The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1911)

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46 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. ANENT THE JOBBERS' CONVENTION. i^Conthmed from page 44.) 5:00p.m. .Xutomobile ride in Donge's Grove (Donge's Grove is about 12 miles from Milwaukee, and most of the ride is along the lake front.) 6:30 p.m. Chicken dinner will be served at grove. 11:00 p.m. I'alm Garden (by special request the Jobbers' Quartet.) Foiirtit Day, TliursJoy, July 13. 10:30 a.m. I'athing at McKinley Reach. 12:30p.m. Luncheon. 3 :00 to 3:30 p. m. Open meeting. •1:00 p.m. Seeing Milwaukee, either in automobiles or rubber-neck wagons. 7 :00 ji. m. Banquet (special speakers). 10:30p.m. to 1:00 a.m. ball. FOUNTAIN IN MITCHELL PARK. $"2.50 per day and up, with bath, single rooms; $2.50 per day and up, without bath, double rooms ; $4 per day and up, with bath, double rooms. The rates at the St. Charles, European plan : .$.1 per day and up. The rates at the Republican House, the only .American hotel, are $2 per day and up. The Plankington and St. Charles are within four VlliW OF MILW.XUKEE RIVER. Ilotel accommodations have been arranged at a number of hotels, but the Pfister, of course, will be the headquarters. THE HOTEL RATES. ..The rates for rooms at the Pfister are as follows; .$2 per day and up for single rooms without bath; $2.50 per da} and up for double rooms without bath; $3.50 per day and up for single rooms with bath; $5 per day and up for double rooms with bath ; $1.50 to $2 extra for each additional person occupying each room. The rates at the Plankington are as follows : $1.50 per day and up, without bath, single rooms; SOLDIERS HOME. blocks of the Pfister, while the Republican House is nine blocks from the Pfister. It behooves the various State commissioners to urge every association member and those jobbers Announcement The Permanent Jewel Needle Co. have taken over the business of the Permanent Needle Sales Co. and will hereafter market the Permanent Jewel Needle direct. All communications should be addressed to the Permanent Jewel Needle Co., 222 North State Street, Chicago. Permanent Jewel Needle Co. Sole Manufacturers Factory, Highland Park, 111. General Offices: 222 North State Street (New Number), Chicago and distributers who are not members to be present at this convention. Milwaukee is centrally located and can be reached easily from the North, East, South and West, hence no one has an excuse for not being in attendance. Everyone should not fail to arrange a liberal slop-over at Chicago, as there are many points of interest in and around Ciiicago that are well worthy of seeing. Milwaukee, the metropolis of Wisconsin, is a city with a population of about 400,000. In a business way, Milwaukee may be classed as an industrial city. While its jobbing interests are large, the basis of its strength is in its manufacture. It leads the country in the manufacture of machinery, household tinware, tanning, brewing, etc. Milwaukee is a beautiful city. It is located on the bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan, on Milwaukee Bay, a beautiful sheet of water bent like a curve in horseshoe form, which has often been likened to the bay of Naples. One may drive for six miles along the shore of the lake on the high bluffs, beginning at Juneau Park and ending at Whitefish Bay, one of the most beautiful drives on the American continent. The city is fringed by a belt of parks, Lake Park, on the northeast corner of the city, being one of the most beautiful. Among the other parks which are worth a visit are Lindwurm Park on the upper river; Washington Park on the west side, and Mitchell and Humboldt Parks on the south side. A spot which is alvvays of interest to visitors is HOME OF MILWAUKEE YACHT CLUB. "the National Soldiers' Home, just on the western suburbs. Here on a broad tract of five hundred acres of park land are numerous buildings in which are housed 2,500 veterans of the Civil War, where they receive every care and attention from the L^nited States Government. Band concerts are given in the afternoon during the summer, and the Soldiers' Home is well worth a visit. Secretary Roush is sending out some very interesting as well as spicy talks on "Why Every Member of the Association Should Be Present at the 1911 Convention." Don't disregard his epistles, for they bear reading and rereading. Food for thought in them all. "ROt.;SHISMS." ".\n optimist is a man who doesn't care a rap what hapIjtns, so long as it happens to tlie other fellow." "It was worth the i)rice of admission to see that 'Crowd' speeding toward first hase when Moffitt gave the Milwankee Baseball Magnate a free ticket." "The Chiilfonte was a fine place, but — Oh. Yon Regular Places." "It was probably the size ol his 'assist' that saved Dolbeer from llie mob's violence." "If you have appendicitis you don't go to a cheap surgeon to be operated on. When your business has the appendicitis, for Heaven's sake, don't go to a cheap advertising surgeon to have it operated on. Have one with brains .Tnd skill — forget the few cents you may save on his services. -In other word.=, get wise and attend the National As^ucMion of Talking Machine Jobbers' Fifth Annual Convention, and Protect your talking machine appendix." "Testimony by Rapke: 'I suffered from monkey-hydrophobia, was dragged from a state of coma by a liberal absorption of Roush Hot Air Tablets, made old Vienna on crutches, "and after twenty-four -hours of. Convention treatment— 1& sea with the -crutdies, , .and hence I became almost human." "There is a Reason for Everything, but we wonder why in Blazes they make Ginger .\le Bottles round on the end." "Round bottomed bottles are barred during the Convention." "Experience is the name everyone gives his mistakes,"