The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1911)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 57 RECORD BULLETINS FOR JANUARY, 1912 VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. BLACK LABEL RECORDS. No. Record Title. Size. Pv Tom Naughton of the "Spring Maid" Co. 58G6 Tlie Tliree Trees 10 Louis Voigt, Soprano. 31849 Tannhauser — Dich theure Halle (Oh, Hall of Song) (German) Wagner 12 Victor Light Opera Company. 31850 Gems from "The Sultan of Sulu". . Ade-Wathall 12 Raymond Dixon, Tenor. 31837 Ave Maria (Adapted to Intermezzo from "Cav alleria Rusticana") Wealherly-Mascagni 13 16979 Oh, You Beautiful Doll (Brown-Ayer) Murray and American (Juartet 10 Honey Man (My Little Lovin' Honey Man) (McCarthy-Piantadosi) American Unartet 10 17006 Alexander's Ragtime Band (Berlin) Victor Military Band 10 Slippery Place Rag (Hacker) Victor Military Band 10 17007 For Killarney and You (Walsh-Teasdale) Reed Miller 10 If This Rose Told You All It Knows (MahoneyMorse) Raymond Dixon 10 17008 Knock Wood (Sterling-H. Von Tilzer) Jones-Murray 10 They Always Pick on Me. (Murphy-H. Von Tilzer) Ada Jones 10 17009 When Cupid Comes a-Tapping (Barrett-Leh man) Helen Clark-Walter Van Brunt 10 In the Shadows (Goctz-Finck) Helen Clark-Walter Van Brunt 10 17010 Remick Medley No. 2, with Xylophone Solo.... Victor Orchestra 10 The Jolly Blacksmith (Suckley) Arr. by T. H. Rollinson Victor Military Band 10 17011 Aunt Mandy. Darky Sketch Golden-Hughes 10 The Ghost of the Banjo Coon (O'Dea-Caldwell) Coon Song Arthur Collins 10 17012 Cuckoo Song (J. K. Emmett) Yodel Song George P. Watson 10 Papa's Baby Boy. Yodel Song G. P. Watson 10 17013 Sweet Hour of Prayer (Walford-Bradbury) .... Trinity Choir 10 In the Cross of Christ (Conkey-Bowring) Trinity Choir 10 17014 Hands Up (Lamb-Helf) Ada Jones-Billy Murray 10 He's Me Pal (Edwards) Lilian Homesley 10 17015 Southern Melodies Xylophone Wm. H. Reitz 10 Fascination Waltz Whistling Guido Gialdini 10 17016 On the Neva March (Auf der News) Victor Military Band 10 Birthday Serenade (Lincke) ...Victor Orchestra 10 17017 A Girlie Was Just Made to Love (Goodwin Meyer) Walter Van Brunt 10 The Hour That Gave Me You (DempseySchmid) Arthur Clough 10 17018 Down in Sunshine Valley (Reed-Christie) Campbell and Burr 10 Waiting Down by the Mississippi Shore (Dave Reed, Jr.) Campbell and Burr 10 17019 Wallflower Sweet, from "The Siren"* (Smith Fall) Inez Barbour-Harry y\nthony 10 The Waltz Lesson (That's the Waltz for Me) from "Tlie Kiss Waltz" ( Woodward-Ziehrer) . Inez Barbour-Harry Anthony 10 35210 Dear Heart (Blngham-Mattcl) . .Neapolitan Trio 12 Fond Memories (Silsses Sehnen) (Menzel) Neapolitan Trio 12 35211 My Jewel Waltz (Paul Lincke) Victor Dance Orchestra 12 King Radium — Two-Step (Chambers) Victor Dance Orchestra 13 PURPLE LABEL RECORDS. Christie Macdonald makes records from "The Spring Maid" 60060 Two Little Love Bees (with Relnald Werren rath) Smith-Reinhardt 10 60061 Day Dreams, Visions of Bliss (Chorus by Lyric Quartet) Smith-Reinhardt 10 TWO RECORDS BY BORIS HAMBOIIRG, 'Cellist. 60064 Paplllon (Butterfly) (Op, S, No, 4) (Piano acc. by Grace Smith) D. Popper 10 60066 Traumerei (Op. 15, No, 7) (Piano acc. by Grace Smith) Schumann 10 FOUR NEW RECORDS BY HARRY LAUDER. 70060 The Picnic(Every Laddie Loves a Lassie)Lauder 12 70061 Roamin' in the Gloamin' Lauder 12 70062 A Wee Deoch an' Doris Lauder 12 70063 Breakfast in bed on Sunday Morn Lauder 12 Victor Herbert's Orchestra. (Personally directed by Victor Herbert.) 60046 Spring Sons? Mendelssohn 10 Frank La Forge, Pianist. 60063 Souvenir ds Vienne La Forge 10 70065 Liebeslraum (.A Dream of Love) Liszt 12 Agnes Kimball, Soprano. 70064 Elijah— Hear Ye Israel Mendelssohn 12 ROBERT HILLIARD RECITES "THE LITTLEST GIRL." 70058 The Littlest Girl— Part 1 1-2 70059 The Littlest Girl— Part 11 12 Lucy Isabelle Marsh, Soprano. 00002 Amoureusc Waltz French Ferandy-Bergcr 10 POLISH RECORDS. 63567 (a) Wsrod Nocncj Ciszy (Piesn na Bozc Narod zcnie) ....Chopin Conservatory Male Ouartet 10 (b) Mazur (R. Hcnsel) ..Rvbowiak's Orchestra 10 63508 (a) Oj Ten Mazur Czvsta Bieda ( P.. 1. Z.ilow ski) Ryliowiak', Orclif,tra 10 (b) Kicdy Ranne Wstaja Zorze (Siiicw Kos cielny) ... Chopin Conservatory Male Quartet 10 63569 (a) Laleczko Ma — from "Blazeii Nadworney" (Miillcr) Rosa Kiolbassa Kwasigroch 10 (b) Polonez (Op. S7. 770 3) (K. Kurpinski).. Chopin Conservatory Mixed Quartet 10 SWEDISH RECORDS. 63560 (a) "Humoret" Kviplett (ord of August Westling) Elis Olson-Ellis 10 (b) ".\ck visste du blott" (ord of August Westling) Elis Olson-Elhs 10 G3561 (a) ",\kta dej for mej" (visa) (ord of Gustav Elis Olson-Ellis) Elis Olson-Ellis 10 (b) "Rosen i December" (ord of Ernst .\ren dorff-Elis Olson-Ellis) Elis Olson-Ellis 10 63)62 (a) "Aktenskapsfragan" (ord of Froding-Elis Olson-Ellis) Elis fllson-Ellis 10 (b) "Skogsran" (ord of Froding-Elis Olson-Ellis) Elis Olson-Ellis 10 BOHEMIAN RECORDS. 63563 (a) Zastav;niiko (Nejedly) Baritone with (Uiar tet..^^ Rcindl and Kalasovo pevecke k\'arteto in (b) Stoji bruslca — Pochad. Band with Singing Kalasovo pevecke Icvartcto se zpevcm 10 63564 (a) Chaloupky (Ilavlasa) (Male Quartet) Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto 10 (b) Hoj, vzhuru Pestry sokole, pochod Band with Singing. . Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto se zpevem 10 63565 (a) Byvalost (A. Strebl) (Male Quartet) Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto 10 (b) Marenka (polka) Band with Singing Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto se zpevem 10 63566 (a) Muzika (Lev) (Male Quartet) Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto 10 (b) Zezalicka — Pochod (Fr. Kovarika) Band with Singing. .Kalasovo pevecke kvarteto se zpevem 10 NEW RED SEAL RECORDS. Pasquale Amato. 12-inch. In Italian. 88326 Pagliacci — Prologo (Prologue) (Act I) . .Leoncavallo 88327 Carmen — Canzone del Toreador (Toreador Song) (Act II) Bizet 88328 Otello— Credo dago's Creed) (Act II) Verdi TWO RECORDS BY EDMOND CLEMENT, LYRIC TENOR. 10-inch. In French (piano accomp. by Frank La Forge). 64223 (1) Bergere Legere (2) L'adieu Matin Pessard 12-inch. In French. 74258 Manon— Le Reve (The Dream) Massenet Vladimir de Pachmann, Pianist. 10-inch. 64224 Mazurka (Op. 15, No. 2 A flat major) Chopin 12-inch. 7S260 (1) Prelude in D minor (Op. 28, No. 24) (2) Etude (Op. 10, No. 5) Chopni Alma Gluck, Soprano. l5-inch. 74251 Home, Sweet Home Payne Charles Dalmores, Tenor. 10-inch. 87 087 Samson et Dalila — Arretez, o mes freres (Pause, My Brothers) In French Saint-Saens 87088 Lohengrin — .'\thmest du nicht mit mir die siissen Diifte? (Dost Thou Breathe the Incense Sweet) (Act II, Scene II) In German Wagner Maud Powell, Violinist. 12-inch. 74259 Spanish Dance (Op. 26, No. 8) (piano accom. by Waldemar Liachowsky) Sarasate Herbert Witherspoon, Bass. 10-inch. In Italian. 64222 In Questa Tomba Obscura (In this Sepulchral Da'rkness) Beethoven Emilio de Gogorza, Baritone. 12-inch. In Italian. 88324 Ballo in Maschcra — Eri tu ? (Is It Thou ?).. Verdi Frances Alda, Soprano. 10-inch. In English. S'086 The Cuckoo, from the Song Cycle "More Daisies" Rands-Lehmann COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. 12-INCH SYMPHONY DISC RECORDS. .\5332 The Messiah — Why Do the Nations? — Handel. Baritone Solo, orch. accomp David Bispham Samson — Honor and Arms — Handel. Baritone Solo, orch. accomp David Bispham A5340 Le Prophcte— .\h, Mon Fils (Oh, My Son) — G. Meyerbeer. Contralto Solo in French, orch. accomp Rosa Olitzka Tannhauser — Frau Molda kam aus dem Berg hcrvor (Shepherd's Song — Dame Holda Stepp'd from the Mountain's Heart) — Wagner Contralto Solo in German, arch, accomp Rosa Olitzka A5341 Xerxes — Ombra mai fu (These Leafy Shades) — Handel. Largo — Handel. Contralto Solo in Italian, orch accomp Rost Olitzka La Gioconda — Voce di Donna O D'Angelo (\'olce of Angel or Mortal) — Ponchielli. Contralto Solo in Italian, orch. accomp. .Rosa Olitzka 10-INCH DOUBLE-DISC BLUE-LABEL RECORDS. A1081 Thou'rt Like Unto 8 Lovely Flower — Wilson G. Smith. Baritone Solo, orch. accomp Claude Cunningham Come L'Amore — Tirindelli. Baritone Solo in Italian, orch. accomp Claude Cunningham A1082 Still, Still with Thee— Garrish Chicago Methodist Preachers' Quartet Remember Me, 0 Mighty One — J. Kinkle Chicago Methodist Preachers' Quartet A1083 Oh, Mr. Dream Man, Please Let Me Dream Some More — J. V. Monaco. Contralto Solo, orch. accomp Dolly Connolly (Mrs. Percy Wenrich) I've Got Feathers on My Head^ — Percy Wenrich. Contralto Solo, orch. accomp Dolly Connolly (Mrs. Percy Wenrich) A1090 Where Love Is King — Jos. S. Nathan. Soprano and Tenor Duet, orch. accomp Beulah Gaylord Young and Chas. W. Harrison If All My Dreams Were Made of Gold, I'd Buy the World for You — Geo. Christie. Teror Duet, orch. -accomp Irving Gillette and Albert Campbell A1091 Whispering Hope — Alice Hawthorne. Soprano and Alto Duet, orch. accomp Beulah Gaylord Young and Clara Moister Dear Heart — Tito Mattel. Soprano Solo, orch. accomp Grace Kerns 12-INCH DOUBLE-DISC BLUE LABEL RECORDS. A5331 Aida— O Terra Addio (Farewell, O Earth) — Verdi. Soprano and Tenor Duet, with chorus in Italian, orch. accomp Luisa Villani, Carlo Cartica and Chorus Aida — Selections — Verdi. Prince's Orchestra A5338 Sanctus — Gounod. Tenor Solo with Mixed Quartet in Latin, orch. accomp C. W. Harrison and Columbia Mixed Quartet The Daughter of Jairus — Love Divine, All^ Love Excelling. Soprano and Tenor duet, orch. accomp. . Beulah G. Y'oung and Chas. W. Harrison A5339 Chimes of Normandy — Vocal Gems — Planquette. Operatic Selections, orch. accomp Columbia Light Opera Company Chimes of Normandy — With Joy, My Heart, (Valse Rondo) — Planquette. Baritone Solo, orch. accomp -Andrea Sarto 10-INCH DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS. A1079 Bootblack March (Stiefelputzermarsch) — Ehr lich. Whistling Solo, orch. accomp Guido Gialdini Fascination Waltz — Marchetti. Whistling Solo, orch. accomp Guido Gialdini .A1080 Hunter's March — E. B. Holmes Prince's Band The Last Stand— March— W. H. Myddleton Prince's Military Band A1084 Chanson D'Amour — (Love Song) — Saar. Violin Solo with String Quintette Accomp. . .George Stehl Trio in C — L. Von Beethoven. Instrumental Trio; Flute, Clarinet and Bassoon Marshall Lufsky, Thomas Hughes and Geo. Gill A1085 The 11:69 Express — Wm. S. Robinson. Musical Monologue, orch. accomp Fred Duprez Darktown Poets — Golden and Hughes. Comedy Vaudeville Billy Golden and Joe Hughes A1086 That Mysterious Rag — Berlin and Snyder. Baritone and Tenor Duet, orch. accomp Arthur Collins and Albert Campbell When Sunday Rolls Around — Weslyn and Arndt. Soprano and Tenor Duet, orch. accomp. Ada Jones and Walter Van Brunt A1087 The Harbor of Love — Charlotte Blake. Counter Tenor and Baritone Duet. orch. accomp Frank Coombs and William H. Thompson The Hour That Gave Me You — Johann C. Schmid. Counter-Tenor and Baritone Duet, orch. accomp Frank Coombs and William H. Thompson A10S8 Ringing the Old Year Out— L. Currie. Descriptive Selection Prince's Orchestra Snow Time— Felix Arndt. Vocal Quartet, Male Voices, orch. accomp Columbia Quartet A10S9 I'll Meet You When the Sun Goes Down — Percy Wenrich. Vocal Quartet, Male Voices, orch. accomp Columbia Quartet Bless Your Ever Loving Little Heart — Henry Marshall. Tenor Solo, orch. accomp. .. Henry Burr 12-INCH DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS. A5S30 Irish Love Song — Margaret Ruthven Lang. Soprano Solo, orch. accomp Anne Grant Fugitt Life's Lullaby — Gerald Lane. Soprano Solo, orch. accomp Anna Grant Fugitt A5SS3 The Siren— Waltzes — Leo Fall.. .Prince's Orchestra The Kiss Waltz— Kiss Waltz— C. M. Ziehrer. Prince's Orchestra A53S7 Tannhauser Overture Part I (Andante Maestoso)— Wagner Prince's Orchestra Tannhauser Overture Part 11 (Allegro) — Wagner Prince's Orchestra (Continued on page 58.) .\'o. 401. Mahogany or Oak. Any \^ictor Finish. PRICES REDUCED ON UDELLTABLE CABINETS because of the enormous demand. A Udell Table Cabinet is a very attractive piece of furniture and with the Victrola on top makes a very handsome appearance. No. 410. Patterns 401 and 407 have a top Golden Oak. Wax Finish. t^gt ^jH fgl^g qq^q gf any ViCtrola from IV to XI. Style 4 1 0 is of Knocked Down Construction and for Victrolas IV, VI and VIII. The Record Boxes which we furnish if desired hold Ten 10 or 12-inch Disc Records. We can put 9 Boxes in either 401 or 407 and 7 Boxes in 410. Beautiful photographs of Table Cabinets together with a New Booklet of Udell Leaders mailed on request. Your usual Victor discounts apply. ADDRESS The Udell Works Indianap olis, Indiana Catalog Department No. 407. — Mahogany or Oak. Any Victor Finish. Record Box.