The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WOULD. 46c CONVENTION OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TALKING MACHINE JOBBERS. rence AIcGreal house and Victor programs at the Wisconsin Talking Machine Co.'s new parlors. One of the most popular exhibits in the Pfister was that of the Udell Works, Indianapolis, in charge of D. G. Williams, assisted by Mrs. Williams. Twelve styles of cabinets, including the latest product, No. 4.5-5 for the Victrola IX., in all woods and finishes were shown and admired. ?ilax Landay's exhibit of the Talking Machine Supply Co.'s needles also attracted wide interest. The Clubb song illustrator shown in the Pfister parlors by the Picture-Disc Co., .553 South Los .-\ngeles street, Los Angeles, Cal., was a center of interest, not only for the jobbers, but for hundreds of Milwaukee people and guests at the hotel. .\n automatic stopping device for talking machines was shown by the Condon Auto-Stop Co., of "25 Broad street, New York, at the convention headquarters. H. W. Condon was kept mighty l)usy explaining the little device, which retails at $3 each and is one of the most convenient adjuncts to the talking machine ever invented. It requires no skill or mechanical ability to attach the Condon Auto-Stop to any machine. The Autostop is provided with a gauge, making it universally attachable to any size machine and for any size of record. Every day a new program of enjoyment and entertainment was presented, the success of which was due to the efforts of the various committees, which follow : Monday — A. A. Trostler (chairman). H. H. Blisli, Ross P. Curtice. Tuesday— Max Strasburg (chairman). Fred H. Putnam, Geo. D. Mairs. Wednesday — Max Landay (chairman), J. N. Blackman, R. H. Morris. 'Iluir>day — George L. Michels (chairman), Frank Davisson, Wm. H. Reynalds. Max Landay, of Landay Bros, and the Talking Machine Supply Co., New York, was very much in evidence every day. Max did his little "stunt,'' as chairman of Wednesday's entertainment, very much to the satisfaction of everybody, and was one of the most popular figures at the convention. John Herzog, general manager of the Herzog Art Furniture Co., Saginav,^, Mich., was present at the convention and enjoyed meeting with the jobbers. !Miss Gertrude Gannon, the only lady jobber in the United States, graced the business session with her charming presence on Wednesday. Lawrence McGreal, the newly-elected president, certainly gave the boys a great time in ^lilwaukee. The entertainment program surpassed anything heretofore planned. Louis F. Geissler. general manager of the Victor Co., reached Milwaukee Thursday afternoon. Probably the business sessions of the next j'ear's convention v.'ill be covered in two days. It should be understood that the Talking Machine Jobbers' National Association is composed of Edison and Victor jobbers. The attendance was not as large as was anticipated, but without doubt the terrific heat had much to do with keeping some members awaj'. A number of the jobbers left Milwaukee early Thursday morning, and therefore were unable to b; present at the banquet. DORIS JOINS SHEPARD FORCES. W. H. Doris, who for the past six years has been associated with the Outlet Co., Providence, R. I., as a Victor salesman, has severed his connection and joined the forces of the Shepard Co., ot the same city. .Mr. Doris is a most successful salesman, and — Continued. has done much to introduce the Victrola and Red Seal records in his territory. HCW THE TALKING MACHINE INFLUENCES. At one of the recent Elman concerts in San Francisco, a request card from a Victor enthusiast in the audience was handed to Mr. Elman, a fac.-imi-e reproduction of which is herewith given. ELM-\N REQUEST CARD. This unique and unusual incident in connection with a recital p rformance shows the wide and remarkable influence of the Victor Victrola. The J. B. Brown Music Co., of Los Angeles, Cal., recently gave a delightful Victrola recital of select tions from the opera "Aida," which attracted large and enthusiastic audiences. .\t the recent closing exercises of the Los Angeles State Normal School, Miss Philleo, president of the graduating class, presented a Victrola to the school, which gift was accepted by Dr. Millspaugh in a very graceful speech in behalf of the school authorities. The old argument that there is no friendship in business was exploded long ago. Three-fourths of ail the business transactions are based on friendship. 7] THE HOME OF THE FAMOUS HERZOG RECORD CABINETS HERZOG ART FURNITURE CO. SAGINAW, W. S., MICH. EM!