaflets, catalogues and envelope stuffers, also he should keep up with the newspaper ads., so as to concentrate all the power on one article at one time. TALKING MACHINE SUPPLY COMPANY High Grade— Made by Skilled Mechanics High Grade English Steel, each Needle Warranted as to Point and Finish SPECIALTIES BELTS For Commercial Phonographs. STITCHED. MANUFACTURERS OF REPAIR PARTS NEEDLE put up in Lithographed Envelopes and Tin Boxes in Cartons For all Kinds of Phonographs or Talking Machines We are Sole Agents for the Largest Needle Factory in EUROPE SPECIALTIES SAPPHIRES FEED NUTS FOR DICTATING MACHINES ALL MAKES For All Makes, Made of the Best Steel NOTE : WE SELL TO JOBBERS ONLY. WRITE FOR CATALOG TO-DAY. 400 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y.