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The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 13 uality of Tone Indestructibility of Records and bounds — day by day. our holiday business was simply immense — all proving e here to stay. Everlasting Records arc made of a .t^'ua-rantecd indestructible material (not wax); a materiiil that no amount of hard usage can ailect. ^'ou can i)la\ the U-S beside any other ])honog"raph — you can interchange records (the U-S Records tit an}' phonograph, and vice versa), and }'ou will always find that the U-S stands out master of them all. It will ])la}' its own records better than any other kind. It will play any other record l)etter than any other phonograph. We never tie up a dealer in anyway — we don't mind how many different makes of phonographs he handles — we don't ask him to favor the U-S by any means — we do ask him to simply give the U-S the same showing that he does any other make — we know it will stand out and win out in comparison. We do not, we really cannot, fear honest competition. WE OFFER THE DEALER A MARGIN OF PROFIT MUCH IN EXCESS OF ANY OTHER PHONOGRAPH MANUFACTURER. Get in line for 191 1 business now, by writing us to-day for full information, trade terms, etc., and you will not hesitate to immediately place the L^-S in stock. Fill out attached coupon, mail it to us to-day — we will do the rest. Cleveland. Ohi^ U. S. A. Jan. ■■ Gentlemen : Please send full particulars concerning th^ U-S Line of Phonographs and Records. / ^ Name Address City