The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1913)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 63 VALUE OF WINDOW DISPLAYS Illustrated In the Success Being Achieved by the Wiley B. Allen Co.'s Talking Machine Department in San Diego, Cal. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) San Diego, Cal., July 5. — The talking machine department of the local store of the Wiley II. Allen Co., which is under the management of 11. V. Harris, has heen devoting considerable attention lately to window displays and has produced herewith. It gives an idea of the completeness of the display, being a very complete home scene in which the Victor Victrola and piano plays a prominent part. Following this window Manager Harris arranged a camping scene which is very excellently arranged, and which is attracting even more attention than the window of which an illustration appears herewith. This kind of work emphasizes the goahe;.dedness of the people connected with the local Wiley 11. Allen Co.'s Clever Window Display Showing Victrola in Home Environment. Allen store. They are not merely depending upon the excellent line of products which they represent, but are presenting it to the public in a manner to invite consideration and attention. Wiley B some very striking and novel effects, which have caused considerable comment and praise from buyers and merchants in all lines of business. A picture of one of its latest windows appears THE WINDOW AS A SALES FACTOR. Its Power of Appeal Set Forth in Interesting Talk that Supplements the Article that Heads This Page of The World. The power of appeal in the show window was the subject of a very interesting talk recently in the Edison Phonograph Monthly which is of general application and along the lines of previous remarks in these columns. It reads, in part : "To 'fill' a show window aimlessly without a thought of making it different from previous efforts is a vital mistake. Leaving it empty for a space of time would be no more detrimental. Using the same thing over and over again does not attract attention. Without the power of attraction a show window is without value. BUILT OF HEAVY STRONG WIRE, PLATED AND LACQUERED. WRITE lor 20-page catalog giving details and inlormation on the best way of keeping your records. The Syracuse Wire Works SYRACUSE, NEW YORK "Now, what is an attraction? Experts cannot agree on but one point, viz. : That any attraction becomes commonplace in a short space of time. New ideas must be installed at frequent intervals. Many of them may not make a decided 'hit' ; but, taken as a whole, they display enterprise and progressiveness, and the public soon forms a habit of looking for the change. "Direct, quick sales are more often influenced by the quotation of price arguments on the actual necessities of life. To influence sales of lines not absolute necessities, through the medium of the show window requires a persistent well-directed campaign. One thought transferred to the observer this week, another next, and a persistence that almost says 'I am after you,' will eventually create a desire to add a luxury to the household expenditure. "Now, to the point : You as a merchant have not made a study of window display. Your time is occupied by the many details of your store management. Rarely do you 'trim' your show window. You 'fill' it as best you can without proper thought of obtaining varied and original effects. "You would not hesitate to pay a commission of $25 a year to a salesman who would increase your gross sales 20 per cent., would you? Propel window display, real thoughtful trimming, will do more than this. Not in one day or a week, but in the course of a year's business it cannot fail. "We plan window displays for you — modern displays with features that attract; displays that tell some, little feature of the pleasure of a phonograph and keep on telling these persistently through neatly worded designs. The public reads : Some will remember these terse selling arguments — some will purchase. Whether you interest the uninterested and secure more business remains with you. "Use Edison displays and you have something different, something planned to lead an observer to purchase now or eventually. The sign painter is your best friend — make use of him. His bills are not an expense — they are an aid to you. Talk to those who never enter your store through neatly made show cards containing good, sensible, clever reading matter." Never use verbal salesmanship if printed salesmanship will do the work. It is too expensive. Salesmen should be closers — not missionaries. Missionary work can be done effectively by the proper sort of printed salesmanship. No side tracks to our line The minute we get an order we start in to Till it and send it right on its way. Never any hold-overs or delays of any kind No side-tracking because we are out of this or that — we have on hand whatever you want, and at the word from you it starts for its destination. All goods shipped the same day the orders are received. That's our way of doing things — the direct route to you — and every shipment always leaves here on schedule time. If you need anything in Victors, Victrolas, Victor Records, record cabinets, horns, fibre cases, needles, repair parts, and other accessories, just pass the word along and we'll send it to you without the least delay. To get a line on us, write to-day for our catalog and booklet, "The Cabinet That Matches." Victor Foreign Records "If it's in the Victor catalog, we have it," applies to foreign records as well as all other Victor goods. We have the entire Victor list ready for immediate delivery : Arabian Bohemian Chinese Croatian Cuban Danish Finnish French French Canadian German Greek Gregorian (Latin) Hawaiian Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Jewish Mexican Neapolitan Norwegian Polish Portuguese Roumanian Russian Sistine Choir (Latin) Slovak Spanish Turkish Welsh New York Talking Machine Co. Successors to Victor Distributing and Export Co. 81 Chambers Street New York