The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1913)

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THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of TalKing MacHines in America SANGER BROTHERS Dallas, Texas VICTOR Distributers "We ship the same day." Edison Phonograph Distributors for the SOUTHWEST All Foreign Records in Stock Houston Phonograph Co., H?g£I?N NEW ENGLAND JOBBING HEADQUARTERS EDISON AND VICTOR Msxchlnasj. R»corda et-rvd Supplies. THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. 177 Street BOSTON. MASS. PACIFIC COAST WK? Victor Talking Machines records STEINWAY PIANOS-LYON & HEALY "OWN MAKE" BAND INSTRUMENTS San Francisco Portland Las Angeles Sherman, Clay & Co. oauSnf You should get this sample package of Puritone Needles sent free Puritone Needles should pay you a good profit. It costs nothing to sell them because you have your organization. To help you we will print special envelopes with your name and business ; every envelope gives you profits and free advertising. You will be advertised, too, by the satisfaction-qualities of the needles; owners of machines will regard yours as the best needle store ; this will build your business. Get this sample package, telling us who's your jobber, and find out the goodness of Puritone Needles, built of experience, material and brains. JOHN M. DEAN PUTNAM, CONN. —ft— Where Dealers May Secure COLUMBIA Product Ready, Full Stocks, and Prompt Deliveries from Convenient Shipping Centers all over the United States. Distributors Atlanta, <;.•«.. Columbia Graphophone Co., 132 Peachtree St. Baltimore, Md., Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 305 307 North Howard St. Birmingham, Ala., Columbia Graphopbone Co.. 1818 Third Ave. Boston, Mass.. Columbia Graphophone Co., 171 • Tremont St. Buffalo, N. Y., Columbia Grapbophone Co., 622 Main St. Chicago, 111., Columbia Graphophone Co., 101 N. Wabash Ave. Cincinnati, O.. Columbia Graphophone Co., 117 119 W. Fourth St. Cleveland, O., Columbia Graphophone Co., 913 Euclid Ave. Dallas, Tex., Columbia Graphophone Co., 1403 Main St. Denver, Colo., Colombia Stores Co., 505-507 Sixteenth St. Detroit, Mien., Column:* Graphophone Co., 114 Broadway. Hartford, Conn., Columbia Graphophone Co., 719 Main St. Indianapolis, Ind., Colun bia Graphophone Co., 27 N. Pennsylvania St. Kansas City, Mo., Columl ia Graphophone Co., 1112 Grand Ave. Livingston, Mont., Scheuui r Drug Co. Cos Angeles, Cal., Columtia Graphopbone Co., 420-422 S. Broadway. Louisville, Ky., Baldwin's Music Store, 425 South Fourth St. Milwaukee, Wis., Albert G. Kunde, 516 Grand Ave. Minneapolis, Minn., Columbia Grapbophone Co., 424 Nicollet Ave. New Haven, Conn., Columbia Graphophone Co., 25 Church St. New Orleans, La., Columbia Graphophone Co., 933 Canal St. New York City, Columbia Graphophone Co., 89 Chambers St.; Columbia Graphophone Co., 35-37 W. 23d St.; Columbia Graphophone Co., 39 W. 125th St.; (Brooklyn) Columbia Graphophone Co., 1372 Broadway. Omaha, Neor., Columbia Graphophone Co., 1311 Farnam St. Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania Talking Mach. Co., 1109 Chestnut St. Pittsburgh, Pa., Columbia Graphophone Co., 101 Sixth St. Portland, Me., Columbia Graphophone Co., 550 Congress St. Portland, Ore., Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 371 Washington St. ; Eilers Music House. Providence, R. I., Columbia Graphophone Co., 119 Westminster St. Rochester, N. Y., Columbia Graphophone Co., 38 South Ave. Sacramento, Cal., Kirk, Geary & Co. Salt Lake City, Utah, Daynes-Beebe Music Co., 45 Alain St. Sai. Francisco, Cal., Columbia Graphophone Co.. .".34 Sutter St Seattle, Wash., Columbia Graphophone Co., 1311 First Ave.; Eilers Music House, 3d and Unlversitv Sts. ' Spokane, Wash., Columbia Graphophone Co., 818 Spraguo Ave. _ Springfield, Mass.. Columbia Graphophone Co., 208 Worthington St. St. Louis. Mo., Columbia Graphopbone Co., 100S Olive St. St. Paul. Minn., Columbia Graphophone Co., 20 E. Seventh St. Torre Haute, Ind.. 23 N. 6th St. Toledo, O.. Columbia Graphopbone Co., 229 Superior St. Washington. D. C. Columbia Graphophone Co., 1210 6 St., N. W. Wilmington, Del., Columbia Graphophone Co., 010 Market St. DEALERS WANTED— Exclusive selling rights given where we are not actively represented. Write for particulars to the Columbia Graphophone Co., Wholesale Department, Woolworth Building. New York. Headquarters for Canailn Columbia Graphophone Co., McKinnon Building, Toronto, Out. Every Jobber in this country should be represented in this department. The cost is slight and the advantage is great. Be sure and have your card in the August List. INC VICTOR JOBBERS Exclusively What you want always in stock 400 Fifth Avenue , 27 W. 34th Street I -I VI 563 Fifth Avenue ( NeW YOPK 153 W. 42d Street 1856 TZEB 1913 VICTOR DISTRIBUTERS VICTORS EXCLUSIVELY We make a specialty of getting the order out on time — every time. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. CINCINNATI and CHICAGO Two points of supply; order from the nearer. CHASE & WEST °™s IOWA Machines mMj^£^M Everything Records H 1 I* | ft | in stock ail Cabinets ™ ■ W 1 V ■ the tine. WHOLESALE TO IOWA TRADE Send us your name and address and we will mail you postpaid complete illustrated catalogues, giving detailed information concerning all Victor products. Showing the various styles ol Victor Machines, list ol all Victor Records, the entire line ol Victor Cabinets, Repair Parts and all Accessories. Dealers, let us help you build a Victor business. PERRY B. WHITSIT L. M. WELLER PERKY B. WHITSIT CO., 213 South High Street, Columbus, Oblo. Ed I Phono and R e"phm JQRRFRS Wl0M°»oMn.slne • oords UUUULIIU and Rtoordi OLIVER D I T S O N COMPANY BOSTON Largest VICTOR Talking Machine Distributor* East of Chicago. Creators of "The Fastest Victor Service." Let us tell foQ more about our service. I W. J. DYER & BRO. Saint Paul,lMinn. VICTOR & EDISON Distributers Quick Service for all points in the Northwest. Machines, Records, Supplies. VICTOR DEALERS TRY US FIRST We carry the Lareest Stock of VICTROLAS. REC ORDS and CABINETS of any Distributor in the South. THE CORLEY COMPANY, Richmond, Va.